The belly is full.

Elsa touched her belly and thought of a loli companion.

"Master, in this battle against the white whale, will you also take the three demon beast-level monsters into the dungeon? I want to see Meili. I wonder if she is doing well now?"

"Sure." Nangong agreed happily.

Elsa said softly: "Thank you, Master. In the future, I will hide in the dark like a vampire bat. As long as the master needs it, I will pop up anytime and anywhere to help you solve... all problems."

Nangong thought to himself: You are a vampire, but you are sucking something else, right?


At this time, a roar came from the sky.

"What sound?!"

Everyone came to the outside of the tent and looked up at the night sky.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and a bright moon was rising from the top of the big tree in Frugel.

"The moon in the other world seems to be rounder than the earth." Natsuki Subaru murmured.

The moon as big as a disk was covered with a shadow. Looking closely, it was a whale swimming in the sky. It opened its scarlet eyes, and its bloody mouth was full of terrifying fangs.

The strange existence in front of him was completely unlike the normal creatures on this planet. A shadow cast in the sky brought unspeakable fear.

"White Whale, it appears!"

Crusch drew his sword and shouted: "Everyone prepare for battle!"

"The next is my battle." Priscilla was interested.

Anastasia said: "No, it's our war."

"The King's battle has not yet been decided." Crusch was ignited with fighting spirit, "Let's see who is stronger and which family kills the white whale first!"


A group of young ladies are competing.

Emilia looked at the white whale and recalled that the venom of the black snake had been left in the El Forest.

Starting from the witch's pet, the time for revenge... has come!

The first to act was not Captain Ricardo of [Iron Fang], but Crusch's butler - [Sword Ghost], Wilhelm van Astraea.

The old man with the surname of [Sword Saint] finally drew his sword.


Wilhelm rushed out first, and what appeared in front of him was a touch of red hair in his memory. The opportunity to avenge his deceased wife was right in front of him.

The blood was boiling.


Seeing the white whale hit the ground heavily, the white-haired old man rushed away at a speed beyond ordinary people, and at the same time swung the Western sword in his hand.

The moment it pierced deeply into the whale's skin, blood gushed out.


At this moment, the nameless man turned into a fierce ghost in the sword. His face was as gloomy as water, and he clenched the sword in his hand with white gloves and ran along the body of the white whale. A little cold light flashed, and several sword lights ripped open the huge white whale and dismembered it instantly.


This bloody scene interprets the violent aesthetics of "sword".

"It's worthy of being a sword ghost, such a fast sword!"

Nangong Xuan was not in a hurry to take action, and admired the famous scene of the second dimension. Out of respect, let this man realize his long-cherished wish first.

Tonight, Wilhelm joins the hunt!

Chapter 288 Witch's Hand, Conquer the White Whale

"We won!"

The Lugnica King's Coalition burst into a thunderous cheer.

Many people were surprised that the old butler who never showed off beside Crusch was actually a hidden master. There is no doubt that he is a sword master!

"No, it's not that simple."

The white-haired old man's face was stained red with blood. His square face showed determination. The flame of hatred danced in his pupils, as if it would never go out.

If the strongest of the three magical beasts, the White Whale, was so easily destroyed, Theresa would not have died that year.

"White Whale, split?"

In full view of the crowd, the dismembered huge whale became two, exactly the same. They felt severe pain and were completely enraged.

"Oh oh!"

Two white whales swam at high speed in the air, spewing out thick fog.

"Be careful!"

"Is this fog... poisonous?"

Kuroshuu turned his head and saw a touch of emerald in the eyes of the black-haired young man.

Unfortunately, the information was very limited.

"No, there are two kinds of fog." Nangong said slowly, "Ordinary fog is used to block vision, but I have [Smog Protection]. Its fog is ineffective against me. The other is [Disappearing Fog]. As long as you touch it, your existence will be wiped out, disappearing from this world, and even all memories about a person will be wiped out."

What? !

Kuroshuu turned his head and saw a touch of emerald in the eyes of the black-haired young man. The incredible magic eye can see through the true ability of even the monsters that have never been seen.

"So that's why there are so few eyewitness reports. This explains it." Anna bit her finger, "It seems that the total number of humans killed by it in four hundred years is far more than imagined."

What is more terrible than death is oblivion.

Wilhelm's heart sank.

At this time, the two white whales were shrouded in fog and had begun their hunt. At a glance, the coalition forces were all broken up.


Natsuki Subaru clenched the wooden sword and slumped to the ground. In the pitch-black fog, the whale's huge pupils and fangs flashed by, which was creepy.

This is the monster from another world, a monster that eats people without spitting out bones!

I actually thought that the time traveler could easily kill the monster and become famous. I am so naive...

"Oh oh oh!"

At the critical moment, the loyal mother dragon rushed out, grabbed him in one bite, and tried to rush out of the white fog.

"Patrashu!" Caiyue was moved to tears, "To save my useless master..."

"Mr. Subaru!"

The merchant Otto saw that the situation was not good and had already slipped away. He stood at the edge of the fog, calling his companion's name, and suddenly showed a dull expression.

"...Who is it?"

Ram and Rem suddenly opened their eyes and were about to fall.

"No! All creatures with wavelengths that can match were eaten by that monster..."

Even [Clairvoyance] could not capture the white whale in the fog.

At this time, Emilia recalled a scene from her childhood. Nangong Xuan played with her in the snow gently like a father.

"Dad, why is it snowing?"

The black-haired young man at that time smiled and said something that the child could not understand.

"Because the temperature is below zero, water condenses into ice. Above 100 degrees, hot water will boil and vaporize. Solid, liquid and gas are the three phases of water."

It's beyond the scope.

Nangong touched the little head of the silver-haired loli and said, "One day, little Liya's [Ice Flower] will bloom."

To this day, the accumulated scientific knowledge has helped the magic practice in the other world. After all, the essence of fire magic and ice magic is temperature change.

"Mist is a small droplet in the air, which means it can be evaporated or condensed..."

Emilia's eyes gradually brightened.

"I understand, Liya!"

Parker accompanied the silver-haired girl. They raised their hands at the same time and urged Mana. With almost infinite magic power, they released a sky full of cold air.


White mist, frozen into ice.


Within a range of thousands of meters, the mist settled and the ground froze. The two white whales lost their cover and finally showed their bodies. The gradually heavy body was bleeding, blooming with ice flowers, accompanied by a painful roar like a beast.


This scene was actually a bit sad and beautiful.

"Sorry, whale." The silver-haired girl whispered, "You who love to eat people are not our partners."

"As expected of Lady Emilia. Ram also wants to blow away the fog. Then, use my wind to send them on their way!"

When she opened her eyes again, the red-haired girl showed a bloodthirsty look. A dazzling ghost horn emerged from her forehead, and she turned into the Queen of Storms, sensing the energy contained in the atmosphere.

This time, there is no need to worry about the destructive power being too strong and hurting the people around her.

The blue-haired girl also showed her ghost horn and said, "Sister, take Rem with you."

"Okay, lend me Rem's ghost energy!"

The ghost sisters held hands and smiled lightly. They gently touched their foreheads and touched each other's ghost horns, which instantly triggered a raging black wind.


Pitch-black storm!

Nangong Xuan admired the heroic fighting posture of Ram and Rem.

This is their exciting combination skill. [Revenge Princess] and [Micro Wind] combined together become an enhanced version of Ai Si.

White whales, which exist in the form of atmospheric creatures, are very sensitive to changes in airflow. When the storm of the ghost twins penetrated the sky and the earth, they could no longer maintain their swimming posture and were swept by the airflow and hit the ground heavily.


The two white whales were like an aircraft carrier that had anchored, and like a cruise ship that hit an iceberg.

Nangong Xuan had no doubt that these two combinations - mother and daughter and sisters - had the ability to kill white whales alone. Unless it was a first kill, it would only be a matter of time before they could control the white whales.

What was even more shocking was the vigorous vitality of the white whales. They roared unwillingly like prehistoric beasts.


"Al Veil!"

Beatrice launched the Al-level Yin magic. This move can even affect space, allowing the enemy to be swallowed by the dark dimension.

But the white whale's eyes were only sealed, and its strong body remained motionless.

"Has the power of magic been weakened?"

The three elf sisters all noticed something unusual.

Nangong opened the [Emerald Eye] and said, "Its white fur can greatly weaken magic damage..."

The white fur controller can't control this thing.

"Yang Sword!"

Priscilla led Dona Fox and launched a slash as hot as the sun.

If this battle drags on for too long, the rent owed to Anna may become an astronomical figure.

"One hundred people and one sword!"

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