Nangong's heart moved and he asked: "Special individual?"

"No, this lady... I am Daze, one of the first sisters born."

The bad girl's oral habits have subsided, but the modal particles of だぜ have not changed. It can be understood as "yo", giving people a cool feeling.

An existence that even the [Last Work] doesn’t know about.

In the original work, it was an individual created by Academy City in the later period in order to obliterate Accelerator and reclaim the Misaka Network. It should not have been born at this time.

She is not the [extra individual] in the plot, but she is clearly a Sister. In addition to Misaka No. 0 (Tori), there is another individual who has not appeared yet and whose whereabouts are unknown - Misaka No. 00000.

Both are 0, but they are not the same Misaka sister.

Nangong Xuan tried to use [Psychological Control] and probably figured out the situation. [Extra individual] has huge hatred hidden in his heart, but this is the same as the original work.

"I see, you, who are not connected to the Misaka network, unexpectedly suffered all the negative emotions of Misaka sister, and turned into this twisted posture." Nangong sighed.

In the experiment of the "Absolute Abilities Evolution Project", the Sisters were artificially erased of emotions, and no longer had emotions such as fear, pain, and terror. This is to prevent them from betraying humans and treating them as cold robots.

But artificial intelligence (AI) in science fiction works always rebels.

Death is a necessary condition for a life to be complete.

The moment Nangong Xuan used Geass to inject the desire for survival into Misaka Network, the [extra individual] awakened, like the incarnation of death!

"Following my brother's teachings, I was resurrected to avenge my sisters...Daze."

Say the harshest words in the gentlest tone.

At this moment, the brown-haired girl nestled in Nangong's arms looked like a well-behaved cat. "Brother" is an honorific title, and "Brother" is very sweet.

"Those guys who have died, a collection of negative emotions?"

Yuriko Suzukina was stunned, looking at her hands. She seemed to be able to feel that she was covered in blood, being dragged into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood by countless wronged souls symbolized by the brown-haired girl in front of her.

It turns out that they are human beings too.

I am also afraid of death, in pain, and in despair.

When she realized this, she couldn't help but tremble, as if there was a huge hole in her heart. This sickening feeling of discomfort was far superior to that of a researcher who killed himself with his own hands.

So far, what have I done to become stronger...

"Accelerator, you are shaken." Nangong said calmly.

The white-haired girl yelled: "Impossible! It's just your trick to kill someone with a knife. I just don't want to kill the researcher again, which will prevent me from becoming an invincible Level 6..."

"You only call yourself 'Miss' when you are vulnerable." Nangong's words broke through her psychological defense.

Even this oral habit has been learned by [extra individual].

Seeing the face of the "dead man" was like looking at myself reduced to a demon. This illusion of looking in the mirror made Yuriko Suzuko, a self-proclaimed villain, feel strongly nauseated.

The brown-haired girl grinned: "That's right, I took my sisters with me... and crawled back from hell Daze!"

"Urusai, go to hell!"

The white-haired girl broke through the defense again and killed Nangong and his party.


The combined magnetic field bounced off the broken metal shot by [Accelerator], and the five Misaka sisters slowly stood behind the black-haired young man and lined up.

Even though they were weak [Defect Electrics], they took unswerving steps.

Only the [Extra Individual] has reached Level 4's [Generation Capacity], and together with her, there are six sisters.

"Now Misaka will fight side by side with my brother!"

Nangong Xuan immediately understood that it was the [extra individual] who inspired the Misaka Network.

She taught her sisters how to strengthen brain wave communication, even if it is only Level 2, the instant sharing of memories is comparable to sharing the five senses, and they have become a Misaka Legion that lives and dies together!

Putting it in Naruto is... Misaka Six Paths?

Nangong raised his head and looked at the large-scale automated factory not far away.

Paper mills, and various chemical plants? What an excellent battlefield.

"Then, I will be the angel protecting the Sisters."

The Art of God's Papermaker!

There are pictures here, you can view them after updating the version.

Chapter 035 Six hundred billion blasts!

"Damn it, where the hell is that bastard hiding?"

Yuriko Suzuko put her hands in her pockets and walked alone in the deserted automated factory. She put aside the distracting thoughts brought by the [extra individual] and calmed down to face today's battle.

Wearing a black and white striped shirt as always, a very neutral look.

Having revealed your true gender in the "eyes" of that man, you have nothing to disguise.

The white-haired girl felt uncomfortable at the thought of being [see through].

She showed a "healthy" smile unique to a murderer, and shouted: "Come out quickly, let me dig out your eyes, and then insert my fingers into your brain to stir it up. Will this erase the memory?"

When fashionista Lei Ye meets her, he will definitely think that this girl’s outfit is cool and she is wearing a brand name.

Unfortunately, he is a pervert.

Let’s get something cooler.


When the black-haired young man appeared again, he spread out a pair of pure white wings, all made of white paper and tens of meters long. The scattered pieces of paper were like a cherry blossom rain, and he was floating quietly under the night sky.


Accelerator was shocked and confused before he remembered that this man said he would protect Misaka's sisters.

"The Level 6 you yearn for is the road to becoming a god. As the saying goes, 'understanding the will of God in a non-god's body', then..." Nangong smiled calmly, "I am the messenger of God."

"Stop pretending!"

The white-haired girl started in one step and flew into the sky with the air flow driven by [Vector Operation]. Just as he was about to tear this man apart, he passed through his body in the next second.

What? !


Nangong Xuan's chest was pierced and then healed automatically. The delicate face turned into pieces of peeling white paper, which turned out to be the paper clone.

In a paper factory, every piece of paper can be deformed and colored according to his thoughts, like an extension of a limb, turned into a weapon.

Soak paper with telekinesis (Perfect Paper)!

Even Accelerator would feel the oppression of the God's Origami, and couldn't help but look up at the "God's Envoy" in the sky, showing a shocked expression. Sometimes, she feels that her [vector operations] are not gorgeous enough.

"Psychic power system? No matter what method you use to control the clone, as long as you let me grab a piece of paper..."

The white-haired girl clenched the steel-hard piece of paper and instantly analyzed the vector contained in it. Any directionality will be analyzed and the position of the body will be locked.

No, this is not an ordinary blank sheet of paper. trap? He lured me here on purpose!

Accelerator's expression changed.


A dull roar came from the earth. The white-haired girl suddenly looked back and was instantly submerged by the vast ocean. If you look closely, you will see that these are not water, but also made of paper.

Nangong was aloof and said: "What impregnates the paper is not necessarily mind power, it could also be chemical substances."

Liquid ratio conversion (Mix Master)!

Nangong Xuan controlled the huge water flow to sweep through each chemical plant and obtained the ratio he wanted. As long as it is a substance contained in the liquid, he can change the proportion of the ingredient at will.

It's not a liquid, just use [fire ability] to raise the temperature to the melting point. For various complex chemical reactions, Nangong's brain can balance the chemical formulas in an instant.

Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is known as the king of explosives.

"I evenly impregnated each piece of white paper with TNT with a melting point of 80.9°C, and the detonation only needs to reach the boiling point of 240°C. This explosive is resistant to impact and friction, and will trigger a chain reaction as soon as it is heated, which I call Detonating talisman." Nangong said.

This knowledge all comes from Pill Medicine Moon. Now, I can be said to be the favorite student of the chemistry teacher Yue Yong Xiaomeng who is proficient in the ability to ignite fire.


Accelerator immediately calmed down.

"Don't lie to me! The biggest weakness of your [Multiple Abilities] is that you can't use multiple abilities at the same time. If you want to use other abilities, it means you can't control the white paper at this time!"

The white-haired girl smiled confidently and tried to escape from the "ocean" and fly into the sky. Immediately, the overwhelming white paper rolled up into a huge wave and swallowed her up, as if it had the potential to swallow up the whole sky.


A purple electric arc shot from a distance and instantly ignited the paper clone.

"No, now I am a multi-talented user. The speed at which the paper falls is five centimeters per second..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the paper clone burst into flames and slowly fell into the sea of ​​detonating symbols.


Bird's eye view (Predator)!

At this time, Nangong Xuan's real body and the Misaka sisters stood outside the 17th School District, looking at the overall situation.

"Have a taste of the six hundred billion detonating talisman."

"The art of explosion, so cool Daze!"

The [extra individual] who was used as a lighter smiled excitedly. Detonating the entire 17th School District fits her crazy philosophy.

Each piece of shredded paper is like a tiny flour particle, existing in the form of air suspension, filling the entire space, and ultimately achieving an effect similar to a dust explosion, or like the chain reaction of a nuclear explosion.

A negative pressure formed in the center of the explosion in a short period of time, and more fresh air was added from the outside in to fully mix with the dust, forming a secondary explosion or even more.


Flames shot into the sky, and one deserted factory after another was detonated, like firecrackers under the night sky. A rainstorm of hot metal magma fell in the center of School District 7.

The amount of white paper can be detonated non-stop for five minutes. The air in the center of the explosion will be drained, and [Accelerator] will fall into a vacuum hell close to 3000 degrees Celsius.

Trinitrotoluene, which has an oxygen balance coefficient of -74%, is a highly effective nutrient when mixed with ammonium nitrate. It does not depend much on the oxygen content in the atmosphere, but the oxygen concentration will affect the scale of the explosion.

"That guy will definitely suffocate Daze!"

One of the most painful ways of death for human beings makes [extra individual] feel the pleasure of revenge.

"No." Nangong said calmly, "As long as you use [vector operation] to control the airflow, any amount of oxygen can be continuously input. Even if you expect Accelerator to be chronically poisoned and suffer from cancer with trinitrotoluene, it is impossible. This kind of It's not powerful enough to hurt her hair."

White hair in every sense.


[Special Individual] showed an expression of disbelief.

Although she could understand the pain of the sisters being killed nearly 10,000 times, she had no idea of ​​the strength of [Accelerator]. Except for herself, the sisters were only Level 2 [Defective Electricity], and it was impossible to force the devil to use even one percent of their strength so far.

"I tested it a little bit, [Multi-talented Ability] under the blessing of [Fantasy Hand]."

The effect is not bad.

At the moment of analyzing the environment, Nangong Xuan made a plan to bomb the Academy City. Anyway, it was an uninhabited area after curfew, so there was no need to worry about causing accidental injuries. In comparison, the void explosion case was child's play.

And this was just some "weak" abilities that were originally only Level 3, all thanks to the huge computing power borrowed from [Fantasy Hand].

After conquering the [Corpse Eater Troops], his own computing power increased to 60762. Just over 60,000, probably the same level as the second one.

Number of connected brains: 30887!

[Fantasy Hand 2.0] is activated, and the maximum computing power exceeds 100,000, which is very close to [Accelerator]'s 2 to the 17th power.

Nangong Xuan treated the ability user as a "chicken". With the spread of computer viruses, there are more and more puppets in the Academy City.

Unfortunately, even if the computing power really surpasses [Accelerator], the conventional [multi-talent] may not be able to defeat him. The bug of that guy is not just [vector operation].

The "brain-dead" uncle in the original book tore the second brother apart with his hands is an example.

Nangong rubbed his temple and said, "Let's stop here tonight."

In the short battle just now, 1,087 brains were temporarily shut down-the "chickens" crashed.

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