Multiverse Dimensional Shop

Chapter 252 The Ending of the Battle of Kings

"I admonish you with a command curse, King of Heroes, please calm down your anger, give up the unnecessary battle, and evacuate from the battlefield!" Tokiomi Tosaka contacted Jin Shining for the first time since the King's Banquet.

These words that reached the bottom of his heart made Gilgamesh even more angry. He never imagined that Tokiomi Tosaka would dare to evacuate him at such a time.

All the pleasure he had in the battle with the Conqueror turned into anger towards Tokiomi Tohsaka. Such anger and his unparalleled will as a king caused Gilgamesh to minimize the influence of the Command Spell on him. .

Therefore, Tokiomi Tosaka's move caused the curser to do useless work, but it was not completely useless. At least it had the side effect of the king's wrath.

But it's normal to think about it. Who is Gilgamesh? He is a person who can rely on his strong self to be immune to mental pollution despite the evil in this world. Resisting a command spell or something is simply normal.

From Gilgamesh's previous words and expression, the Conqueror King naturally knew that the other party was being cast a command spell by his master, and it was a command spell that was contrary to his own intention.

Therefore, after confirming that Gilgamesh had gotten rid of this influence at this moment, he exclaimed incomparably: "Being able to resist the power of the command spell with your own will, King of Heroes, you are indeed worthy of the title of king!"

"Ignore those bastards, King of Conquerors, our battle continues!" Due to resisting this command spell with very obvious instructions, Gilgamesh's aura became slightly weaker, and the noble phantoms behind him also returned. In the treasure house, only huge ripples of golden light were left.

On the other side, Tohsaka Tokiomi was a little distressed as he watched the second command spell fade away on the back of his hand and felt that the King of Heroes had resisted the command spell.

The anger coming from the connection between them made him feel a little more uncomfortable on top of the distress.

Blue skinny mushrooms!

There were only three command spells in total, two of which were used to summon the servants to return to the city, and one even failed. This feeling may only be felt by Tokiomi Tohsaka.

As for the last command spell, he needed it to save his life. This real anger almost made Tokiomi Tohsaka forget his elegance.

So, why did you summon an uncle at that time?

Tokiomi Tosaka continued to feel uncomfortable. He was so uncomfortable that he didn't even notice that his nominal and actual disciple, Kotomine Kirei, had arrived behind him.

"Teacher, I have something to report"

Regardless of what happened here at the Tohsaka Residence, the battle here finally entered its real climax.

After getting rid of the constraints of the Command Seal, Gilgamesh temporarily suppressed his anger and turned to face the situation where the conquering king led his army towards him.

"Dreams are lofty, and the enthusiasm for domination is indeed worthy of praise. But soldiers, do you understand? The so-called dream will eventually wake up."

Not paying attention to the opponent's charge, the king's treasure behind Jin Shining slowly sent out the handle of a noble phantom.

Holding this Noble Phantasm, Gilgamesh pulled it out and made a prophecy or fact for the next situation.

"Because of this, King of Conquerors, I will definitely block or completely cut off your path."

At this time, this Noble Phantasm was displayed in front of everyone, including Mordred who was watching the battle.

Seeing this Noble Phantasm, Mordred looked down at the heavy sword in his hand, and murmured: "Can such a weapon be called a 'sword'? But why does it come to mind when I see it? I automatically recognized it as a sword!"

Weber also had the same doubts, because it looked so weird.

It has both a hilt and a guard, and is similar in length to an ordinary long sword. But the most critical "sword body" part is far from a sword in the traditional sense.

There are only three sections of cylinders that are tightly connected, and the flat blades are twisted into a spiral. The three cylinders slowly wind together like a chain, rotating and extending.

"This is indeed a sword, but it cannot be called a sword. This is something that was born in the world before the concept of 'sword' appeared in the world. Naturally, it will not have the shape of a sword in later generations. It was created by God before he created man. Zhi is the embodiment of divinity that witnessed the creation of the world.”

Zhao · Part-time Science Popularization · Compulsory Hydrology (crossed out) · Chen slowly introduced the sword in Gilgamesh's hand to the two novices around him.

"The three disc-like cylinders on the blade echo the movements of the celestial sphere. They rub and rotate with each other with weight and strength that rivals the changes in the earth's crust. The expanding magic power rolling out is simply immeasurable."

"Immeasurable? I really want to see it!" Listening to the master's praise (?), Mordred subconsciously clenched the heavy sword in her hand. If possible, she would like to use a light cannon with it. Showdown!

In the battlefield, the King of Conqueror's unparalleled army, which had been running for a long time, was about to arrive in front of Jin Shining, but he himself smiled and raised his arms high above his head.

"Come and put an end to your endless dream. I will personally show you the laws of the world."

The initial sword raised high began to speed up slowly. Every lap faster, faster

Witnessing all this, the conquering king Yang Rein urged Bucephalus: "Let's go!"

I was the first to attack just now, so this time the initiative will be given to [Archer]!

Although at this moment, he instinctively felt that danger was approaching, he still decided to give Jin Shining the opportunity to attack first.

But he is only allowed to deliver one blow!

After the first blow, there is no need to wait for his subsequent actions, and he directly leads our army to ravage the opponent to death!

In this case, the key lies in how to withstand the first blow. The opponent is [Archer] who is proud of his unparalleled treasure. He must have a reason to bet on this blow.

Anti-army weapon?

Anti-city treasure?

Or is it the single-target Noble Phantasm that I used to "capture the thief first, the king"?

This question was swirling in the mind of the Conquering King, and then completely dissipated along with his unparalleled army - [The King's Army]!


Accompanied by the roar of the hurricane, expanding magic power burst out from the hilt of the sword held in Jin Shining's hand.

"Wake up, [Emuma Elish], the stage that suits you has been set!"

[Emuma Elish] - In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, he is the god of "heaven" and "middle" in charge of the earth and water.

The "Sword of Oblivion" as he called it was the original sword that witnessed the creation of the world in the age of mythology. The task assigned to its blade was to split the chaotic sky and earth in half and give it a precise shape.

Now, the proudly whirling Divine Sword whips up gusts of strong wind, and is preparing to repeat the miracle of creation.

Holding this divine sword high, Gilgamesh proudly declared to the conquering king and his army: "Look carefully - this is the 'star that opens up the deviation of heaven and earth'!"

The sky is screaming and the earth is roaring.

The expanding magic beam shook the laws of the universe and surged out.

Jin Shining swung the sword down casually, not aiming at anyone at all.

Because there is no longer any need to aim at anyone. What the blade of the Guili sword cuts is by no means limited to "enemies".

In front of the galloping King of Conquerors, the earth cracked open, revealing a bottomless abyss.

No, it was not just an abyss, but also a strange territory between the distorted reality and the inherent barrier. Even the conquering king himself, who mastered the inherent barrier, had seen such a scene for the first time.

Feeling the crisis under his feet, the Conquering King made a quick decision, suddenly waved the reins, kicked the horse's hind hooves fiercely, leaped high into the air, and crossed over the life-devouring abyss.

But the praetorian guardsmen whose mounts were inferior to Bucephalus failed to cross this chasm and fell helplessly into the abyss of hell like an avalanche. Although many cavalrymen at the back stopped at the last moment and escaped temporarily, the tragedy had just begun.

Although he was worried about his army, the Conquering King himself was now in great danger. The Shenma, who was keenly aware of this danger, quickly led his master back to a safe area.

At the same time, the cracks in the ground expanded, swallowing up the surrounding land and the cavalry.

No - not just the earth. The cracks extended from the ground level to the void, distorting the space, causing the atmosphere to flow upward, and the strong winds blowing everything around to the end of the void.

"This, this is"

Even the Conqueror King was shocked and speechless by this scene.

The sword of disobedience wielded by the King of Heroes pierced not only the earth, but the entire world, including the sky, with that blow. Its attack can no longer be described in terms of whether it hits or not and how powerful it is.

Soldiers, horses, sand, sky - everything that relied on the severed space was drawn into the whirlpool leading to nothingness and disappeared.

While Bucephalus was holding on to his four hooves and resisting the pressure difference of the vacuum, the hot sand earth generated by the "King's Army" was cracking and falling apart all the time, just like the sand that was about to run out. Flowing like a stone into the abyss of nothingness.

Before the sword fell, everything was just a meaningless chaos——

After the sword was swung, new laws separated the sky, sea and earth.

The turbulent power that created the world rushed out, which had already exceeded the scope of the city's Noble Phantasm. Everything visible and invisible fell apart under this unparalleled power.

This is the true face of the "Anti-realm Noble Phantasm" that makes the King of Heroes claim to be a transcendent.

The sky fell, the earth cracked, and everything returned to nothingness. In the endless night, only the King of Heroes' deviant sword shines brightly.

Its light is like the opening star that illuminates the new world, announcing the end of destruction.

But the King of Conquerors did not see these final moments, because when his army was wiped out by this power, his inherent barrier had ended.

Everything returned to the way it should have been before the inherent barrier was unfolded. Even the positions of him and Jin Shining did not change.

If it weren't for the beloved horse on his crotch, the consumed magic power, and the army disappearing in front of his eyes, the conquering king would probably think that the war situation has been traced back to the beginning!

The battle situation is decided!

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