Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 89: Windfall

   "I just crossed a few mountains, hey, and waded a few rivers, why is there so many rugged bumps."

   "Eat my old grandson a stick~!"

   "Sister, what are you singing? How come I can't understand a word." Abo looked at Musashi with question marks. This language felt more difficult to learn than snake language.

   "This song is called "Tongten Avenue Wide and Broad". As for why you can't understand it, it's because I haven't taught you. Of course you can't understand it." Musashi said naturally.

   "Then can I learn?"

   "Wait for you to learn the snake language and talk about other things."


   It is said that Triss’ language is snake language. In the memory of that other world, he is said to be the descendant of Yan and Huang, the descendant of dragon. Can this Chinese be classified as dragon language? But it doesn't seem to be useful to be included in the dragon language, after all, this language can't induce any mysterious power.

   shook his head, shook his mind, and was about to move on. Suddenly, he found some peculiar ore fragments in front of him, like the **** left by gnawing after being excavated.

   But it doesn't matter whether it is scraps or not. What is important is that these scraps Musashi seem to know each other.

   After instructing Abogua to confirm that there are no living creatures around, he quickly stepped forward, squatted down and stretched out his hand to brush over the debris on the ground. All the ore debris was collected in his hands, while the useless rock selection remained in place.

This is a small technique for the use of mental power. Although it cannot be too far away from the body, it can barely be used at a distance of less than 20cm. After closing, it walks to the fresh and obvious gap on the rock wall, some of which have not been excavated. Some minerals still remain.

   "Abo Monster, use Super Absorption here to disintegrate the rocks." Musashi whispered.

"Just right!" Abo Snake slid his body into the gap, and the rich green light continued to erode the surrounding rock walls. Although the grass energy was suppressed almost nothing compared to the outside, the grass energy stored by itself was still It can be done.

As for why super suction is used instead of poisonous, it is because the poisonous corrodes the rock relatively loudly, and it also emits a pungent smell, plus Musashi is on the side, don’t want to die or don’t do such dangerous moves. it is good.

   The super absorption is to decompose the rock by absorbing the trace elements in the rock and the energy required to build the rock. This is the fundamental reason why the grass system can cause twice the damage to the rock system.

  As the rock wall gradually became sandy, the minerals embedded in it fell out to reveal the real body, which was easily collected by Musashi.

   After Musashi took all the minerals visible to the naked eye into his bag, he took the tired Abo snake and left the scene of the crime.

   "Sister, what is this? What's the use?"

   "This is light metal, and it will help your brother Dayan Snake grow up."

   "Brother, he still likes to eat this kind of iron bumps?"

   "Of course, he eats rocks mainly to absorb the minerals in the rocks, and when the minerals accumulate to a certain level, he can usher in the light of evolution."

   "It turns out that this is the case, then this...light metal, what exactly does it do?"

"It can reduce the weight of a big rock snake. If two big rock snakes of the same size, one often eats light metal and the other does not eat, then the big rock snake that eats light metal often has a lighter weight than the other big rock snake, and it will also be faster Faster."

   "It turned out to be so, then I will collect more of this metal for my brother to eat in the future."

"Let’s do it, don’t deliberately look for it. This expedition can be said to be full of harvests, not counting the debris, there are three pieces in the whole piece, and the debris can basically form one piece. That is, there are four pieces, enough for him to digest several Months."


   "By the way, I remembered that once I sneaked in and saw a lot of rock-based and ground-based Pokémon gathered in a big fight. I took a look at that scene and ran away."

  Aboshe didn't feel ashamed about this incident. After all, she was a little snake very good when she could see such a scene. If you go in and take a kick, it is not a profit, it is a death.

  Because you have to be clear, this is the territory of the Quasi-Uranus-level Pokémon, and the one who can live here is not the Quasi-Uranian or is backed by the Quasi-Uranus.

   "Big Brawl, do you remember where it is?" Musashi immediately got interested and asked quickly.


   "Take me quickly."

   Abokai recalled the route, the command from left, right, front, back and forth, Musashi listened to a moment of confusion, and walked forward according to the Abokai guidance in a daze.

Not to mention, I really found it for Abo Monster. The ground of this cave is covered with gravel of different sizes, deep pits of different depths, crisscrossed scratches, and the surrounding rock walls have been crushed too much. Layer, how much damage has been suffered.

   Musashi looked at this cave that had been expanded for so many times, and felt the tragic degree of the rock wall. As for the gravel on the ground, I don’t know how many fragments of the rocky ground system are in it.

However, I didn’t see other Pokémon patronizing here along the way. I basically didn’t have any good things left, but the leftover leftovers are also a rare delicacy for the current Big Rock Snake, right? After all This is the battlefield of the quasi-tianwang class.

  I thought of releasing the big rock snake here, but I put it down on the waist. At this time, the big rock snake was sleeping, digesting the nutrients it had eaten in the stomach, and it was useless to release it.

The smelly flower can perceive the degree of energy enrichment in the ground system in these fragments, but in such a hot the smelly flower is afraid that it will not have time to sense other energy, and it will be burned by the high temperature. Forget it.

   I can only touch them one by one in a clumsy way. I think the system can accurately distinguish the energy content. This idea is also derived from the continuous use of the system, but it is too much trouble to use.

   I don't know if the meditation level is now up, and I can feel it without touching it with my hands.

   thinking so, staring at the gravel on the ground, starting from the one closest to him.

   fixed his gaze on a gravel beside his feet.

   (Launch detection, small gravel: volcanic rock)

   "It really works."

   Musashi's eyes lit up.

   (Small gravel: basalt)

   (small fragments (lower grade): fragments of rumbling stone)

   Musashi picked it up and took a closer look. It was similar to an ordinary rock, but the texture was more delicate and the weight was heavier, but it was easy to ignore it if it was distinguished by the naked eye.

   Putting into the backpack, standing on the original ground continuously expands the range, but the maximum distance is only one meter. Although the range is a little smaller, it is better than nothing, so there is no need to bend down frequently.

   "Something is coming." Abbot stood up and quickly skipped the air and analyzed the information.

   Musashi picked up a medium-grade fragment, which belonged to the big rock snake, carefully retreated to the top of the rock face, and asked: "There are a few of them, how strong is it, can you be sure of what Pokémon it is?"

   "Only one, it feels like a rumbling rock. The strength... a bit strange."

   Aboguai's big eyes are full of doubt.


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