From childhood to adulthood, there is a lack of men in the family. Always busy with work and leaving the family behind, running around for political achievements, what kind of head of the family is such a bureaucrat?

On the day when the mother died of illness, the father did not show up.

The young girl could only hold the portrait of her mother and kneel alone in her room. She curled up, sat with her knees hugged, and cried to her master through the phone.

It must be a woman who comforted her gently like her parents.

"One day, Xiao Qiancong will be able to find her lost relatives. Maybe digital life is a good way."

That's right, just like the living AI like Moguai!

Lanyu Qiancong found the sense of being alive in the virtual world, and secretly decided to use technical means to revive her life.

Later, the master and apprentice talked a lot, and gradually dispelled the haze of life.

Time goes back to the present.

Lanyu Qiancong transformed into a "shining acupressure master" and tapped on a pink smartphone. On the way to the cornerstone gate in a luxury car, he was still enthusiastically communicating with his master about new technologies. Only in this way can the boredom in life be resolved.

Because I am the empress living in the virtual world.

Guardian: Be careful. Today, the cornerstone gate will be invaded by the enemy, don't go near it.

The blonde girl was stunned.

It was like a crime notice.

How did the master know? Could it be that he hacked the enemy's intelligence, but as the [Guardian] of Genshin Island, why didn't he take action?

Electronic Empress: But today is the day for the maintenance of the commune's supercomputer... Moguwai is still waiting for me.

Guardian: The enemy is eyeing this opportunity to take action.

Until she took the explosion-proof elevator to enter the core of the lower level of the cornerstone gate, Lan Yu Asagi felt uneasy.

Over the years, the master's words have never been wrong, which made her develop a blind worship.

No wonder Teacher Kona Yue... No, [Gap Witch] has taken action. If this is the case, it must be reported to the security team!

"Lan Yu, what's wrong?"

A group of security guards stood guard on each floor of the underground core. Seeing the familiar blonde girl, they greeted her.

Although she is only a high school student, [Electronic Queen] has won the respect of everyone with her strength.

"I say..."


As soon as Lan Yu Qiancong was about to say something, she heard an explosion above her head.

For a moment, the sirens sounded.

"Enemy attack!"

The fully armed Special Zone Guard took action.

On the other side, Nangong Xuan put down his phone and shook his head.

It seems that the girl will also be in danger as [The Book of Wisdom] said.


The black-haired young man disappeared from the spot.

Lan Yu Qiancong was thrown out by the shock of the explosion and fell heavily to the ground. The screen of the mobile phone was broken. She struggled to grab the pink mobile phone and felt an inexplicable emotion.

In the past ten years, she has changed countless electronic products, but this style continues the most precious birthday gift when she was a child-a children's mobile phone.

That day, something seemed to happen.

"I am such a fool to be happy about the gifts from my family."

The blonde girl laughed at herself and then climbed up with difficulty. She went to the control room alone, against the guards who were fighting the enemy, and had to cooperate with Moguai to block the enemy through technical means.

Qiang calmed down and said, "Terrorist organization?"

This happened before. She was kidnapped because she solved the puzzle of a dark organization. Those terrorists tried to kidnap and brainwash her, and turned her into a tool to decrypt the weapon control instructions.

If it weren't for the help of the master, this little life would have been over. "She" took control of the weapon first and destroyed the terrorist organization remotely.

The God of Hackers, so terrifying!

On the big screen, Moguai jumped up and said, "It's too dangerous here, Miss, it's better to leave first. No, as long as you are on the String God Island, you will never..."

"Who do you think I am?" Qiancong smiled brightly, "I am the [Electronic Queen], the disciple of that person. Betting on the name of [Guardian], I will not lose!"

After that, the blonde girl slammed the keyboard heavily.

The lower layer of the cornerstone gate was buried deep under the sea. With a "bang", the invader dropped heavy isolation walls in front and behind and began to inject water. The water pressure alone could kill ordinary demons.

From the monitor, Lan Yu Qiancong saw the appearance of the invader. It was a tall man wearing military metal armor and holding a heavy half-moon axe, followed by a girl in white with dark blue long hair.

"Go, Astaruti."


A giant-like artificial beast appeared on the girl in white, showing a white translucent state, and it broke through the deep-sea isolation door with just one shot.

For a moment, the surging sea water poured in.

A group of security guards had already been waiting seriously, with their black guns pointed at the invaders.

"Free fire!"

"Da Da Da——"

Unexpectedly, all the bullets were blocked by the artificial beast. It stretched out its giant arm and swept through thousands of troops.

In an instant, a security team was wiped out!

"So strong..."

Lan Yu Qiancong couldn't help covering her mouth. She watched the invaders kill the security guards in a bloody and brutal manner, and then continue to sneak into the lower level.

If the special zone security team cannot stop them, once they reach the core of the cornerstone gate, the entire String God Island will be destroyed!

At this critical moment, Asagi saw two girls wearing Caihai Junior High School uniforms on another monitor, obviously from the junior high school.

One of them was a familiar girl with a single ponytail.

"This child is..."


A second landslide occurred on the upper floor of the Cornerstone Gate. Seeing that the ceiling was falling down, Lanyu Asagi and the supercomputer were about to be buried alive, a back figure appeared out of thin air.

The Chain of Discipline (L?eingr)!

Nangong Xuan summoned a purple magic circle out of thin air, stretched out dense chains, and instantly locked the ceiling. He relied on the high-strength chains to support the weight of the entire Cornerstone Gate building, so that it would not fall apart.

[Little King], as long as he is judged as a harem by Nangong, he can share consciousness, memory, thinking, senses, limbs, and even abilities with each other.

Instead of [copying] Xiao Nayue's guardian and magic weapon, Nangong Xuan directly read the harem's abilities.

"Are you okay?"

Nangong turned his head and looked at the blonde girl.

It's been a long time, little Asagi.


Lan Yu Qiancong was sitting on the ground. She was surprised to see the face of the person who came. She knew the popular health teacher in the school.

It's no wonder, Xiao Na Yue teacher is a witch. Her brother is naturally a "demon".

"Instructor Nangong?"

The surrounding guards were relieved. There are only two people who can be called "Instructor Nangong" on Xian Shen Island. They are a pair of siblings.

"I think you are really lazy." Nangong said leisurely, "I don't mind a few more derelict guards in Na Yue's prison."

"I'm very sorry!"

The armed guards were shocked, but they were greatly encouraged.

As long as Nangong takes action, everything will be fine!

Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the tall back and couldn't help but feel a little curious. Even his father, the former mayor, doesn't have such prestige. Who is this man...

Next is Ah Ye's magic.

Space control!

Nangong Xuan summoned a magic circle and transferred the wounded one by one. This magical power was amazing.

"You too."

"Wait, I'm a computer genius..."

Before Lan Yu Qiancong could react, she was teleported to a safe area and could only look at the cornerstone door and stamp her feet. From beginning to end, this teacher never looked at her straight in the eye.

For the first time, the unyielding girl felt deeply powerless.

In the face of absolute strength, any technology is so vulnerable.

Chapter 335 The Relics of the Saint

The tallest building on the String God Island - the cornerstone gate - connects the four artificial islands in the southeast, northwest and northeast. Like an inverted pyramid, the twelve floors on the ground are just the tip of the iceberg. Hidden under the sea are as many as forty floors of artificial island management facilities, which are its true body.

Like a space fortress in a science fiction movie, the underwater building of the cornerstone gate glows with a metallic luster, and as the invaders break through the deep layer, the light surges.

Finally, a man and a woman arrived at the bottom, a room 220 meters below the sea level.


The white giant's hand violently broke the door open, and what came into view was the "foundation stone" enshrined in the center of the room. It was a lonely right arm, soaked in formalin.

The dark blue-haired girl in white clothes made a cold mechanical sound: "Complete the order (Complete), visually confirm the target."

The tall man's eyes were filled with tears, and he stumbled towards the foundation stone.

"Ah, the holy relic stolen from my Lotan Lingqia Temple..."

"What do you mean?"

At this time, Himeragi Yukina and Akatsuki Nagisa appeared on the second floor and were shocked beyond words.

This may be the biggest secret hidden in Genshin Island. Who would have thought that the foundation stone of the entire artificial island was actually an arm?

The magic annihilator named "Rudolf Ostach" put away his tears, and when he looked back suddenly, it was already cold.

"Don't you understand? This island was evil from the beginning. Genshin Senra created it forty years ago for a certain purpose. In order to achieve the idea of ​​making it prosperous with spiritual power, it is necessary to mobilize the power of the dragon veins, but the blue dragon, one of the four symbols, is still missing."

Himehira Yukina recalled what she learned in the Takami Forest, revealing a solemn look.

"Sacrificial building materials..."

"That's right!" Rudolf said in a deep voice, "He got involved in the ominous evil law and stole my [right arm of the saint] and used it as a sacrifice for Genshin Island!"

This hand held up the "weight" of the entire artificial island.

Akira Nagisa said in confusion: "This is how this island came about. Stealing is wrong. Do we still have a reason to fight?"

The villain turned out to be me.

In this case, are "magical girls" still partners of justice?

"But the 560,000 people on the island are innocent. Once the 'foundation' is taken away, the artificial island will completely disintegrate. In order to get back the holy relic, are you willing to let so many people be buried with you?" Setsuna seemed calmer.

"This is the sin they must pay for!" Rudolph said coldly, "Heroes who have made great contributions in the war with the demons and saved the world will be honored as saints. Which saint is willing to have his body desecrated after death and used to feed the demons they hate the most!"

Himehira Setsuna only said: "In this peaceful era, hatred should not be promoted anymore."

Words that are not conducive to the unity of humans and demons should not be said.

"It seems that we can only fight." Nagisa finally adjusted his mentality.

"Hmph, I was forced back by that weird guy last time. Little girl, do you still have enough magic power to summon the real fourth primogenitor?" Rudolf sneered, "Go ahead, Astraluti!"

The two girls knew how powerful this "Luti" was. She has a human appearance, but in essence she is an artificial life form, a doll for the beast to live in. As Rudolf continued to hunt demons and devour magic power, she became stronger.

"Yes, my master."

The fingertips of the rose (Rododaktylos)!

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