Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Toxic Orb

After repairing at the school for seven or eight days, through Joey Haruyuki, Musashi found a senior cultivator who was still in the school to do research and specialized in the rock department of the ground department, and asked him to help him collect various mineral materials. Make it into elven food suitable for big rock snakes.

   For this request, the teacher readily accepted, because there are all kinds of novel and precious materials for him to study, as well as Musashi's own idea of ​​cultivating the big rock snake.

   This is a very good supplement to his eclectic cultivation method of various rock-based ground-based Pokémon. After charging some fees appropriately, he promised to give her the finished product in one week.

   After solving the big rock snake, Musashi took Bawanghua to find his master Yingu. On the one hand, he followed Yingu's advice and let Bawanghua learn seed skills from Miaowahua.

   The second thing is to let the Overlord Flower really learn the skill of sunny day through the Wonderful Frog Flower.

   The third thing is about what changes need to be made to Aboguai's promotion of Gu poison, because the conventional promotion method is too inefficient.

   Musashi watched the swaying Bawanghua leave, and stared at Ginkgo with Abokai.

"Actually, Abogua’s Gu Poison promotion only needs to be done step by step, because her energy core, well, demon core. Now it is a huge smelting furnace. If you want to speed up the accumulation of Gu poison, you just need to keep feeding a lot of wealth. Drugs that are highly toxic are just fine.

   But, I don't recommend you to do this, because the demon pill is not only the gathering place of Gu poison, but also the birthplace of the energy of Abokai's whole body, and it is also the residence of the soul.

   Suddenly ingested a large amount of highly toxic substances. First, the awakening fire of Aboguai was too late to refine the toxicity.

  Second, it will also disturb the balance at this stage, so it is not very desirable. "

  Looking at the somewhat depressed Musashi and Abo Kaiyingu, they smiled and gasped, "But..."

   "Oh, when is it, Master, you still make me happy."

   "Haha, in fact, these are not problems. To balance these three energies is a piece of cake for you.

   First of all, Aboguai has made relatively high achievements in the idea of ​​meditation, and there is no need to worry about the soul in the demon pill being unable to control the energy of the whole body, and the sudden increase of poison.

   The second is that ordinary highly toxic substances have no effect on Abokai, so the gu poison in her body grows so slowly. By the way, your battle points should have accumulated a lot. "


  "Then you go to the Pyramid to exchange for a poisonous orb to install the Abo monster. With this, your Abo monster will not have to worry about the growth of the poison in the next period of time.

   Bawang Tweed prepared some black sludge for him, which was also beneficial to his promotion on the poison. "

   "There are these things in the battle pyramid? Why haven't I seen it?"

   "Because these items are relatively dangerous elf items, they will not be displayed without the approval of our teacher for students to redeem."

   "It turns out that this is the case. I see. Give me the voucher exchanged by the master."

   "I will show it to you later, I saw your other three Pokémon yesterday, and they are all well cultivated. When do you plan to teach them to be poisonous?"

  "The Geely Egg Poor has reached the standard, and the body strength and adaptability to poisons have reached the standard.

   Ibrahimovic and Big Rock Snake are still a bit worse. When I take the nectar of the Overlord Flower, I will not fall asleep, and I should be able to learn the poisonous skills. "

   "You, if you let them know that you have been subtly enhancing their adaptability to drugs, what would they think?"

   Yin Gu said and clicked on Musashi's little head melon seeds.

Musashi stretched out his hand and drew away with a smile: "It's not for their own good. Besides, isn't it good? The precious honeydew rich in toxic substances and the aroma treatment full of medicinal fragrance can strengthen them. The adaptability to poisons can also strengthen and regulate their bodies."

   "Have you adjusted the medicated bath formula of the auspicious egg?" Yin Gu was helpless with his apprentice's sophistry, shook his head and asked.

   "Okay, Master, please have a look."

   Musashi used the illusion technique to present a piece of paper with the name of the medicine to Ginkgo with both hands.

Yin Gu took two glances, simulated the feasibility of the prescription in his mind, and finally nodded: "Replace the 10g unicorn poison needle powder inside with 3g pearl powder and 10g air-dried agate jellyfish tentacles powder, although the materials It’s a little bit more, but it’s gentler and more effective for Geely Eggs."

   "Yes, pearl powder can strengthen the defense of the auspicious egg and repair her damage. Although the tentacles of the agate jellyfish are very toxic, they are better than long-lasting and mentally stimulating effects."

   "But having said that, your hand is pretty slippery. I want to learn the meditation of Hibiscus."

   Yin Gu shook the paper in his hand. After the paper was shattered, it returned to its perfect shape. If you look closely at the unicorn poisonous needle powder, it has been replaced with pearl powder and agate jellyfish tentacles powder.

   "Master, here is the original." Hearing Yin Gu's intention, Musashi dissipated the paper he had maintained, and took out his thoughts and handed it to Yin Gu.

"Haha, tease you to play, take it back, my physique is no longer suitable for learning meditation, and the abilities acquired are too random, there is no need to spend energy on this. By the way, I still need to be present at that time. Guidance?"

   "Oh, I don't need to be guided by my master on the spot, I can do it myself, and I can't have my master to guide me every time to complete it. I always have to be independent slowly."

   "You can be sure of yourself, and I won't talk too much. By the way, stay and taste your master's craftsmanship."

   "Sister, did she agree?"


   "Then I dare not call, let's call Qingxue sister, or I will be criticized again, by the way, Master, you have to work harder."

   "Talk more, don't I want to. It's not that the time is not ripe yet, so I can stay for dinner with peace of mind, don't say that there are none."


   Musashi and Abokai glanced at each other, their eyes filled with smiles.

   Dinner is very simple. A pot of salad, one oval burnt hamburger per person, and a mixed curry.

   There are not many members at dinner, just Ginkgo, Joey Haruyuki, and Musashi. It's a small family gathering. There should have been Musashi's senior sister Muko Suzuki, but she had already entered the post and she didn't have time to participate.

   Dinner is delicious and very warm.

   Musashi can see that Joey Haruyuki really enjoys the process of cooking by herself and cooking food for the people she likes. If she can still receive sincere compliments, then she will definitely be beautiful for a day.

   Although I don't understand this kind of emotion very well, the envy in my heart still can't hold back a little surge.

   Three days later, although Musashi said that he would not need Ginko to guide him, Ginko, who was worried, still appeared next to Musashi.

   But he didn't say a word, but showed one more expression, watching Musashi complete all the previous steps.

While laying the eggs and boiling... Bah, when I let the Geely Egg in the bath, Yin Gu simply nodded and walked away silently. As Musashi said, she does not need Yin Gu to be by herself. Guided.

  Musashi is really big, and he has gone to train.

The cooking of the auspicious egg was very smooth. The essence in the soup was absorbed by 60% to 70% in the first time, but Musashi estimated that the taste was not soaked, and it was boiled twice. In the last time, the essence in the soup was completely. absorbed.

   will~ will! Will~! !

  Pink Purple Heart Egg is complete! ! !

   On the side of the smelly flower, after seven days of learning, the seed skills have been learned roughly, and they are basically familiar with how to practice and master them.

   The basic sunny day skills are also perfectly mastered in the learning no longer have to work hard to convert through the moonlight.

   And with the help of black silt, the growth of the smelly flower on the poison can basically be maintained at a relatively stable rate.

   On the Aboguai side, after spending most of the points, the Poisonous Orb was successfully acquired and replaced the original poisonous needle.

   The Abokai carrying a poisonous orb unexpectedly fell into a poisoned state, but the overall state was a little unusually excited.

   There is one word that can describe the current state of Aboguai very well.

   Why do you say that, because her demon pill is a dry reservoir that has never been filled up, and the appearance of the poisonous orb is like a downpour, with rain falling from the sky.

   almost doesn't need the test of flames, he can go directly to the post, and the realm of Gu Poison is almost ascending.

   Hearing only the sound of "pop", the demon pill swelled up in a circle, moist and smooth, shining brightly.

   Gu Poison directly broke through Xiaocheng's realm and entered Zhongcheng.

   I don’t know if it was because of adapting to the Poisonous Orb, the improvement effect was transferred from the highway to the one-way road, the one-way road with bad road conditions.

   However, the passive effect that caused the user to fall into a poisoned state also disappeared, leaving only the power that increased the poison skill by 10%.

   But Musashi estimated that this poisonous orb would not last long, and it would be scrapped, and the road would be long.

   Finally, he retrieved the special rations of the big rock snake from the nurturing teacher, and Musashi once again took Abokai and the others back to the cave where they had lived.


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