The black-haired young man gritted his teeth and remained calm. Even if you shed a drop of sweat or your heart beats a little faster, it may be noticed by the keen "Quota".

I, who have no talent, have now lost interest in the way humans learn. There is an easier shortcut to passing the exam.

Copy, God of Medicine!

As I expected, the way for humans to decipher the mysteries of the brain and rapidly increase computing power... was found!

"By the way, Mr. Nangong..." Mingtu Zhuihun said slowly.

Nangong Xuan was shocked: Could it be that he was noticed?

"I still want to talk to you about your illness."

There are pictures here, you can view them after updating the version.

Chapter 004 Soft little cute teacher

Since birth, Nangong Xuan has suffered from a terrible and strange disease.

Congenital insensitivity to pain, a hereditary sensory and autonomic disorder (HSAN).

It is estimated that there are fewer than 40 people with CIP worldwide. Because the nerve conduction of pain is blocked, the ability to feel pain is completely lost.

Pain is an important alarm system of the human body.

Precisely because of the fear of pain, humans will avoid hurting themselves. They will also be aware that the body is being damaged and avoid various dangers in time.

This is the dual protection mechanism of pain.

A living system with complex regulatory functions will not easily lead to self-destructive "painlessness". Most patients develop severe self-mutilation in childhood and do not survive into adulthood.

Nangong laughed at himself: I am different from Asakami Fujino, we were doomed from the moment we were born.

In "Sky Realm", she was unable to realize the worsening of appendicitis due to the acquired closed feeling resulting in painlessness.

That was Nangong Xuan's otaku work, the first time he felt empathy for anime characters.

When he saw "Restoration Warlock", he envied the protagonist who was morbidly twisted due to revenge, and longed for the ability to experience the pain of others.

Finally, a miracle happened.

"The latest research shows that this disease is caused by ectodermal dysplasia during human embryonic development and is known to be divided into five types. For the analysis and research of type II congenital painless disease, many family members have abnormality on chromosome 5. The FAM134B gene has been mutated..."

Before Doctor Guatai could finish speaking, Nangong Xuan had completely read the knowledge in his brain.

Mutations in the FAM134B gene result in its inability to be expressed normally, leading to neuronal apoptosis in the dorsal root ganglia and hindering people's perception of pain.

It turns out that Netherland Soul Chasing already has a treatment plan.

"According to my judgment, Nangong Jun is more likely to be a type II patient. It depends on the results of genetic testing. Even if the chromosomes are repaired using genetic modification technology, the apoptotic neurons cannot regenerate. Cloning technology can be considered to create Bypassing immune rejection of autologous neurons, performing transplantation at the cellular level..."

"Thank you for your concern, teacher. I have no expectations for treatment for a long time." Nangong smiled with relief, "For me, the cost and price are a bit high."

This disease is like a destiny curse.

Since birth, this body has faced the threat of death every day, just like this dying surname.

I don't know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident. Therefore, cherish your life very much.

When I was in middle school, I never thought about hurting myself.

Nangong Xuan still doesn’t know how to travel that day. Maybe he died suddenly during the supplementary episode and fell down on the keyboard.

I once wanted to study medicine and then personally cure my own strange illnesses. The results of the three-dimensional pursuit are easily available in this world. The moment it was about to arrive, I felt relieved.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Now, I have [reply]. When an abnormality occurs in the body, it can heal itself immediately and avoid death.

Maybe it's God's mercy.

The DeBuff of [Painless Disease] accidentally made me immune to the side effects of [Response]. It would be bad if it were cured.

"Human beings' understanding of painless disease is still very limited, but there are always ways to solve it." Mingtu said regretfully, "Nangong-Jun, you understand, right? If you can't feel pain, you can even scratch yourself accidentally on the operating table. My own hands are all..."

It is a serious accident for the surgeon and can easily lead to wound infection.

"So, I will take good care of my abilities." Nangong looked at his hands.

Although, even [Reply] cannot solve the defects at the genetic level. After all, it's just the ability to restore things to a certain state. You can't just turn yourself back into a fertilized egg and "restart your life," right?

"As long as you can think about it."

Seeing that the students are still so optimistic, Mingtu Zhuihun feels relieved. Because of this, he fell in love with talents after meeting this intern from China, and kept Nangong by his side.

"After get off work, let's go eat."

"Okay, goodbye teacher."

The moment Master Gutai turned around, Nangong Xuan pushed up his glasses and said "Sorry" in his heart.

In order to keep myself alive, I accept the knowledge of the God of Medicine...!

What’s interesting is that there are secrets about the Hanged Man in Hades’ memory.

Decades ago, "I" rescued Aleister Crowley who was being hunted by a British Puritan magician in a remote countryside in England, provided him with a life support device, and introduced Japan to this geomantic treasure land. Eventually Academy City was established.

The Underworld Soul Chaser can even remotely stop Aleister's life support device!

The only regret is that Dr. Gutai doesn't understand magic knowledge. [Reply], I still haven’t been able to get in touch with the magic system of this world.

Nangong knew very well that he was not one of the three leading actors in the Forbidden City. If you think you can negotiate with the big boss based on this information, you will be torn apart by a silver-haired girl or an angel named "Aiwass" in the next second.

It can only be used as a trump card and hidden first.

If the Hanged Man knew that he had peeked into Gu Tai's brain, he would be dead.

Currently, [Reply] only exposes the effect of the copy ability under the suspended loop. Precisely because of the "disguise" of [psychological control], it can be explained that the memory is read intentionally or unintentionally.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

The ambition of the time traveler is not just as simple as cheating and passing an exam.

Beyond the boundary between life and death, the collection of all modern and near-future medicine is called [Chasing Souls in the Underworld].

Now, I am a doctor standing at the pinnacle of mankind!

The moment the [Memory Operation] was unlocked, the skills and memories of countless humans that Nangong had healed and captured so far came flooding back. They are from all walks of life, including social elites and ordinary people at the lowest level.

The world calls this "talent".

The "genius" who will not be forgotten within a month - Nangong Xuan's brain covers a large amount of knowledge of human civilization.

You have to do something during this time.

If [Reply] has the defect of passive forgetting, what about after copying the memory-enhancing ability? You know, the "heroine" of "A Certain Magical Index" has a complete memory physique - Index.

Nangong Xuan took off his disguise glasses. There is no myopia, just to make myself look more mature in exchange for the patient's trust.

"Teacher Huang Quanchuan, Teacher Tiezhuang, you've been waiting for a long time. Let's go."

After get off work, Nangong Xuan and two beautiful security guards left the hospital. From a distance, they saw a little pink-haired lolita talking politely to others.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng is currently his guardian. He is 1.35 meters tall and has a sweet and cute appearance. He looks about 12 or 13 years old, but he is actually an adult.

The prototype of one of the seven incredible events in urban legends: "The Imaginary Math District has successfully developed the technology of immortality, and the experimental subject is a female teacher from a high school who appears to be only 12 years old."

A two-dimensional legal lolita, Get!

"It turns out that Yue Yong is a high school teacher. No wonder he can teach such an outstanding talent as Dr. Nangong." The person who spoke was the director of a certain hospital.

Netherworld Chaihun only wanted to devote himself to the study of medicine, so he did not accept any administrative position. Aleister, the chairman of Academy City, built this hospital to repay his life-saving grace.

"No, no, my child must have caused a lot of trouble to your hospital."

The small-breasted Loli female teacher's smile was as bright as a flower, and her voice was so sweet that it made her sick.

It's no less sweet than a certain blonde girl. It's like the lolita sound before entering the secondary sexual characteristics stage of development - and that's true.

Who would have thought that Teacher Xiaomeng and two busty female teachers Huang Quanchuan and Tiezhuang are colleagues and close friends?

"Dean." Nangong greeted, "Xiaomeng."

"Call me teacher!"

The pink-haired little loli was so angry that she jumped up and tried to hit Nangong on the head, but she couldn't even reach her knees.

She hates people saying she is young. She is so easy to understand.

"Okay, Teacher Xiaomeng."

Nangong Xuan pronounced the word "meng" with an accent.


Yue Yong Xiaomeng touched her face with her hands, falling into a state of intoxication. Sure enough, he still couldn't bear to be praised for being cute, and the lethality of "little" was overwhelmed for a while.

"I've heard about Nangong's bravery. I happened to meet your dean and he was full of praise for you."

The group of people said goodbye to the dean and got into the car. The pink-haired little loli was still immersed in a sense of pride and praised Nangong arrogantly.

Huang Quanchuan couldn't help but complain: "Are you too excited because you reformed a bad student? Where did you come from as a super high school-level hot-blooded female teacher?"

"Teacher Huang Quanchuan, you are just envious." Xiao Meng teased.

"No, all the top students in my class are top students." Huangquan Chuan denied, "Besides, it's already off work, do you still need to use the school's honorifics?"

Nangong Xuan, who has read the memory, knows very well that the busty female teacher's "hot-blooded education soul" is not inferior to Xiaomeng. The three of them are teachers in the same school - a high school.

Nangong secretly thought: If a certain hospital is for protecting the underworld and chasing souls, the names shown on the map are unknown... Then, whose existence is a certain high school trying to hide?

Yueyong Xiaomeng's car is a small car that uses special vehicle technology for people with disabilities. After get off work every day, she would drive to the hospital to pick up Nangong and take her home.

Currently, legal lolita are living together.

Xiao Meng said happily: "Since Xiao Nangong, Huang Quanchuan and Tiezhuang are all here, let's have a pleasant dinner together! Although my car doesn't seem to be able to fit..."

This loli female teacher also likes to call her students "Jiang", which is a very affectionate name.

"It's really a bit forced."

Tie Zhuozhili and Huang Quanchuan were forced to squeeze into the back seat of the car, with wry smiles on their faces. The space in the car is already small, and what takes up the most space is actually the burden of their breasts.

"There's nothing I can do, let me do it."

Nangong Xuan took the pink-haired Loli out of the driver's seat and sat on it himself. It always feels like a child's seat, forcing you to bend down in a small space to prevent your head from hitting the ceiling.

"Xiao Nangong, is this how you treat your guardian who kindly took you in?" Xiao Meng complained, "Wait, you don't have a driver's license?"

"I should have passed the test in China... I'm already 18 years old anyway."

In Academy City, the age requirement for students to take the test is relaxed, but generally only college students or teachers can drive, so the traffic conditions on the road are very good.

"Hey, driving without a license and overloading!"

Tie Zhuang said in a panic: "As a security guard, I have the right to seize your car..."

Send the police on the spot.

"Don't say it, fasten your seat belt."

Nangong Xuan found the buttons for controlling the brake and accelerator on the car dashboard. Therefore, Teacher Xiao Meng doesn't have to worry about not being able to reach the brake with her feet.


At the moment of starting the engine, the black-haired young man put Xiao Meng on his lap like taking care of an elementary school student. It's better than curling up and sitting on Teacher Xiao Meng's lap.

"Holding the teacher and driving... Even I am a girl!" Xiao Meng blushed rarely.

Although, the real age of Teacher Xiao Meng has always been a mystery, we only know that she is older than Huang Quanchuan.

Nangong said calmly: "If there is no room in the car, we can only make do with this, right? Could it be that Xiao Meng wants to sit next to Teacher Huang Quanchuan or Teacher Tetsu?"

The pink-haired loli immediately realized the difference in body shape. She imagined the scene of being trapped in the two "airbags" of her beautiful colleague, and her little head shook like a rattle.

Absolutely not!

Among the patients who have [replied], there are the strongest speeding racers in Academy City. Although it is a car model that has never been driven, just follow muscle memory, right?

Nangong Xuan's eyes were like torches, as if he saw through the [Emerald Eyes] the life skills that he had copied, covering all aspects of daily life.

The [Guardian] of the super hacker, the [Ghost Chaser] at the peak of medical skills, and... the [Old Driver] who is proficient in driving.

Speed ​​and passion!


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