Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 15: travelling poet


   (The old wounds of the past long for your tender caress)


   (Let our destiny be combined into one day forever)


   (I open my heart to let him be occupied by your tenderness)


   (This way we can moisten our entangled destiny)


   (When the dawn breaks, you escape from my sweet dream)


   (the sorrow and scent of gooseberry and the scent of cloves lingering around)


   Hisashi performed the song with arias and the lyre in his hand, and the whole club lounge was surrounded by sad bitterness.

   (After listening to a complete chant, get a piece of information about the bard profession, the current progress is 2/7.)

   really helps!

   Musashi's eyes flashed with a light called excitement. The first time he obtained the occupational information fragment was when Musashi was able to skillfully play the Christmas gift Leya.

But the appearance of this message made Musashi unhappy, because she had already raised her level to ninth level, and she thought that as long as she reached the tenth level, the option of employment would naturally appear, and she would have thoughts at that time: Congratulations The host successfully took the position as a bard.

   How happy and happy, right?

   But a job information popped out, and seven pieces of information were still needed to collect to make a complete piece of the bard job.

   Isn't this the same as when learning skills, but fortunately there are only seven. Like concentration skills, it takes 20 skills information to fully learn.

   But that's the end of the matter. Musashi, who has obtained two pieces of occupation information, can roughly guess what the contents of the remaining pieces of occupation information are.

  The basis for this is summed up from the professional ability and job introduction of the bard that Musashi knew.

   The first: Instrument mastery.

   Article 2: Familiarity with singing ability.

   These two have already been obtained.

   The following are all guesses~

   Article 3: The mastery of magical abilities.

This information should be related to spiritual power, and Musashi happened to have obtained a meditation idea "Dream". When he can master his first superpower, even the simplest and most basic mind power, then this information will be reached. .


   Article 4: Some abilities of the rogue

   This information is related to physical dexterity, but Musashi doesn't know how to effectively obtain it. However, it is not impossible to find a substitute for the rogue in Guandu continent, that is, ninja.

   This masters concealment, assassination, throwing, parkour or light work, disguise, escape, drug making, and even ninjutsu.

   Although the Light Red Ninja Sect has been destroyed by Yin Gu, part of the practice method Yin Gu must be preserved, so just go directly to Yin Gu and ask for it.

   So this one can be considered as conquered.

   Article 5: A rich accumulation of historical biography.

   The summary of this piece of information is related to a spell-like ability of the bard: anecdotal knowledge.

  Because you want to activate this ability, you need to have a considerable foundation for historical rumors and other information, so Musashi listed it as one of the key points to explore.

   may also add an ability to compose musical stories.

   Article 6: Charm

   All the methods of the bard are basically based on charm, supplemented by intelligence and agility, followed by perception, strength, and the last physique.

   And Musashi's only 12 points of charm may not reach the bard's threshold, or that other attributes other than intelligence and perception are not qualified.

   As for how much is qualified, Musashi doesn't know, but at least ten points are required for agility, or even high, and the charm may be more than 14.

   If there is no attribute value in the account, it will be next year at the latest. When Musashi grows up to nine years old, it should be enough to use the attribute points stored in his body.

   For the unknown, Musashi is still a little imaginary...

   Article 7: Faction

  The bard is not a professional in the lawful camp. Whether it is absolutely neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil, chaotic good, it’s all right, but it just can’t be lawful.

   But there is an old saying that goes well. Since ancient times, chaos has been amused. Isn't this going to put Musashi to death...

   Therefore, to eliminate chaos, you can only choose neutrality. Absolute neutrality is difficult to control. The good Musashi can't be talked about, and the evil can't reach it. Let's take one step at a time.

   When will this faction option appear? It's anxious!

   (Ding: Based on the uncertainty of the system holder about their own camp, the information of the holder’s camp is displayed in advance.)

   (Faction: Absolutely Neutral (-5))

   (The increase or decrease is within 10, and the current faction does not change. If the increase or decrease is within 50, positive values ​​tend to be good. Negative values ​​tend to be evil. When the increase or decrease exceeds 100, and behavior habits within certain rules, it will become lawful.

   When the increase or decrease value is changed significantly (≥50) within a certain period of time, it will automatically enter the chaotic camp. If the positive bias value is greater than the negative bias value, it is chaotic and good, and vice versa.

   Small fluctuations (<50) in the increase or decrease value are considered chaotic neutrality. )

   (Obtain a bard occupation information fragment, the current progress is 3/7.)


   This is definitely not a system conscience discovery, but this imperfect system obtained this useful information and temporarily updated it! ! !

   Just rely on this fragment of professional information! ! !

   Therefore, the system originally didn't have any advanced job inaugural content at all. When I discovered the system, there was a civilian job hanging on the job bar, which was of no use other than fooling people.

  Moreover, the skill learning after that has been accumulated and perfected little by little through skill information. That is to say, the system is constantly updated according to the situation of the holder?

   But something is wrong... the brain hurts (╯▂╰)

   Forget it, no matter what this broken and imperfect system is, it just needs to be usable and useful.

   "Musashi, Musashi~"


   Musashi regained his senses and looked at the handsome face that was close in front of him. He was so frightened that he was frightened. Fortunately, he had his hands to support and didn't lie down directly. His face turned red and his expression was a bit embarrassed...

   "Ha, ha ha, isn't this Minister Minister, ha ha, eh! Where are the others?"

"They are all gone, and you are the only one left. What are you thinking about, so absorbed, I didn't respond to any was thinking about the bard, and there was nothing serious about it, ah~ how late. I’m leaving now, and goodbye, Minister."

   Musashi got up immediately after speaking, ready to run away.

   "Wait, help me clean up the lounge, you happen to have not left yet."

   "Can't you go back first, Musashi is already hungry" (???????)

   "No, but... help me clean up, I can treat you to dinner."

   "Then let's hurry up~"

   When Musashi heard that he had something to eat, he immediately stopped rejecting and moved quickly.

   Now you know why Abo Snake is a little greedy snake.

  The relationship between the selection and selection is not a simple selection and being selected. It contains the mutual resonance of the soul, which is very much in common with the two individuals.

   So the young and ignorant Abo Snake was quickly affected by Musashi who was mixed with other soul qualities, and the visible and invisible behavior began to magnify.

   That’s why Musashi sometimes feels weird. Where did the small human movements that Aboshe occasionally reveal came from...

   The small mats on the tatami were neatly stacked, and they were picked up and placed in the locker under the tatami that Hisashi raised.

   wringed out the rag in the bucket next to him, and handed it to Hisashi who was still on the tatami, and he picked up the broom to clean up the remaining space. By the way, he handed Shangzhi a wrung out clean rag, and took the garbage and a small bucket to the bathroom to clean it out.

   "Get everything, let's go."

   "You won't help me get it?"

"you sure?"

   "I'll take it myself!"

   Musashi snatched his musical instrument and jacket, mumbled a little, and walked outside the complex.

   "Heh, girl~"

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