Seeing a little black-haired girl crying loudly, a certain goth loli was at a loss.

"Don't cry yet, there are so many people watching!"

Nangong said in surprise: "Did you steal her lollipop?"

When Xiao Nayue turned around and saw the black-haired young man, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stop talking nonsense! This child seems to be lost with her parents. Come and help quickly."

"You're really good at summoning people." Nangong shook his head.

It turned out that Nangong went to Cornerstone Gate to submit a report that month.

The landmark building in the center of Genkami Island is like a tall tower with a wide top and narrow bottom, towering into the sky. As an external agency of the artificial island management commune, the Special Administrative Region Police Force is permanently stationed here.

Xiao Nayue had just finished a day's work, dragging her tired body on the street, and met the lost girl in front of the family restaurant.

Nangong walked forward, bent down and asked, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Light green onion, Lanyu light green onion."

The little girl stopped sobbing, obviously attracted by her good-looking big brother. Seeing this, Nangong Nayue breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, this guy is quite popular with children.

Nangong Xuan was stunned.

Such a coincidence?

If you look closely, you will see that this is also a cute black long straight loli, about five or six years old. Later she had dyed blonde hair and looked like a hot girl. The change in appearance was so great that I didn't recognize it at first.

Under Nangong's gentle comfort, Xiao Qiancong quickly calmed down. She told her story intermittently, and she was quite smart for her age.

Due to his father's job transfer, Lan Yu Qiancong only recently came to Xian Kami Island with his family, and he didn't quite know his way around yet. She could only find family restaurants she'd been to based on her impressions.

Goth Loli asked: "Do you remember your home address? Where's your number?"

Xiao Qiancong tried her best to remember it, but still shook her head.

"Today is my birthday, my parents just gave me a gift..."

With that said, the little girl took out a children's mobile phone.

Nangong asked: "Can you lend it to me?"

"All right."

This man is really patient.

Nangong Nayue couldn't help but give him a high look and quickly approached him. Unfortunately, when I opened the address book, it was blank, and I hadn't had time to enter my parents' numbers.

The goth lolita showed disappointment.

"I'll do a magic trick for you."

Nangong Xuan smiled mysteriously, and then activated his [Electromagnetic Ability].


Electricity flowed faintly in his hand, and he instantly invaded the network of Genkami Island through a mobile phone.

When Nangong Nayue saw the familiar operation interface, he was surprised.

The library of the Artificial Island Management Commune has been hacked? What kind of super power is this? It’s a super hacker that is superior to hardware!

The word "Warning" suddenly popped up on the child's mobile phone, and a blue cat jumped out, accompanied by a mechanical sound.

"Unknown intruder, please stop your illegal behavior immediately. Otherwise, the monsters will want you in the physical world."

Mokai controls the artificial intelligence systems of five supercomputers and dominates the AI ​​of the Genkami Island network.

"Is it a virtual personality recreated from Cain's lifetime data?" Nangong said with great interest, "You should be careful about being deleted by me in the virtual world."

The blue cat on the phone changed his expression.

Although he is obviously a human being, the computing power of this intruder is beyond imagination and cannot be achieved by the chip of a children's mobile phone. His brain is like a supercomputer!

Nangong Xin said: I am a superpower who came out of the novice village called "Academy City".

[Accelerator], [Railgun] and the ability of [Thermostatic Death], dimensionality reduction is a blow.

"...I'm sorry."

In order to ensure that the virtual personality is not destroyed, Mo Monster has to lower his proud head.

Nangong was shocked that month.

Cain? The AI ​​of the Artificial Island Management Commune actually hides such a secret... But how did Nangong Xuan, who had just arrived on Xian Shen Island, know about it?

Cain, the God of Blame, the ancestor of vampires and the founder of the demon race. The "Gui" in Gui Shen means to bear the karma of sin, implying that he was once a "god".

Nangong Xuan recalled that this character was the beginning of everything, equivalent to the "Jealous Witch" in Re0. Cain once launched [Holy Annihilation] and reshaped the blood attack plane.

This real name does not represent the same person, but the concept of the ancestor of the blood clan, which can be said to be the famous existence of the second dimension. This name will basically appear wherever there are vampires.

In the previous world, Nangong also took away [Cain's protection].

In reality, the time displayed on the phone is August 23, 2001.

Like the butterfly effect.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Cain, the god of blame, that the trajectory of human development on Blue Star has changed. Demons have stepped onto the stage of history, and humans have also gained various supernatural powers, entering an era where science and magic coexist.

Nangong composed himself and said, "My request is very simple. Forge an entry certificate. Well, actually, I am Nangong Nayue's brother, and I came here specifically to see her."

The more Goth Loli listened, the more she felt something was wrong.

"You guy, don't fake your identity in front of me!"

For a while, I couldn't find any reason to refute.

To others, they looked like a brother and sister. He has black hair and the same childish face that makes it impossible to tell his age. Only the color of his eyes is different.

Nangong said leisurely: "The protest is invalid."

In this way, the Celestial Empire time traveler finally had a legal identity. He also retrieved the family information of Lan Yu Qiancong from the library.

His father, Lan Yu Xianzhai, is currently the mayor of Xianshen Island and is also a person of considerable background.

"Now that I have found out, just call your father."

The little girl took the phone and heard her father's anxious voice from the other end, her eyes reddened. When she hung up the phone, she couldn't help but clench the children's phone tightly, still feeling incredible.

"It's amazing. Big brother, are you the legendary hacker?"

Xiao Qiancong opened her big watery eyes, full of admiration.

Nangong said: "That's right, I was once called the [Guardian (Gatekeeper)] of the Internet world."

Little angel Chuchun, I'm going to use your name. Anyway, it's impossible to settle accounts with me along the network cable.

"Good, so awesome!"

This day, a seed was planted in Lan Yu Qiancong's heart. Even Nangong didn't expect that it was his own accident that led her to the path of hacking.

The future electronic empress!

Asagi, who has been interested in electronic devices since childhood, got her first mobile phone as a birthday gift at the age of five. It won't take long for her to tear it into pieces because of her strong interest.

After a while, the special car of the mayor of Genkamijima drove over.

Little Asagi ran over excitedly, not forgetting to turn around and wave.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad!"

Passersby looked at her sideways.

Mom... Mom?

Hearing this name, the Gothic Lolita was not calm. Although they all had black hair, they looked like a family of three. But she was still a 16-year-old pure virgin, how could she have an extra daughter for no reason.

Looking at Xiao Asagi's age, how old was she when she got pregnant...

"You called me the wrong name, it should be brother and sister."

"Sorry." Xiao Asagi stuck out her tongue playfully, "Adults call this boyfriend and girlfriend, right? You must do your best~"

Little devil.

The driver said softly: "Thank you, Lord Nangong."

Referring to Xiao Nayue.

People in Lanyu Xianzhai knew the [Gap Witch], needless to say. Only Nangong "brother and sister" were left there, looking at each other in bewilderment.

Passersby around cast ambiguous glances. This pair of handsome men and beautiful women, whether they are husband and wife or lovers, are very well matched. The only problem is that the girl seems to be a little younger...

"You don't really have any ideas about me, do you? It's simply a crime!" Xiao Nayue showed a vigilant look.

"It seems that you have admitted that you are a young girl." Nangong said unwillingly, "You are sixteen years old, it's legal."

Through the rear window of the car, Nangong Nayue looked at the happy appearance of Lanyu's family from afar.

"I also want to have a family..."

"Dad" and "Mom" are such unfamiliar names.

Nangong was startled, then softened his tone: "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter, it won't be needed after today." Gothic Loli said to herself.

Nangong couldn't help but sigh: "You attack magicians are really hard. You even have to take care of lost children. Does it count as overtime pay?"

In the Academy City, it is a collection of security guards and discipline committee members.

"This is my duty."

After saying that, Nangong Nayue turned and walked away, and the black-haired young man also took a step.

"Why are you following me? Mr. Perverted Peeping Tom, are you going to awaken your habit of stalking beautiful girls again?"

You are so venomous, Xiao Nayue.

Nangong said lightly: "It just happened to be on the way, anyway, I have nowhere to go."


At this time, a group of people came out of the alley with hideous faces. It was none other than the bad group encountered during the day.

"Brother, it's them!"

This group of people had bruises on their faces and walked with a limp, which was really dedicated.

"Where are you running, you two dogs and bitches?"

The young man who originally wanted to tease Xiao Nayue showed a cold look.

Oh no!

The Gothic Loli said solemnly: "My magic power has not recovered yet..."

"It's okay, I will protect my sister." Nangong smiled indifferently.

The bad guys cursed, "Fuck you!"

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it. You chose to die." Nangong shook his head, "First, you committed the sin of [arrogance]."


The bodies of the bad guys turned into crystals and shattered.

Instantly, they felt the pain that penetrated deep into their bones and even their souls, and their gradually peeling mouths let out painful wails.


The leader of the bad group's eyes were bloodshot, and he urged the last of his magic power before his body broke.

"What a joke? I'm an immortal vampire. Come out, my beast... [Phoenix]!"

The fire was blazing.


A flaming bird appeared out of thin air, and the next moment it was shattered by Nangong's power.

"Too weak, not even worth collecting."


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