Mikoto muttered to herself: Hum, the girl next to me has changed again. She is so young, maybe she is just a sister...

"Hey, let's go look at clothes after we finish eating?" Saten suggested.

She didn't know she had passed by the legendary man.

At this time, Tsukie Komeng was carrying a branded handbag, which was the "money bag" that Nangong brought back last time. Misaka sister kept it very well and left it with the Quata doll.

Every night, sisters with different numbers would stay at Komeng's house and sleep with the doll. If the number of sisters exceeds two, it will become a battle to grab the Quata doll.

"This is the first time that the teacher uses this brand."

Nangong said: "It's second-hand and not worth much."

"Even so, the teacher likes it very much." Komeng smiled brightly, "Because it's a gift for a good child."

This smile made Nangong a little ashamed.

A bag from Tokiwadai can make her happy, where can I find such a simple girl? If it weren't for the loli's strange disease, she should have been the best candidate for a girlfriend.

Xiao Meng frowned again and said, "But, Nangong, don't try to fool me. Why did you pick up three more sisters from Misaka? How many twins are there?"

Not many, just over 10,000.

If a certain [A Certain Railgun] knew, he would definitely doubt his mother's amazing fertility. Fortunately, Xiao Meng didn't run into Misaka in the restaurant, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it.

The wonderful magic replenishment has spread on the Misaka network, and the sisters are eyeing the original body crystal, hoping to improve their abilities to the level of their elder sister.

It's okay to resist the straight balls of the strippers during the day. This night, Nangong Xuan really worked hard to protect his chastity - and moral integrity.

They are still too young.

If I really did something, it would be a live broadcast to more than 10,000 sisters, which always feels weird. Besides, once I attack Misaka's clone, I will never be able to face her again.

Seventh Mist, named after the number of the school district, is a large shopping mall.

Nangong remembered that the last void explosion happened here. The foursome of the Grand Cannon appeared again, maybe today.

Let's hurry up and buy clothes before the mall closes.

Nangong said, "Xiao Meng, try this dress?"

"Kawaii... but it's totally children's clothing! Are you going to watch the teacher change clothes? Really, Nangong, get out, let me see for myself!"

The shy Xiao Meng teacher pushed him away.

At the same time, Misaka Mikoto stopped in front of a childish printed pajamas, almost turning into starry eyes. For a time, people suspected that it was a queen's ability that broke through the electromagnetic barrier.

"Everyone come and take a look, this is so cute..."

Mikoto was about to greet her, but Saten said excitedly, "Uchiharu, take a look at this. No one wears childish styles like this anymore, right?"

Uchiharu couldn't help laughing: "Although I wore this when I was a primary school student, it's a bit..."

The brown-haired girl was petrified.

"That's right... you're already a middle school student, how can you wear this?"

"Then let me see the mature style of junior high school students... Hatsuharu~"

Saten Ruiko showed a sly smile, and then lifted the skirt of the lei girl. She was still wearing a blue and white sailor suit outside the school, and the swaying skirt floated to the same height as the lei, making people yearn for the panties that matched it.

"Ah, today is blue and white stripes..."

The two girls were playing around, and they looked up and met Nangong's eyes.


This time, the pink-haired lolita head was not blurred.

The cute blue and white bowl and a pair of snow-white chopsticks - Hatsuharu's short legs, still remain in Nangong's mind.

Good girlfriend.

Is your Excellency the skirt-lifting demon in the urban legend?

When he tried to ease the awkward atmosphere, he could only choke out a sentence: "Thank you for the hospitality."

Being, being seen by a boy he knew.

Hatsuharu's mind went blank, and then her face turned red like a tomato. She quickly held down her flying skirt and punched her friend's chest with her little fist, shaking it like a rattle.


"Sorry, sorry!"

Saten Ruiko also knew that this joke was too much. The little angel Hatsuharu, who was originally only for her to admire, was seen naked by others for the first time.

Level 6's "updraft" also has its failures.

Saten tried to say, "Then, in exchange, let Hatsuharu see mine?"

"If you want to be fair, you should let a boy see it too, right?" Hatsuharu was about to cry.

Should it be Nangong-san... should I call him senior?

Saten Ruiko, who had no experience in love, thought about it and felt that the scale was too large.


"Stop, Saten-san. I'm going to take yours off, too!"

In this way, the two girls ran to another store to look at swimsuits.

The brown-haired girl doubted, "You guy, do you get benefits wherever you go?"


Nangong Xuan was not sure whether he had copied some metaphysical superpowers. For example, the second-dimensional god throw, the door-opening kill, the lucky Max, etc.

"This one..."

Under Mikoto's nervous gaze, the black-haired young man picked up the pajamas in front of him and muttered to himself.

"Buy a smaller size for Xiaomeng."

I've been wearing old bunny pajamas all year round, and it's time to change them.

Misaka Mikoto's mood was like a roller coaster.


She thought her mind was seen through, and this man would pester her with gifts like a suitor, and she was still struggling whether she should accept it... It was not like what Senior Gufa said, it was really self-indulgent.

Xiaomeng, is that the name of the little girl just now?

"It's a bit childish for elementary school students, but it's just right for adults." Nangong was very satisfied.


The brown-haired girl was about to say something when she heard a rapid alarm in the mall. Then, Shirai Kuroko appeared out of thin air, still holding a mobile phone.

"Sister, get out of here! Senior Gufa called, and the surveillance satellite of the Academy City observed a sharp acceleration of gravitons!"

This is the precursor of the void explosion (Gravition)!

"Where is the exact location?"

"It's right under our feet. Where are Hatsuharu and Saten?"

Mikoto said anxiously: "They were there just now..."

"The discipline committee members are the targets of the other party's attack!" Kuroko said quickly, "I'll go find them, and then evacuate the crowd together!"

Nangong Xuan, who was outside the plot, was ignored gorgeously.

Graviton, that is, the hypothetical particle that transmits gravity in physics. The real world is still studying gravitational waves, and Academy City has even proved the existence of such particles.

Just like electromagnetism can be quantified by photons, it has pioneered quantum electrodynamics. When humans try to use quantum mechanics to interpret the four fundamental forces of physics, it naturally includes the most common and mysterious gravity.

Anyway, if we leave it alone, it will be solved by the protagonist group, right?

Nangong Xuan has no interest in being in the limelight, he only intends to find Xiao Meng. The moment he turned around, he passed by a hedgehog-headed boy.

Kamijou Touma, can also be called "God of Purification". The first protagonist of the magic world, the human chosen by [Fantasy Slayer], appeared.

The reason why he didn't open the elf eye was to prevent Aleister from finding out that he was spying on [Fantasy Breaker]. In the brief contact in the same space, Nangong Xuan seemed to feel that the air around him was killed.

The power of that right hand was so terrifying!

"Is it you?"

Misaka Mikoto obviously recognized one of the true bodies in the urban legend - the man whose right hand can destroy all supernatural powers.

"A little girl is missing, have you seen it?" Touma said in a panic.

"Little girl?"

The brown-haired girl's first reaction was the "new girlfriend" next to Nangong.

At this time, a little loli with twin ponytails ran over, holding a frog doll in her arms.

"Ah, it's the big brother and big sister from yesterday!"

It's not Guatai.

Misaka Mikoto was a little disappointed, and then recognized that this girl was the one she and Nangong helped yesterday. At that time, her bag was taken away by a dog and she kept crying. Her name seemed to be "Naka ​​Kachia".

"It's dangerous here, leave quickly!"

Hatsuharu and Saten also hurried over.

"Hey, a brother with a gloomy face asked me to give this to the discipline committee..."

The innocent little Lolita hadn't finished speaking when the frog doll in her hand began to collapse.


There are pictures here, which can be viewed after the updated version

Chapter 029 The God of the New World!

A violent explosion occurred on the third floor of the Seventh Mist Mall, accompanied by an orange beam flying into the sky, attracting countless passers-by to watch.

"Su, what happened suddenly."

"Is it the void explosion mentioned on TV?"

"Where is the security guard? Help him!"

At this time, a high school student wearing headphones and carrying a bag stood across the street with a cold smile.

The discipline committee is not reliable at all, just like every time I was bullied, they always came late. So, I want to take revenge on those guys who claim to be righteous!

But what is that light?

At the same time, Nangong Xuan held up the invisible [Nitrogen Penetration] just to help Xiao Meng block the aftermath of the explosion.

Is this the effect of [Fantasy Killer]?

With Touma Kamijou at the top, the shock wave of the explosion formed a fan-shaped shape. This superpower was eliminated when it reached him, accompanied by a familiar sound effect.


Different from Accelerator's [Reflection], it sounded like glass breaking.

Just like in the plot, Hatsuharu Shikiri protected the little girl and threw away the doll that hid the bomb.

But there was something different.

At the disaster site after the explosion, Misaka Mikoto stared at her hand in a daze.

Why did she lose it at the critical moment? Then...

The game coin automatically flew into her hand.


In the end, the brown-haired girl and the hedgehog-headed girl attacked at the same time. [Fantasy Breaker] blocked the shock wave, and [A Certain Scientific Railgun] also sent the bomb into the sky.

Because it's not Quata, rest in peace.

"Don't slip, Railgun. Can't you use electromagnetic force to absorb it?" At that time, a familiar voice sounded in her ears.

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