Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 66: All bitterness and willingness to come (Part 1)

It was already o'clock in the evening when Musashi arrived in the light red city. He got in Master’s car, and it was almost an hour’s drive. The bewildered Musashi fell asleep directly in the car without any precautions. He was already asleep when he woke up. In the warm bed, accompanied by the bright sunlight the next morning, the long-term exhaustion of the boats and vehicles made Musashi have not yet changed his energy, and his body was weak.

In principle, Musashi’s physical fitness should not have such a situation that ordinary people would have. However, there is worry and anxiety in the heart, which will naturally magnify the chance of this situation, so Musashi was unfortunately recruited. She was not very conscious of her fatigue.

I want to sleep, I can’t sleep, I don’t want to sleep, I’m tired, I don’t want to move, I don’t feel strong.

"Musashi, are you awake?"

The sound of the door handle twisting and Master Yingu's greetings awakened Musashi's somewhat sober consciousness, and he whispered "Um". It took a long time to say "Master, how is Naga?"

"She, she is in good condition, just like you, she can't wake up."

Yin Gu sat beside Musashi's bed, stretched out his hand to sort out the messy fine hair in front of Musashi's forehead, checked Musashi's condition, and knew that she was not in any serious trouble, just because he was worried about Abo and was tired from riding the car on the road.

Asked softly, "How do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat orange porridge."

Hearing whether or not to eat, Musashi naturally appeared in his mind, except for the fruit porridge made by his mother Haruko. It was a long time since he had eaten this simple fruit porridge that warmed Musashi's whole body.

"That's all right, Master will do it for you, just wait obediently."

"Well, remember to add sugar."

"Do not worry."

Seeing Yin Gu getting up to leave, Musashi said prominently, "Master, I think Naga."

"Just know you miss her, here you are."

Yin Gu took out Abokai's Pokemon Ball and handed it to Musashi.

"Take a rest, the porridge will be ready soon."

The experience of living with Musashi a few years ago made Yin Gu also exercised some cooking skills. It was very delicious, but it was still passable. When cooking, there was quite a posture of grabbing and cooking medicine, and there was no occupational disease. Basically it can't be changed.

As for Musashi's cooking skills, he is the king with a strong mouth.

Leaning to his side, looking at the pokeball in his hand, "Naga, did you think about sister?"

The poke ball shook, but Musashi knew that Abokai hadn't actually woken up, but only sensed his own existence, so he reacted a little unconsciously.

Press the white button on the Elf Ball with your fingertips, and a six-meter-long purple python surrounds Musashi and spreads the bed. The purple-red Gu pattern is like the pattern drawn by the most outstanding tattoo master on Abokai, making it plain. The body of the snake adds a strange color, especially the part of the head of the snake. With three emerald green snake scales at the center of the eyebrows, the strange lines that are shaped like dragon horns fly up, and they meet at the back of the head to form a crown. The lines also add a touch of charm to Aboguai, and soften part of the hideous feeling of the snake's head.

Because Aboguai was in a deep sleep, the fleshy wings of the snake's neck had not been opened, and the soft body had not been overbearing in the past, and all that was left was grace and magnificence.

"It's really becoming more and more like a queen snake."

Touching Aboguai's head, his eyelids became heavy, and his breathing became longer.

An hour later, Yin Gu returned to the room with the white porridge mixed with blue orange fruit, and looked at the Abokai guarding Musashi in the center and Musashi with a smile on his mouth. He shook his head helplessly.

Walked to the bed of Musashi, put the fruit porridge, picked up the Elf Ball placed on the bedside, and took back the Abo Monster. Then he whispered, "Musashi, wake up."

"Huh? Master."

"Get up, drink the porridge and sleep first."

"Oh, Master, where is Naga?"

Musashi stood up, but found that Abokai was not in the bed, and asked anxiously.

"Take it back in the pokeball. Abo blames it for such a big size. It's not uncomfortable for you to sleep on the bed."

"would not."

"Well, drink the porridge first, and let it out later when you want to."


Musashi took the bowl that Yin Gu handed over. The temperature of the porridge was just right, and it was slightly hot. He picked up the spoon and ate it with small bites.

"how does it taste?"

"Delicious, sweet."

"It's delicious."

After eating under Yin Gu's gaze, he grabbed Abo Monster's Elf Ball and got into the bed again, but this time he didn't release Abo Monster because it was really crowded and couldn't move his body.

The hour hand of the clock moved to 11 o'clock, and the rested Musashi was finally awake, full of energy, but the body was still not working well, but it was caused by the lack of blood and blood. Just get up and move a little.

Put Aboguai's elven ball, wash, change clothes, and then go to Master Yingu.

Familiar campus, familiar road, but where is Yin Gu now?

Musashi is in trouble.

I'd better go directly to Qingxue sister's, and go back and forth without saving.

The principal building.

"Huh? Musashi, why did you come? When did you come?"

"Teacher Mujin, came back last night."

"By the way, it's because of Abo's strange thing, Qingxue happens to be in the office, I'll take you up."

"Thank you Mujin teacher."

"What are you polite? Come with me."

Although Musashi himself came to the principal's building several times, he did not have a lot of cross-examination with Mujin with him.

"Boom boom."

"Please come in."

"Haruyuki, Musashi is here." Mujin took Musashi's hand and said to Joey Haruyuki.

"Sister Qingxue."

Musashi saluted Joey Haruyuki.

"Musashi, how are you going to rest?"

Joey Haruyuki asked. Originally, Joey Haruyuki thought that Musashi would come to him in the morning, but was told by Gingu that Musashi could not come for the time being and needed a good rest, so he asked.


Musashi nodded.

"Abogua's treatment method, I have discussed with your master, and when Yin Gu arrives, we are deciding on the specific process."

"it is good."

"Hibiscus, Yingu has no classes this afternoon, right."

"Let me see."

Mujin took out the folder and flipped through it and found Yingu's class schedule. As Qingxue expected, there was no class schedule this afternoon.


"It is estimated that Yingu will soon end get out of class. Let's go and eat the food first, and then set about arranging the treatment of Abokai. Okay, Musashi."

"Well, everything depends on Qingxue sister."

Musashi knew that this matter could not be rushed, and agreed without dissent.

After lunch.

Gingu, Joey Haruyuki, Musashi, and Hibiscus who are playing together came to Joey Haruyuki's private laboratory.

"Musashi, your master and I's treatment plan for Abokai is like this. You listen first, and you will ask questions later, and there is a better way you think."

Joey Haruyuki stood in front of the movable whiteboard in the laboratory and said.

Musashi held Abokai's pokeball and nodded.

"After a careful inspection of Abo's current situation with Yin Gu, a total of three problems have been discovered. One is the soul level. The secret technique of Pill Breaking has damaged the integrity of Abo's soul. Although it was forcibly aggregated, Damage is still inevitable. The second problem is the energy level. After the broken pill, huge energy is scattered in the body, which in turn leads to the third problem, the body. The disordered energy is scattered in the body and is not a system, making Abai The blame can't control the body normally."

Joey Qingxue wrote and drew on the whiteboard while speaking, and marked the keywords.

"And these three questions point to one thing at the same time, that is, Abo’s inner alchemy. The current inner alchemy is an imaginary inner alchemy forcibly condensed by dreams. The soul and part of the energy maintain the integrity of the illusory inner altar. Blame the current deep sleep is a way of self-help, but it takes a very long time."

"In the process of self-rescue, the first thing that Aboguai must restore is the soul. Only a powerful soul can support the control of the body and energy, followed by the recovery and remastering of energy, and finally complete the takeover of the body."

"As for Abokai's self-help, you think so too, Musashi."

Musashi nodded and did not refute, and according to Musashi's own estimation, it would take at least a year for Abogua to save himself.

"Next, let me talk about the treatment plan that I discussed with Yingu."

"This treatment plan is based on Musashi’s method of cultivating Abo monsters. In Musashi’s vision, Abo monsters’ inner alchemy is a collection that contains all the substances of Abo monsters, and is the core of the body. However, the body itself is ignored, so that the inner alchemy system has a loophole, and then intends to re-establish a core, that is, a core system based on intimidation characteristics, so that the three substances of body, energy and spirit are taken into account. Our approach to treatment will also revolve around these three substances, but it is not intimidation, but a fuss on Inner Dan.

"After thinking about Yingu, myself and Musashi before, the omission of the inner alchemy system is mainly reflected in the excessive emphasis on the spirit and energy, thus ignoring the tolerance of the body, and because of the broken pills, the body is insufficient to bear and the soul is collapsed. This leads to a series of current diseases. But it does not break or stand. In subsequent studies, it was found that the inner alchemy system can actually contain physical factors, because the Abo monster itself is a snake-shaped inner alchemy, which contains flesh and blood abilities, energy As well as the soul, as long as the soul is integrated into the energy, the energy returns to the flesh and blood, the flesh and blood are nourishing the soul, the three are interdependent and transform each other, and finally unified, then Aboguai can quickly restore health."

After Joey Qingxue finished speaking, a large circle appeared on the whiteboard, which contained the soul, energy, and body, forming a triangle, and the two-way arrow marked the relationship between the two.

In the end, a small circle was drawn in the triangle, and the four words "Orb of Life" were marked from it.

"If you want to achieve this step, Abokai alone cannot achieve it, so we agreed that we need an external force to assist, and this external force is the life orb provided by Musashi."

After Joey Qingxue finished speaking, he took out the wooden box containing the Life Orb from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Life Orb, a special kind of life energy solidification body, is very helpful to Pokémon fighting. It can temporarily increase the strength of Pokémon itself in all directions, but it has a fatal side effect, that is, persistence. This side effect damages the user’s body. This side effect is not harmful to a Pokémon in a normal state, as long as it is used properly, but it is fatal to the current Abo monster."

"So after several meticulous studies and attempts, I found a way to reduce the side effects of the Orb of Life. That is, the nectar of the frog flower. The nectar of the frog flower has a very special function, that is, the nectar rich in mellow life substances can Guide some Pokémon to understand the true meaning of grass energy."

"The living substance is one of the constituent materials of the Life Orb. The homologous substances are enough to reduce the damage caused by the Life Orb. After testing, the stronger the frog flower nectar, the better the effect. Among them, the silver ancient Frog Flower Nectar can reduce the side effects of the Orb of Life from 10 to 5. Although the side effects are still high for Abogua, it should be able to help her through the initial difficulties through other means."

While talking, Joey Qingxue wrote the word nectar on the whiteboard.

At this time, Musashi raised his hand, expressing that he had something to say.

"Musashi, you speak."

"Since the nectar of the frog flower is effective, can the nectar of the king flower also help suppress the side effects of the life orb, because the vine snake also understands the true meaning of a lot of grass energy after taking the nectar of the king flower ."

"Really! Musashi let out the Overlord Flower, Yin Gu, the nectar from the Miao Frog Flower, Hibiscus, and bring Hu Di."

Joey Qingxue commanded immediately.

Mujin closed his eyes and directly used telepathy to communicate with the Hudi on the fifth floor of the library. The space was slightly distorted, and the Hudi appeared directly next to Mujin with a puzzled expression on his face.

‘Hibiscus, what do you want me to do? ’

Hu Di asked through telepathy.

"Qingxue has something to do with you."

"Hu Di, wait for me to test the Orb of Life."

‘Come again? ’

"There is new progress, and don't you like to eat sweets? Are you sure you want to let go of such a good opportunity?"

‘Sweets, this is poisoned candy! ’

"Would you like to say it straight."

Qingxue didn't talk nonsense with Hu Di, and said directly.

'eat! ’

Absolute sweethearts, how can you give up the sugar on your lips, even if it's a piece of candy wrapped in poison.

"Fan, secret a little honey and show it out."


Overlord Flower nodded, and even though the small cluster of nectar secreted from the flower core, the scent was restrained but with bursts of fragrance, which made Hu Di's eyes brighten.

Yin Gu asked about the fragrance of nectar, closed his eyes and felt the taste of the seasons, then opened his eyes and nodded.

"It's not time yet, wait."

With a wave of Joey Qingxue's hand, the nectar of the Overlord Flower fell into the glass bottle prepared before, and there were probably more than ten drops, which should be all the stock of Overlord Flower, and then handed the nectar to Yingu.

Yin Gu picked up two bottles of nectar and dropped them on the Orb of Life. After the two drops of nectar touched the Orb of Life, they were automatically turned into a layer of hard icing, making the red Orb of Life look a little more delicious.

It's this life orb covered with sugar again, it's the first few times.

Hudi curled his mouth in disgust, but his hand picked it up very honestly and put it directly in his mouth.

The sweetness instantly made Hu Di's disgusting expression rippling, but he immediately felt it after he was addicted to the task for a second.

But at the moment when he closed his eyes, Hu Di's eyes opened again, and there was shock in his eyes. This shock was not only in the effect, but also in the taste, because Hu Di's tasted the flavors of the four seasons, plus The mellow and fragrant nectar of the wonderful frog flower is delicious. It is not until the sugar coating is completely dissolved that the life orb is spit out again.

'It's incredible, the side effects of the Orb of Life are suppressed to the level of only This has no effect on some powerful Pokémon. This loss is not as much as they naturally recover. . ’

"Very well, Hudi, you can go now."


Hu Di was choked by Qingxue's words, and the feeling of losing after using it came to his heart again.

"As a reward, this is for you."

Qingxue smiled wickedly, took out a few mysterious fruity lollipops that Hu Di liked most, and handed it to him.

‘It’s not bad. ’

Grabbing the lollipop contentedly, he instantly moved and disappeared in the laboratory.

"With Hu Di's confirmation, the Life Orb can basically do no harm to Abo Monster, but to be on the safe side, the back hand prepared before will still be prepared."

Musashi nodded.


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