"I can't kill the white whale after all. I'm not as skilled as others, so don't blame others." Wilhelm looked at the black-haired young man, "Lord Nangong, can you put me in this maze to accompany my deceased wife in her burial?"

A maze to the death!

Even if I can't kill the white whale, I'd rather be a gravekeeper and die alone.

"Sorry, no."

After Nangong finished speaking, the huge maze slowly sank into the earth, leaving only a part of the building on the ground. Its entrance seemed to lead to the abyss and was closed forever.

"In this world, the white whale will no longer exist." Nangong said lightly, "You have also avenged your hatred."

In the night, Wilhelm stood for a long time, speechless.

Later, the destroyed Frugel tree grew new branches again, and a strange building appeared under the shade of the tree. There is a story in the world about the dragon priestesses burying the monster - "The Tears of the Whale".

No one knows that a black-haired beauty was sent into the dungeon by Nangong Xuan's [Space Teleport]. She groped in the darkness, not knowing how many floors she had walked down, and suddenly the view in front of her was clear.

In a natural world of a crystal maze, a severely injured white whale lay in the forest, dying.

"It's okay, the most gentle 'mother' is healing your injuries."

The young Loli stood in front of the white whale and gently stroked its eyelids.

"Merry has seen another child. Would you like to be friends with me?"

The white whale's eyes suddenly opened. With tears blurring her vision, the figure in front of her overlapped with the image of Loli in her memory.

At that time, the little witch didn't wear an eye patch. She looked down at the little whale and couldn't stop drooling.

"I want to eat it! But no, you have to hold back. When you grow up a little bit, you can feed more people. If you release it on the seashore, it will not die no matter how much meat is cut off... That's right, you were born to be eaten."

"But it's not so easy for people to succeed. You can also eat the bad guys who hurt you."

"Daphne, you must have saved the world, right?"

Time goes back to the present.

[Intestine Hunter] Elsa looked at the warm scene, not knowing what she felt in her heart.

They can never leave this maze again. But, it seems that they don't care at all. It's good to let the two children escape from the clutches of the "evil" mother.

"Merry, how have you been recently?"

"Sister Elsa?" Merry was overjoyed, "Here, I have made many new friends."

The girl with braids stood in the middle of a group of well-behaved monsters, opened her arms, and turned around happily several times.

"I love being in there, just like being home. By the way, there is a lake in the dungeon. Little whale, do you want to go swimming?"

The wounded white whale can no longer swim in the air, but it still drags its heavy body and moves slowly, following a loli who looks like a mother to the "sea" in its memory.

Late at night, Nangong's tent was visited by Crusch.

"It's time to rest after washing up. What's the matter?" Nangong asked in confusion.

Crouch said seriously: "I came here specially to express my gratitude. Wilhelm couldn't accept it for a while, but Axuan helped our Karsten family to capture the long-cherished goal. I owe you another favor."

Winner takes all.

Since the white whale is already Axuan's trophy, there is absolutely no possibility of asking him to be executed. In Crusch's view, it all depends on the good brother.

"Then pledge yourself to me." Nangong made a joke.

"I don't admit that I'm a girl, Xuan!" said Crusch angrily.

"Master, the hot water is ready."

At this time, Ram and Rem came in with a huge bathtub.

The magic-reinforced wooden barrel was filled with boiling hot water, weighing at least several tons. The demonized loli sisters have amazing strength.

"Lady Emilia and Lady Firut have bathed in it." Ram said calmly, "This will satisfy the master's perverted delusion, right?"

Rem echoed, "It's a way for a family to communicate their feelings."

The second dimension calls this "sister juice".

Nangong hurriedly said, "Crush, listen to my explanation!"

Unexpectedly, Crusch nodded and said, "We need to save water during the march. It's already a special care to let the young lady take a hot bath."

Priscilla and Anastasia are the most "pretentious" and have been clamoring for a bath. Water used in the wild depends on the water magic cast by the [Blue] magician Felice to draw from nature.

The cat girl was exhausted to death this night.

"You are open-minded." Nangong breathed a sigh of relief, "You are also sweating, right? There is blood on your body, don't you want to wash it?"

Crouch hesitated and said, "Then let's go together. Yes, right! As the commander-in-chief, you should set an example to save water."


Nangong Xuan was stunned.

The night is seductive.


With the help of Ram and Rem, Cruouch took off his armor and undressed. When she untied the white hairband, her long dark green hair fell on her bare back.

After washing the body outside, you can squeeze into the bathtub to take a bath together.

Nangong Xuan came back to his senses and was also stripped naked by the maid. He was facing Miss Cruouch and looked at each other.


The two subconsciously turned around and pressed back to back, and the maid sisters helped them take a shower, one on each side.

Cruxiu tried to find a topic and said, "Have I ruined your good deeds? Does A-Xuan have such cute twin maids to take care of him when he takes a bath at home? That's great. But you can't turn into a decadent noble master."

"Yes, my master is so dissolute and unscrupulous." Ram said with a venomous tongue.

Nangong said angrily: "Don't arrange it in front of me!"

"My sister and Rem must do sexy things, otherwise they won't get up." Rem agreed, "It's very hard to get up every morning."

Crusch smiled and said, "Is this a joke?"

"No, it's true." Nangong said honestly.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Crusch blushed greatly.

I heard that boys have a harder time. Ah Xuan is a full-blooded man, which is not surprising.

"Ah, the soap fell. Crusch, pick it up for me."


Crusch bent down defenselessly. Nangong Xuan glanced out of the corner of his eye and quickly closed his eyes.

The innocent young lady doesn’t know that I just “backstabbed” Sister Chang. If I had known that boys would be raped too...

At this moment, Kurxiu bit his lip, feeling complicated.

Unknowingly, it became a trustworthy relationship. However, this intimate battle gradually turned sour.


Cruxiu suddenly turned around and forced Nangong to look directly at her delicate body.

"Why doesn't Ah Xuan look at me? He is obviously a rough guy..."

Nangong said helplessly: "No matter what your soul is like, your body is still that of a girl."

There is no political correctness in the other world, nor is there any talk about sexual minorities.

"Yes, that's right. Because we are good brothers, so it doesn't matter." Kurxiu was flustered.

Nangong said seriously: "When will you realize that you are also a cute girl?"

You conquer White Whale, I just want to conquer you.


Kurxiu blushed. When she felt the hot gaze of the man in front of her, she subconsciously wanted to escape. The girl's spirit of chivalry forced her to hold her head high.

You can’t be a deserter!

"I'll prove it to you."

Nangong Xuan held up Kurxiu's pretty face and banged it like a domineering CEO. The beauty, who had lost her men's clothing, fell into the bathtub.


Water splashed everywhere and there was nowhere to escape.

The warm breath hit his face, tickling him.

"I don't want to treat you as a man anymore, so I will only use female addresses. Since we are sisters who have never been in love, can you experience the feeling of kissing with me?" The corners of Nangong's mouth turned up.

"They are good brothers!" Curxiu said unconvinced, "It would be too pitiful to keep the first kiss forever. So, it doesn't matter if we practice together."


Nangong Xuan lowered his head and forcefully kissed the green-haired eldest lady.


Would an average good friend do this?

After a long time, the lips parted.

Crusch felt as if he was drunk, dizzy. He must have fainted from the heat of the water vapor.

Nangong Wanwei said: "Do good sisters also caress each other's bodies?"

In the world, this is called Lily.

"No, that's right!"

Cruxiu was still speaking harshly, but was softened by Nangong's kiss the next second. No matter how frivolous this man is, she won't resist, and she even takes the initiative to cater to him.

His manly heart... seems to be broken.

Nangong said leisurely: "Miss Curxiu is really good at holding a sword."

Deep down in her heart, the girl has always longed for a man, and has fantasized about the beloved sword she dreams of countless times.

Brothers share good things with each other, so... let's satisfy him like a maid.

Curxiu lifted the hair beside his ears, bit his lip and said, "Do you want to practice sword practice tonight?"

The twin sisters on the side sang together.

"Sister, sister, are we redundant?"

"Remrem, of course you have to join in."

In the dead of night, Kurxiu put on the [restored] clothes and almost escaped from Nangong's tent with his full breastplate in his arms.

She didn't even realize that she was using a little girl's running posture. A girl's heart has long been bumpy.

"Sisters, why don't you sleep together?" A man's voice was vaguely heard.

"No need!"


Phyllis had just arranged bath water for the entire army when she saw her eldest daughter escaping from a man's "room", which was very suspicious.

Cruxiu's face was flushed, and he was dripping with sweat after just taking a shower. He didn't notice the Cat Lady's gaze at all. Phyllis had no choice but to put down her hand that she stretched out far away.

"What's going on? Lord Crusch seems to have been moisturized by something, and his hair looks beautiful."

Natsuki Subaru sympathized: "The green has transferred to your head."

Phyllis turned around, showing confusion.

"Who are you?"

The black-haired boy stood stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Why was he forgotten by the cute cat girl from another world? !

It turned out that the person who suffered was myself.

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