Nangong said calmly: "I am a recovery magician, and magic used against me will be passively [recovered]."

Xendumu Yuma felt regretful.

In fact, I really want to exchange bodies with the most powerful Nangong. By then, [Space Control] will not only cover Genshin Island, but a world-class magic.

Use [Dark Oath] to tamper with the law and turn this boring world upside down!

The most important thing is to play as a boy and use Axuan's body to go to the WC openly...

"You are worthy of being my daughter." The black long straight loli spoke.

Aye occupied Xiaonayue's body and liked it very much. It seems that she has returned to her childhood.

"Don't say weird things with other people's bodies!"

At this time, the Bolongyuan Festival on Genshin Island was in chaos.

Demons were dancing and hundreds of demons were parading at night.

Xendumu Yuma still restricted [Space Control], and men and women could only exchange bodies between the same sex, but it still caused some uncontrolled bad situations.

As for the harem, under the protection of the [Little King], it is similar to the [Mobile Church] that has a certain resistance to external magic, so the girls in the room only exchange bodies internally.

The next second, "Sentum Yuma" flew in from the window.

"So it was Yuma-chan's doing. Such an exciting 'makeup party', I like it. But where is my tail..."

There is no doubt that it is the soul of Akatsuki Nagisa.

The girls closed the door and were about to hold a three-court trial of Sentuki Yuma and criticize him seriously. The black straight kimono girl knelt and sat upright, with a well-behaved face.

No one noticed that "Aiyu Asagi" took off her clothes as if no one was around and stretched.

She spoke in the way of an old friend: "This fresh body is really good. Thanks to the little girl's magic, I can see the light of day again."

Visibly, the blonde girl turned into wheat-colored skin, adding the attributes of a dark-skinned hot girl. Coupled with the strange makeup, she looked like a carnivorous woman of the Shibuya school.

"Nina Adilad, an alchemist who has lived for more than 270 years?" Nangong looked at her.

"Qiang" was surprised: "Little ghost, you can actually see through my true colors... some kind of magic eye?"


Yase Natsune just found that the red gem was glowing.

Nangong said in a deep voice: "Thanks to Yuma's [Space Control], her soul was also released from the seal of this bead. Under the influence of [Dark Oath], the magic that was originally to exchange the five senses really reached the level of soul magic."

"So she is so powerful." "Aye" scratched his hair embarrassedly.

The girls said unhappily: "No one praised you!"

"There are still such powerful magicians in this Dharma Ending Age." Nina praised.

The black long straight loli looked as heavy as water.

"I've seen this name in ancient books. Alchemists who created perfect creatures in the name of the gods - [Sages], and then sealed them."

"The surname Adirad..."

Yase Natsune and Freya immediately realized something.

The last descendant of the legendary father of alchemy, Hermes Trismogistus, the Adirad Monastery was built to commemorate the "Saint" Nina, and her statue is erected in the church.

Natsune's mother - Yese Kotone - and her brother Yese Kensei are actually believers of this sect. Alchemy is also used in the technology of mass-producing model angels.

"The birth of [Sage] was a mistake. For this reason, I had to seal my soul in [Sage's Spiritual Blood] and monitor that monster." Nina said with a headache, "My consciousness was pulled into this body, and [Sage's Spiritual Blood] is about to go out of control."

Xendumi Yuma realized that he had accidentally caused a disaster.

"Wait, if this is a game of musical chairs, Nina's soul running out of the bead means someone will lose their body." Nangong said in a deep voice, "Where is Asagi?"

The girls looked at each other and looked at the red orb lost on the ground. That is the so-called [Sage's Blood], the key sealing item.

"Could it be that Asagi's soul is locked in?"

Yuuma murmured: "Sure enough, the ball is her body."


The gem broke.

Chapter 374 Fireworks Festival

Back mountain, Adirad Monastery.

Yase Sisters-ten modeled angels cloned from Xia Yin's genes-are dressed in conservative nun clothes as always, and are infected by the festive atmosphere.

"The fireworks display is about to begin. The back mountain is the best viewing spot."

"Are the elder sister and the others not leaving yet?"

"Hmph, the maid corps who call themselves 'Deep Ocean Girls' are coming too."

A girl said timidly: "Do you think there will be monsters coming out of the Harokuin Festival?"

The girls looked at each other and were immediately horrified.

They are angels but are afraid of the dark and ghosts.

They live in seclusion in the church on the mountain. It is pitch black at night. Only the city lights of Genkami Island can be vaguely seen. There has been a lot of noise since just now.

"How, how could it be?"

"There are no ghosts in this world!"

In the monastery that Nangong Xuan once [replied], the carved murals with a metallic luster suddenly came to life under the bright moonlight. It flowed down in the form of liquid metal and gradually transformed into a human form.

"Finally... I'm back alive! I need more flesh and blood!"

The nuns looked back in horror and witnessed the arrival of the metal life. They were on alert as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They all turned into angels and spread their white wings.


The metal giant transformed into a big hand and slapped the sisters of Ye Se.

"Be careful!"

The angelic girls shot out beams of light all over the sky, hitting the golden giant.


When the light faded, the metal giant was unharmed and shone brightly.

"I am the most perfect creature, [Sage]. The light created by God is ineffective against me!"

In the cat's nest, a white cat opened its eyes and looked at its paws.

"Why did it turn into a white cat? Damn, even I got hit. Fortunately, it's a female... It's troublesome. If the [Sage] swallows these puppets and replenishes its flesh and blood, its strength will expand to the point of swallowing the entire Genshin Island."


At the critical moment, Nangong Xuan teleported to the Adirad Monastery with his harem.

"Sir Nangong!"


Seeing this, the Sisters of Yeze breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they take action, everything will be fine.

Fingertips of Rose (Rododaktylos)!

As an artificial life, Astra Luti is immune to soul magic. The blue-haired maid loyally protects her master and takes the lead. She meets the attack of the [Sage] with the hand of a giant, but is knocked away.



Nangong Nayue showed a worried look——with Gu Yong's body.

Astraluti murmured, "Cannot absorb..."

"Aiyu Asagi" spoke in the appearance of a blonde, dark-skinned hottie.

"It is also an artificial life form, but it is not driven by magic, but a life given by alchemy, which is different from the human body."

"The most perfect creature?"

Nangong Xuan looked at the metal giant that was constantly expanding after the seal was lifted. He could lock the position of each harem through [Little King], including Asagi.

[Sage's Spiritual Blood] was broken, but the replaced soul of Aiyu Asagi did not die. As a priestess of Cain, she was blessed by luck on Genshin Island and would never die. It can be said that she was lucky Max.

"Ah Xuan..."

Inside the metal giant, the imprisoned soul of the girl sensed something and woke up from her slumber.

"You, ghost!"

"It really appeared..."

The sisters of Yeze hugged each other, scared to death.

Nangong said easily, "There was a little accident in this costume parade, and we are here to pick you up."

"Sister Asagi is fine!" Nagisa was overjoyed.

She immediately summoned [Mercury of Dragon Snake] and [Steel of Water Spirit]. Just like the scene of fighting monsters in special effects movies, the familiar beasts and the sage reached the same height, standing under the night sky.

However, Akatsuki Nagisa hesitated to take action. Maybe he would accidentally hurt the soul of Aoi Asagi.

"Why is this ghost thing the same as that mercury man?"

For a moment, the fourth true ancestor had no idea where to start.

"You are talking about my traitor." Nina shook her head, "Tianzuka Mercury died five years ago because of his ambition to revive the [Sage]. He was used by the [Sage] to transform into an artificial life form without knowing it."

"Humph, the old thing ran out."

A white cat jumped into Xia Yin's arms. It was the cat that Yukina and Nagisa had played with on the rooftop.

Yeze Natsune said in confusion: "Can I communicate with animals too?"

"It's me, Endou."

"Teacher?" Setsuna and Sayaka were stunned.

Who would have thought that Endou En's familiars were replaced?

Nina controlled Asagi's body and retorted: "It's you, old immortal."

"Who is it that has been lingering for more than two hundred years, eager to use alchemy to obtain immortal life?"

"You are just relying on your racial advantage. Now I have such a young and fresh body."

The blonde and dark-skinned hot girl posed coquettishly.

"Damn, it's still older than me..."

The little white cat stretched out its claws and touched its chest.

Lost, lost.

"Crazy scratching!"

It jumped into "Asagi"'s arms and rubbed her breasts crazily.

"I hate cats the most!"

The two old women's "fight", but neither of them is the real body.

Seeing this, the soul of Aoba Asagi cried out: "Don't use my body to do something weird!"


Akira Nagisa controlled the two beasts to stop the action of the Sage.

Yuandou said seriously: "Let's get back to the point. The Sage needs a powerful medium who can replenish its vitality. There are several here, especially the princess of Aldikia."

Yase Natsune recalled the disaster that happened five years ago.

It turned out that Amatsuka Mercury sneaked into Genshin Island in order to revive the Sage in the Adirad Monastery.

Yase Kensei saved her, but also laid the groundwork for his ambition to imitate the Angel Plan. Not yearning for the so-called Sage, but to create a perfect creature with his own hands.

La Folia gently hugged Natsune and comforted her silently.

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