Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1693: Another unlucky one!


A vast expanse of avenues of breath, suddenly swept toward the side of Chu Mo.

It’s like this one day!

Everyone looked at the direction with a blank look. Who said that the person could actually roll the sky straight up? This kind of breath, this kind of momentum... This is clearly an ancient ancestor of the upper class!

The question is, how many of the ancient ancestors in the entire channel world now dare to attack Chu Mo?

Yes, it should be the ancient ancestors outside the thirteen ancient tribes who are unaware of it!

Thinking of this, the group of monks in the Gushi ancients were filled with hope in their hearts. They felt that they were finally saved!

Because those outside the Thirteen ancients are too ancient ancestors, they can freely shoot Chu Mo!

Finally someone has shot it!

This is great!

The poor monks of this group of Ji’s ancients did not know the encounters of the former Tao Xunjun, Xuanzun ancient ancestors and Bailing ancient ancestors. The three ancient ancestors were also secretly shot. When they were robbed, they sealed another world. Therefore, no one except the few people in the ancient **** family knew that the three of them had been robbed!

Those who know will never go out and will not spread the news at all. People who don't know...more.

For example, the monks of the Ji’s ancient tribe who once again fell into despair, they did not know, they did not know anything.

The old ancestor who came here is also not aware of it!

He is a helper of the Yang's ancient, the Yun's ancient and the Chu's ancient family. Moreover, the name of the ancient ancestor, and an ancient ancestor of the ancient Chu family, there is also a fellow friendship. On the basis of generations, he should be regarded as the brother of the ancient ancestors of the Chu family!

Therefore, under the circumstance of this friendship, it is under the temptation of heavy profits. Gongsun couldn’t help but shoot!

In fact, he has already arrived here, and he has already arrived when the ancient ancestors of the ancient Ji’s family have not been robbed. But he was very cautious, far away from the distance, secretly observing.

When I saw the ancient ancestors of the four Ji’s ancients, the self-styled realm, and came to fight against Chu Mo, Gong Suncai’s heart was very admired. Admire these four ancient ancestors with IQ, it is too smart!

Sure enough, in the battle, no matter whether it is too high or not, the Buddha is not intervened.

Then, Chu Mo alone, with an enemy four, this battle is very hard. In the end, although Chu Mo successfully smashed the heads of the ancient Guzu ancients, he himself was also seriously injured. I can't see it!

But Gongsun is still not shooting!

He is still waiting!

He didn't quite believe that Chu Mo would be so easy to burn out.

Unlike many people, he saw Chu Mo sweeping the enemy of the entire passage as a knife for the Promise and the Immaculate Buddha. Once he leaves the help of the two beings, his knife... will be useless immediately. He doesn't think so.

Gong Suncai actually admire Chu Mo, a monk with a ancestral peak, even has the ability to connect with the ancient ancestors. Even if there is a Buddha, the Buddha is too helpless. But at least, he himself is quite powerful!

Therefore, he still waited for a long time.

He waited until the entire Ji's ancient family was almost all masters, and when he tried to kill Chu Mo, he did not show up.

Because he still wants to confirm, want to see, Chu Mo is not really bad!

The result... Chu Mo is still killing the Quartet!

The monks of those ancestors did not have any counterattack ability in front of him.

"This kid is a real killer! There are not many monks in this world who can stop him. Even if the monks in the realm of the world are one-on-one, even if there is no help from the two, Chu Ink may not fall to the bottom!"

The grandson who came to this conclusion was very shocked. He was already very cautious. Unexpectedly, he still underestimated the true strength of this white-haired youth.

So he continued to watch and wait.

He waited until Chu Mo successively released a few big moves, and that kind of overwhelming murder, even he was a little scared. But Gongsun only knows that his chance... is finally here!

Chu Mo, there is no chance!

Therefore, he directly rushed out, not only did not have any embarrassment to be embarrassed, on the contrary, his body, but also exudes awe-inspiring righteousness! It is exactly what a savior looks like.

His kind of pie, the people of the Ji's ancient family, not only have no resentment, but are quite useful!

The ancient ancestors of the realm of Taishou should be like this!

Corporal Li Xian is strange!

"Chu Mo, your last day is here!" Gongsun only shouted loudly, and the whole person's spirits, at this moment, climbed to an extreme state.

He is very excited, and even some of his excitement is irrational! This kind of emotion, by definition, should not appear in his status and cultivation. But no way. The ancient ancestors who died in Chu Mo’s hands are too many!

If he can smash Chu Mo today, then, all the world... everyone will remember the name of his grandson!

As for the existence of the two will not anger him... Gongsun did not think about this kind of thing at all. He believes it will not! Because the two exist, they should just want to suppress the increasingly arrogant passage of the ancients!

Those who are outside the thirteen ancient tribes, the two existences will certainly not care!


A Buddha number, directly in the spirit of Gongsuncai, like the sound of Hongzhong Dalu!


The grandson was wowed and slammed a large mouthful of blood.

It is no exaggeration to say that he almost scared the urine!

The whole person is paralyzed!

I can't believe it at all, I can't believe it.


Why is the Buddha of no amount actually going to start with him?


When Gongsun was just saying a word, he saw a bright, sultry knife, and slanted straight toward him.

He wants to react, wants to stop, and wants to sacrifice the instrument.

But his head, at this moment, has been so painful that he suspects that it is possible to explode at any time!

It seems that the next moment... his head will be like a watermelon that has been smashed by people...


Gongsun only made a very angry roar!

His body was actually slanted... in two!

The entire Ji’s ancient family, all of them, looked completely dumbfounded!

Because at that moment, the momentum that broke out in Chu Mo, is it like a person who has been seriously injured? It is clearly a horrible power to survive!

Just the momentum, the ancestral monks of several Ji’s ancients were shocked from the high heavens and fell directly.

Gongsun was given a two-and-a-half slash by Chu Mo, and then Chu Mo and another knife smashed past.


The head of Gongsuncai was directly destroyed.

His god, there is no ability to escape at all. Because his whole spirit is in the sea, he still continually echoes the Buddha.



Repeatedly reverberating, endless!

Gong Suncai’s eyes were so big that he was stunned and hated. This result is completely unacceptable.

What is this about his mother...what is it?

Why is the Buddha of Immortal suddenly starting to shoot me? why? Doesn't it mean that the two exist, will not be the hands of the ancient ancestors outside the Thirteen ancients? Is this a conspiracy?

This must be a conspiracy!

"I am your ancestors, the people of the Thirteen ancients... You are going to die, you have to drag us to die with you!" Gongsun couldn't help but scream.

However, his snoring was not able to spread out, because his head was directly thrown into the world of the sky.

Perhaps there, I saw three stars, such as Xingchen Daojun, Xuanzun Guzu and Bailing Guzu, and he will understand many things. Of course, the six ancient ancestors of the ancient **** family and the four ancient ancestors of the Ji's ancient family should also explain to him patiently.

At this time, Chu Mo looked back and looked coldly at the ancestral monks of the Gu's ancient family.

Gong Suncai thought that he was hiding very well. As an ancient ancestor of the Taishang realm, he completely converges on his body in the distance of endless distance. It is indeed not easy to find.

But Chu Mo has a sacred god.

Even after the passage of the world, the sky is not as magical as it used to be. The level of this world is too high, not everything, can be sensed by the sky. Just like the realm of the woman in the yellow skirt before, the celestial gods are completely unidentified.

But too much in this realm... still no problem.

Therefore, as early as when Gongsun was secretly concerned, Chu Mo had already received the warning from the sacred gods, reminding him that there is a supreme power. Looking at him secretly.

Chu Mo suddenly understood, of course, he is completely afraid of this kind of thing. I am not afraid of anything at all.

His injury is true, but his horrible resilience in his body is far from what other monks can compare. Therefore, although Gong Suncai observed for a long time and felt that he had nothing to lose, he shot on Chu Mo. But in fact, he has been trapped from the beginning.

The group of ancestral monks of the Ji’s ancients were completely dumbfounded. They looked at Chu Mo with a stunned look. Four of the ancient ancestors were dead, and the family owner was already dead. Now, the oldest Jiu’s ancient status is left with a very old elder.

He bit his head and looked at Chu Mo and said: "Hey, Chu Gongzi, you are truly unparalleled in the world... There is no existence in this world, you can compete with you. Our Ji's ancient family ... surrendered."


A cold light, the head of the elder, fell. (To be continued.)

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