Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 22: Vitality grass

   "Musashi, why don't you join the battle club? The vice minister has offered such a favorable condition."

   Jigme couldn't help asking when she returned to the bedroom.

   "As I said, I don't have the energy to join other clubs during this time. A bard club has almost occupied all my energy."

   "Doesn’t the Bard Club just play the piano, sing and organize the biographies? What else?"

   Jimei is strange, isn't this society an old-age society? Why would it involve almost all of Musashi's energy.

   Yang Na is thoughtful, as a inheritor of an ancient profession, she will always know more about secrets than ordinary people, and her eyes towards Musashi can't help but change, and she has a little more admiration.

   "That's true, but you don't know everything.

   Bard is a complex and huge profession.

   Although it seems to outsiders to be mainly singing and traveling, he can also serve as a diplomat, coordinator, intelligence gathering courier, and even a scout and spy. According to legend, the bard still has some abilities that only superpowers have, which makes my heart beat.

   And the school happens to have a bard society, I am very lucky to be able to join the bard society.

   Minister, the members all have their own unique skills, but Oishikawa senior is approaching graduation, and the opportunities to participate in club activities are getting less and less. I can only spend most of my energy on this and try my best to master his unique skills before he graduates. "

   "Then... against the war club?"

   Yoshimi still hopes that Musashi can join the battle club, so that he can often fight against Musashi and improve himself.

   "We will definitely join the battle club, but we will talk about it in a few days."

   "Yeah! But why do you have to spend a few days?"

   "Because of that big senior, he upset me."


"what's happenin?"

   Yoshimi and Yangna are very strange. But thinking of Takeno-senpai's loud voice, it instantly became clear.

   "During the battle against Ori Shin Yuri, he actually said loudly that I would definitely lose. It is unreasonable that I am so unsightly? Although I won easily, I am just unhappy."

   "Uh...Musashi, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

   "Maybe it's just a waste of energy that you are angry now?"


"It should be because Daxiong-senpai’s memory ability is very unique. He just said it before and then forgot it. No matter who it is, including people. Except for things about Pokémon. Maybe after getting along for a long time, he will treat someone Personally, something has a vague impression."

   "Then how did he recognize me?"

   "It might be a smelly flower."

   "Is he really a bear?"


   "Hey, there is another gossip that is even more exciting..."

   "What is it?"



  . . . . . .

   "Why does Musashi have to get up early? I don't want to go to elective courses...Zz"

   "I didn't discuss it. I didn't go before. I must go this time! That's my master's class. I must go! I must go! Get up!"

  @~@ "Is it... where's Yang Cai?"

   "She has something, otherwise I would definitely not call you."

   "Then I won't go, get angry, which one is bad."



   "a pack of strange flavored beans"


   "Two packs."

"it is good……"

  . . . . . .

   "Dingling bell~"

   Yin Gu stepped on the class bell and entered the pharmacology laboratory, holding a small medicine cabinet that had been with him for more than ten years.

Standing steady in front of the experimental platform, I looked around the students who came to the class. When the beautiful burgundy color appeared in his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked and said, "Almost all the people who came today are fresh faces. It seems that my class is still It's very marketable."

   Yin Gu's opening joke made the students present smile.

   "Okay, Musashi-san came up to help me send the information."

   Yin Gu raised the paper in his hand.


   Musashi took a look and looked at the graphs related to drug extraction. The herb Musashi depicted above is also known as Genki Grass.

   A quick-acting herb that helps restore physical strength, but there is a setting that Pokémon cannot accept, that is, bitterness, very bitterness, and extremely bitterness.

   The longer the year, the better the efficacy and the more bitter the corresponding.

   This kind of herb can be grown in a very wide range, and it is also a very easy to take care of. Therefore, the medicinal farmers who are familiar with it will plant a little in their own courtyard. If there is a cold and flu, the body is weak, just pick a little soaked in water and drink it.

   I don’t have to worry about it, I just water it and fertilize it when I think of it. If I don’t think of it, it’s all arranged by God.

   Of course, the intensive cultivation is definitely better than the growth that no one cares about, and the natural environment is better than the artificial cultivation.

  Genki grass is a perennial herb. Its rhizome creeps underground, and the whole plant can be used as medicine. The leaves are the main raw material of wound medicine spray, and the rhizome is the main material of good wound medicine and vitality powder.

   If the natural growth of the vitality grass exceeds ten years, the underground rhizomes will slowly shrink until it turns into a thick vitality root.

   Genki Root is a very effective healing medicinal material. Regardless of the severity of the injury, as long as the Pokémon’s consciousness is sufficiently clear, it can quickly recover.

   But if you have fallen into a faint, then the root of vitality will not have that magical effect, but will be injured, not dealt with properly, or even die.

   In order to treat a Pokémon who fell into a fainting due to a serious injury, in addition to superb medical skills, only vitality fragments, vitality blocks, or the more precious resurrection grass, holy ash can do it.

   These things are too high-end. Although they are also available in the school, Yin Gu can also take them out, but it is not necessary. After all, this lesson is about the extraction and blending of the vitality grass.

   "Everyone got the chart in this chapter, do you know what the plants above are?"

"This classmate who raised his hand said Teacher, this is vitality grass, a medicine that can treat Pokémon's injuries. Although it has a wide range of branches, it is extremely miserable, so there is almost no Pokémon will take the initiative to eat them unless it is absolutely necessary."

   "Very good, very comprehensive, what is your name?"

   "My name is Oki Nana."

   "Champion Oki, um...Dr. Oki is yours?"

   "Champion? Dr. Oki is my grandfather, teacher, do you know him?"

   Nana really doesn’t know her grandfather. This curious old man who loves cup noodles so much and tries to turn himself into a cup noodle enthusiast, in addition to being a well-known big doctor, she also has the title of league champion.

   "I visited once. It turned out that the baby at that time was you, and you are all grown girls. You can sit down first.

   Now everyone has a blade of Yuanqi grass, a peach fruit, and extraction equipment such as grinders, beakers, condensers, etc. Are there any missing materials or extraction equipment? Please raise your hand. "

   Yin Gu just asked just in case, but he didn't expect it to be there, so he walked over.

   "This classmate, do you have any questions?"

   "Teacher, my stirring rod is broken."

   "Well, put it on the table first, take care not to get scratched, and I'll change it for you later."

   "This classmate, do you have any questions?"

   "There are traces of pecking on the leaves of the vitality grass, can they be replaced?"


   "Geng Gui, please bring a complete glass stirring rod and a complete blade of vitality grass to help these two students replace it."


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