
Nangong Xuan raised his hand, and the [Invisible Hand] took out the holy relic from Gu Cheng's body. A pair of delicate and small ribs hovered in his palm, and the original owner seemed to be a petite woman.

Xiao Gu Cheng didn't feel any pain, only lost a little physical strength.


He had been resurrected once before he noticed it. Otherwise, the [Blood Servant] would die immediately after the ribs of the True Ancestor were taken back.

"As for the impulse to suck blood, I can help you "castrate" it." Nangong said "concernedly".

Isn't that castration?

Xiao Gu Cheng's face turned green.

"Please don't do this!"

Nangong said sincerely: "Drug girl or something, Xiao classmate can also consider it. Forget about feminization, girls also have sexual impulses. You don't want to be held by your head and drifting on a boat in the finale."

"What kind of hatchet ending is this?"

"Forget it. I'll write a note so that you can buy blood bags in various hospitals on Genshin Island." Nangong waved his hand, "Just make do with it."

This is also a way.

At this time, Xiao Gucheng is like Kaneki in "Tokyo Ghoul" or Nezuko in "Demon Slayer", suffering from the urge to eat. He can't accept the identity of a vampire yet, and he will only feel disgusted when sucking blood.

In the future, he can only use blood bags as drinks.

Gucheng said gratefully: "Thank you, Xuan."

"So, call me teacher."

Nangong Xuan can also [improve] his physique to that of an ordinary human, but it's quite interesting to see "Brother Cheng" worrying about blood.

If Gucheng knew the bad taste of Nangong, who is both a teacher and a friend, he would definitely collapse.

"Kojo-kun, have you been cured?"

A little head popped out of the door, a girl with short black hair.

She has a delicate face, a natural beauty, and is no less beautiful than Setsuna. Their amber eyes are also very similar, and if they untie their ponytails, it is impossible to tell who is who.

This lively, cheerful, and quirky girl is Akatsuki Nagisa, who is in the third year of junior high school this year.

Akatsuki Kojo has just been promoted to the first year of high school, Class B. It happens that Nangong Nayue is the class teacher.

Nangong said without raising his head: "It's okay, next one."

"It's my turn."

Akatsuki Nagisa said goodbye to her brother and sat down on the bench. She was wearing a blue and white sailor suit, which was exactly the style that Xiao Nayue wore back then.

For so many years, Caihai's school uniform has not changed.

"As expected of the urban legend [Ghost Chasing in the Underworld], even my mother admires you very much. MAR has hired you several times with a lot of money, but Teacher Xiaoxuan still prefers to stay in Caihai as an ordinary school doctor. It is indeed to protect Teacher Xiaonanyue." Nagisa said with a smile.

Nangong said unhappily: "Is the tradition of you two siblings being disrespectful hereditary?"

The little girl with a gossipy face was very interested in urban legends and even started to ship brother and sister CP.

Ghost Chasing in the Underworld?

Himeragi Yukina was thoughtful.

As expected of the master, it is really a domineering title.

Nagisa said confidently: "Because Teacher Xiaoxuan is not arrogant and is very popular with students. The superpower development technology you popularized almost turned Genshin Island into a city of superpowers."

In fact, Nangong Xuan transplanted the superpower system in the Magic Index. Perhaps it was because of the unfamiliar environment, and only some low-ability people were cultivated, and it could not cause any waves without using [Personal City].

"Gakuto Technology, it's amazing, isn't it?" Nangong said, "So how is your ability development going?"

Nagisa showed a distressed look and said, "I am a person without abilities. Maybe it conflicts with something in my body..."

Nangong turned around and said, "Yukina, let me introduce you. This is the host of the fourth true ancestor, Nagisa Akatsuki. From now on, you will be classmates."


Himehira Yukina was confused.

Why is it a girl?

"What a cute nurse sister." Nagisa muttered, "No, what is the teacher talking about! Wasn't it Kojou who was transformed into a vampire?"

The "teacher" pronounced by Nagisa Akatsuki was as nice as the "senior" in Yukina's mouth.

"No wonder, I stopped the [Flame Feast] a year ago. You lost your memory in that battle." Nangong said leisurely, "The guy who turned Gucheng into a [Blood Servant] is the one hidden in your body."

It is because of the existence of the Celestial Empire that the protagonist of the original novel failed to inherit the power and the beast of the fourth ancestor as in the plot.

To this day, Agurora and the twelfth beast have fallen asleep in Akatsuki Nagisa's body. It is precisely because of her protection that the brain loses its memory.

Nangong said: "You haven't had your first menstruation yet? It's because the menstrual blood is used to nourish the beast."


Himehira Yukina was shy when she heard it.

So, the master even cares about this? I'm afraid that all the girls in the Caihai Academy can't escape the clutches of the health teacher...

Akatsuki Nagisa sat on the bench, embarrassed for a while. Looking back, she was shy and wanted to run away when she first saw the male doctor, and she was willing to let him take a look when she heard that he was her brother's friend.

"Do you want to take it off this time?" Nagisa's voice was as small as a mosquito.

Nangong Xuan's mind flashed back to the first diagnosis and treatment. As a gynecologist, of course he had to give her a thorough physical examination, and even used some medical equipment to assist.

For unmarried girls, some things are not convenient to use.

At that time, my friend's sister separated obediently...

The picture is too beautiful to imagine!

The final conclusion is that she is not born a stone girl, nor is she locked up.

"Don't worry, Nagisa-san is a healthy girl."

At that moment, the young junior high school girl wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"The time has come, Nagisa-chan."

Nangong Xuan deliberately pronounced this title, making the little girl blush. "Brother Cheng"'s sister also let him call her once, and it was even.

"I, I understand. Please let me bleed, Teacher Xiaoxuan!"

Akatsuki Nagisa nervously grabbed the hem of her skirt.

What kind of talk are these?

Xuecai hurriedly said: "I will help you!"

"What are you two thinking in your little heads?"

Before the girl with a single ponytail lay on the bed and spread her legs like an M, Nangong Xuan held down her little head with one hand. This was a "head-touching killing" that even his own brother had never done, which made Nagisa slightly dazed.


Reply (Heal)!

A huge amount of memories flood into the brain.

Akatsuki murmured: "I remembered everything. It turns out...my brother died to protect me."

Chapter 328 The Fourth True Ancestor, Akatsuki Nagisa

Nangong Xuan was playing with a pair of ribs in his hands. They looked like medical models and the materials used by One-Eye Princess to make the [Bone Ship]. In fact, this is Agurola's "body".


A dark magic book appeared out of thin air, it was the [Book of Wisdom]. In order to facilitate explanation, Nangong Xuan directly read the world's memory.

"Let me explain in detail. The Fourth True Ancestor [Kaleido Blood] is not strictly a person, but the name of a plan. The three True Ancestors and the Tianbu jointly created the Fourth True Ancestor. Ancestor, as the most powerful god-killing weapon, [God of Blame] is the monitor of Cain.”

Himeira Yukina and Akatsuki Nagisa looked confused.

Tianbu, isn’t it the legendary clan of gods? The artificial true ancestor actually involves the taboo existence of "God of Blame Cain"...

"The original test subject, let's call it [Original], was a human being who was created in the shape of a god. Because of his rebellion against the Heavenly Ministry, the twelve pairs of ribs were divided into twelve base bodies, each storing ten Two powerful beasts. They are both girls who look exactly like Agurola."

In fact, there are twelve clones.

"Agurola-chan? I remembered!" Nagisa exclaimed.

Nangong said: "Four years ago, you saw her on Gozo Island. That was the Fairy Coffin No. 12. The ancient city died to protect you, and the accident led to the awakening of Agulola and the [original] soul. Escape from the seal and possess you."

This feeling is like the [Jealous Witch] sealed in another world.

Akatsuki Sa murmured: "We lived together for three years, until half a year ago..."

"[Feast of Flames], was targeted and started the ritual to resurrect the Fourth True Ancestor. In the end, Agurola died in order to destroy the [Original], and she entrusted the power of her sisters and the recovered beasts to You, a remnant soul also resides in you," Nangong said.

"If Teacher Xiaoxuan hadn't arrived in time, Gu Cheng and I would have died."

Akatsuki Nagisa pressed a hand on his chest, still feeling frightened.

Nangong secretly said: The plot has changed and the details are different.

But Agurola was eventually sealed in Nagisa, perhaps because of the corrective power of the world.

At that time, Nangongxuan eliminated the criminal named "Balthasar Zaharias" to avoid adding another prisoner in the [Prison Barrier].

He single-handedly obliterated [Original], stabilized Akatsukisa's condition, and gave Agurola enough time to sleep and slowly recover her magic power.

Because I wasn't familiar with it, I didn't revive him, so possessing Play was quite interesting.

Nangong smiled and said, "Sukina, Nagisa-chan is a natural psychic that is even more powerful than you. To be precise, she inherited her grandmother's psychic qualities and her mother's over-adaptability."

"It turns out that I am not incompetent." Nagisa was pleasantly surprised.

What a simple girl.

Nangong agreed: "Yes, your configuration is a heroine in the second dimension."

"Really or not?"

The girl with a single ponytail is embarrassed.

In fact, it was the butterfly effect caused by the time traveler, and the male protagonist became the female protagonist. All the luck went to my sister. The "ancient city" is just an empty shell without the beasts, and the halo of the protagonist disappears all of a sudden.

This is the brand new Fourth True Ancestor that I trained with my own hands.

Nangong said: "I will return the ribs of base body No. 12 to you. From now on, your physical weakness will be relieved and you won't have to run to the hospital every two days."

"It turns out that my strange disease is like this. Even my mother is helpless." Nagisa breathed a sigh of relief.

The legendary [Underworld Chasing Soul] is simply the god of medical skills!

Nangong changed the topic: "However, Agulola's soul will also wake up and live in your body."

"It doesn't matter, it's great that Agurola-chan is still alive." Nagisa said happily, "It doesn't matter if I lend her my body."

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn't help but feel moved.

Is this girl an angel?

She is worthy of being someone else's sister, innocent, lively and kind. Nangong thought of his sister, who was arrogant, cold and very cute. Although she is the cutest in the world.

Nangong said seriously: "I will fuse the ribs with your body right now, and you will surpass the [Blood Servant] and become a half-step true ancestor."

"At worst, I can drink the blood bag." Nagisa smiled with relief, "We can't let Kojou bear the troubles of vampires alone. As long as I can wake up Agurora-chan, I'm willing!"


Nangong Xuan put one hand on the chest of the girl with a ponytail, making her blush.

Oo, it's obviously a rib, why did he touch it...

Magic light emerged, and Xiao Nagisa successfully absorbed a pair of ribs, and a powerful magic power burst out of her body.


The light blue hairband was blown away, and a head of short black hair fell down. When she opened her eyes again, she seemed like a different person.

"Senior, be careful!"

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