"Sure enough, I am blessed with great fortune! I originally wanted to entrust Fremea to everyone. But in the end, I had better raise my lovely sister by myself..."

Frenda turned around and faced the "sister" she had been thinking about before she died. It was like looking into a mirror, a cute blonde doll.

"Then why are you here, Fremea?"

The two identical "Frandas" spoke at the same time, and then stared at each other. Even the mouth fetishes are exactly the same.


Although that child looks exactly like me, he is still young... Is this kid ten years old?

"Because I believe in science, I can even make a clone by rubbing it with my hands." Nangong nodded with satisfaction.


【Item】Finally understood the strange situation in front of me. They should have thought of it long ago when they received the mission to assist the "Absolute Abilities User Evolution Plan".

One day, he may also become a victim of cloning technology.

Reply Warlock, really did it.

Following [Imitation], this is a derivative technique developed by Nangong Xuan himself, a true [Copy]. Just separate the targets and [Reply] at the same time.

[Reply (Heal)] actually obliterates the uniqueness of human beings. Nangong Xuan can [imitate] the personal reality of ability users, which is incredible in itself.

Even before Takitsubo, the complete body of King's Landing Academy City, was born, the iron laws of the forbidden worldview had already been broken.

Since personal reality can be copied, human consciousness is just a plaything, especially in the face of [psychological control].

In the Genius Menglu chapter of the Super Cannon plot, a character has undergone human body modification experiments.

A person is torn into pieces, mechanically replenished, and after a period of time the fused parts are cut off to form two independent individuals. The mechanical clone gained a soul at the same time, but it was no longer the original human being.

Like the philosophical paradox of the Ship of Theseus, it illustrates the connection between the parts and the whole.

If you replace one plank of a ship every day, will it still be the same ship? How long will it take before it is considered a new ship? How about dismantling the planks and putting them back together into a new ship?

Quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, and functions that are not available locally are presented in the overall system. This is actually "emergency". Like the emergence of personal reality into superpowers.

Somehow, Nangong Xuan's [Reply] mastered this law, and even philosophical propositions were made into weapons.

If the soul really exists, it cannot be simply divided into two.

"I tested it and found that Flanda's lower body has no memory in the brain, only the muscle memory of the past, and she has no consciousness." Nangong smiled brightly, "So, I used [Psychological Mastery] to copy one for you." Flanda's self-awareness comes through, you're welcome.”

Some people believe that OO is a woman's second brain, which obviously has no practical significance. Men are animals that think with their lower body.

Instilling the skill of [Super Railgun] into the [Extra Individual], in theory, it can also inject the original consciousness into the clone.

When Frenda was cheering for her "resurrection", she didn't notice a dull blonde girl standing behind her.

Nangong had a thought, and red birds appeared in her pupils.

Everything about "Flanda Severen" was copied into a brand new brain, as easy as copying and pasting on a computer.

I create souls!

It's not a rumor caused by data errors like "the weight of the soul is 21 grams". There is nothing mysterious about it from the beginning.

The two Flanders pointed at each other and shouted desperately: "Why did you conjure such a burden on me?"

"We agreed, your other half belongs to me." Nangong smiled evilly, "Which half do you want?"

What's more subtle is that clothing cannot be copied. [Reply] Currently it can only target living animals, so the original Flanda lost her miniskirt and black stockings, and the new Flanda lost her top.

Even the clothes are divided into two equal parts, which is particularly joyful.

"Watch me sell this blonde doll!"

"I am the real one. Just give it to Mr. Zero as an inflatable doll, you faker!"

At this time, the real and fake Flanders had already begun to fight. Two disheveled blonde dolls were wrestling with each other, and the scene was a bit unsightly.

Women fighting on a larger scale, seen. Frenda H looks really interesting.

"Mr. Zero, take care of them..."

Takitsubo pulled the corner of Nangong's clothes. She wasn't very familiar, but this man had always been very nice to her since they met, and his attitude towards Frenda seemed different.

"All right."

For Longhu, Nangongxuan treats it differently. After all, this girl is a potential stock, and he will eventually become a "share", and he must cultivate his relationship well.

More importantly, everything from appearance, personality to figure is impeccable. The innocent girl is just likeable, and she is the same type as Ruizi.

"Stop fighting, you two will belong to me from now on."

Nangong gave the order, and red birds appeared in the eyes of the two Flanders.

"...As you command, my master."

Nangong joked: "Twin sisters should get along well."

In other words, artificial sister flowers split from one hand.

"Mr. Zero, you have a lewd expression." Takitsubo said quietly.

She didn't know why, but her tone was like treating a good friend.

Obviously, he is not good at getting along with the opposite sex. We have only known each other for a short time... Maybe he was attracted by the AIM diffusion field of "Zero" and became close to her unconsciously.

"She is just a doll, what's so sexy about her."

Nangong laughed dumbly, and then touched Takitsubo's swollen face. The place where Mugino had just beaten him was quickly healed.

The girl in the sportswear was stunned, feeling the warmth on her face. This was the second time she was saved by this man.


Nangong Xuan also treated Kinuhata, who met him for the first time.

[Imitation], [Nitrogen Armor], which belongs to the atmosphere system like [Nitrogen Penetration], is inextricably linked to [Accelerator] and is no longer useful.

Seeing that Takitsubo and Frenda acted very familiar with him, Kinuhata just thought that they had turned enemies into friends.

"Zero, your ability is super useful!"

When speaking, there is an exaggerated tone of "super", which is a unique habit of the three-no girl.

"Thank you for the compliment."

The two golden retrievers finally decided the winner. Under the mediation of their master, they had to accept the fact that they had an extra sister, and agreed to take turns to be "Frenda" every day.

"Okay, get in quickly."

In the end, the new Frenda that grew from the lower body took advantage. Because she had a skirt, she pressed the head of the "older sister" in.

Dimensional folding!

In this way, Frenda stuffed another self into the space she carried with her, compressed it into a paper man, and could assist herself in fighting when necessary, catching the enemy off guard.

Thinking of this, I suddenly accepted it.

The only problem is how to explain the extra sister to Fremea?

In Nangong's view, [Reply] Even the shadow clone has been realized, and it is a 100% restored entity.

At this time, Frenda has already thought about developing a human bomb to sacrifice the annoying "self". The other Frenda was lying in hibernation in the arsenal happily, thinking the same thing.

"When we meet Ah Yao, we will definitely scare her." Frenda said to herself, "You haven't seen this kind of explosion art, have you?"

It's rare to use yourself as a human puppet.

Nangong shook his head and said, "They won't come."

"Hey, where is the promised Anbu battle?" [Item] was dumbfounded.

Nangong said in surprise, "Do you really believe it?"

In a corner of the Academy City, the [Corpse Eater Army] was sleeping soundly at this time.

The problem child posted a video to provoke [Item] and then ran away. Anyway, Zero will do it himself, why would they fight for a breath?

"As long as we don't touch [Item] again, we have a 100% chance of winning. Captain Mugino, I won."

Iisu Lizhe still wore a mask when she slept, and she couldn't close her mouth.

The girls blushed and muttered in their sleep: "The master has too many body crystals, and I can't eat anymore..."

Nangong Xuan still assigned them tasks, staring at the juvenile reformatory and protecting Teacher Kiyama in secret. A group of three-good students who love their teachers naturally took the responsibility.

Mai Ye Shen Li was finally remembered. Her breath was getting weaker and weaker. She could only look at the perfect [Item] with her eyes wide open, unable to speak because of the great pain.

Without [Atomic Collapse], the team became more united.

Unfortunately, it was only a slight pain.

While Nangong Xuan treated a group of beautiful girls, he recovered their pain and abilities. He was still a little unsatisfied with the feeling of Franda being cut in half, and stared at Mai Ye with malicious eyes.

"I will [reply] for you too, crazy woman."

Nangong Xuan also wanted to verify one thing: [Atomic Collapse], can it also split?

After a while, two identical Mai Ye Shen Li stood in front of him, the only difference was that they did not have Franda's smart eyes. Nangong Xuan would not be kind enough to give the replica Mai Ye consciousness, so naturally he would have no soul, just like a vegetable.

Two [Atomic Collapse]!

"I, am alive?"

Maiye was startled, and then, out of fear of being cut in half, she fell into hysterical madness. She raised her hand towards Nangong again, brewing a beam of destruction.

"Zero, being kind to women is your biggest mistake, die!"

At the same time, the replica also instinctively launched [Atomic Collapse] under the entanglement of AIM's diffusion field.

"Is this how you treat your savior?" Nangong laughed angrily.

This woman is really hopeless.


Seeing that the two Maiye were willing to release their abilities at the cost of their physical collapse, Takitsubo and Kinuha unconsciously wanted to stop them to avoid causing harm to their benefactors.

But, we can't even stop one Maiye... A sick woman split into two, isn't it too scary?

Frenda, who is afraid of death, can only protect herself. Losing a life to save Takitsubo is already the most conscientious one.

"Don't worry."

Nangong Xuan stepped forward alone and slapped the multi-angle [Atomic Collapse] with a slap. He took a step forward and threw a punch casually.

Attack Crash!

Invisible force burst out.


Mai Ye Shenli's body was hit by a punch in the air and deeply embedded in the wall. She vomited blood and her whole body and soul were twisted.

"Asshole, I will definitely kill you... and that Railgun, and kill the disgusting clones together!"

Still crazy.

Nangong Xuan was touched and was furious. The last time was when he rescued Misaka's sister from [Accelerator] and tortured and killed a beast like Sekita Hatsuko.

"When you were bribed to deal with Mikoto, you felt secretly happy when you saw her clones being killed in ten thousand ways, right?"

[Atomic Collapse], got it. At the same time, this woman's dark psychology is also exposed.

"Have you ever thought that one day you will be cloned? I don't know any serious cloning technology, and I don't even need illegal drugs to promote growth." Nangong grinned, "Just hit it with your fist until it splits, I will do it well [Reply] to you.”

Before meeting Teacher Xiaomeng, the pain-free patient once had the crazy idea of ​​abusing the patient and then extracting the pain. When Nangong met the Misaka sisters, he realized that he did not have the courage to endure ten thousand deaths.

The woman in front of me is the best hot weapon.

[Accelerator] Damn it, not a single one of those who help others can escape.

"I'm curious, how small does a human tissue have to be to be unable to [reply]? An arm, a finger, a cell... or a drop of blood? Mugino Shenri, let me see how tough you can be. ”

At this moment, Nangong Xuan was even crazier than a real recovery warlock.

go Ape? Who wouldn’t?

I have never been kidnapped by the morality of "don't hit women". That sense of superiority is not just another kind of discrimination.

Since you want to be an evil girl, be prepared to accept the baptism of even more evil.

Nangong smiled and gently pinched one of Mugino's fingers. Just now, I used this hand to attack him one after another without repentance.

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