Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 84: Battle (continued)

The pink sweet and greasy scent released by Overlord Flower is non-toxic and harmless to others at normal times, and it also has a certain health care effect.

But at the moment of the battle, the sweet and greasy aroma becomes a poison that is invisible and murderous.

Regardless of the Pokémon of Pokémon with a poison attribute, Abo Monster has become an extremely poisonous poison after practicing Gu Poison. However, it is very unfortunate that after a long time together, Overlord Flower has been able to easily reduce the poisonous toxin she released.

Therefore, when Aboguai accidentally contaminated these scents during a fierce battle, the strength of the Aboguai would definitely be weakened by three points. So to be on the safe side, the Aboguai continued to use the curling skills while spitting out the cold black mist. Cover the whole body.

Just listening to the sound of "squeak", the cold black mist and the pink flower mist began to interweave, collide, and cancel each other out.

Suddenly, Aboguai, who was in the black mist, sensed the existence of two Overlord Flowers, and one of Overlord Flowers was quickly approaching her.

Reluctant to give up the unfinished fourth curl, his eyes condensed, and a tail drawn towards the overlord flower that was close at hand.

Just listen to the "click".

Overlord Hua held up the snake tail of Abokai with two swords. The two calyx rapiers were like fingers, firmly locking the Aboguai's tail to prevent it from easily pulling away, and then launching the ultimate suction. Continuously extract the energy from Aboguai's body.

It's no stranger to the ultimate absorption of Abogua. After all, she has also learned the ability to use this skill after this breakthrough, but compared to the Overlord Flower, it is a little tricky.

Simply give up the competition in the ultimate absorption, take advantage of the strengths and avoid weaknesses, and straighten the upper body. The fleshy wings of the neck opened and the snake stared with the help of the scary pattern.

Overlord Hua only felt paralyzed all over her body, and her two rapiers instantly lost control.

This gave Abogua a chance to get out, taking the opportunity to pull away his locked tail. But don't forget. There are two overlord flowers on the field now. And the other Overlord Flower had already prepared a gorgeous petal dance, and swept towards the Abo Monster.

At this time, soon, Aboguai was about to escape from the attack range of Petal Dance. But how could the Overlord Flower, holding two swords, easily let go of this opportunity to attack the Abo monster, and decisively stepped forward to entangle the Abo monster again.

An angry look flashed in Aboguai's eyes, and he raised his tail and used a poisonous dragon blow. The repelling effect of the dragon's tail and the violent toxicity of the poisonous blow made the Overlord Flower not dare to easily parry, decisively back.

This abnormal reaction made Aboguai feel strange for a while. Is this the real body?

Thinking of this, Abo blame decisively deceived him. Ignore the petal storm that is already close at hand. The four huge fangs in Shekou's flame-wrapped mouth were biting towards the Overlord Flower.

Aboguai felt the sensation passed from his mouth while he was under the attack of Petal Dance. At the moment of biting, Aboguai found that he had been fooled.

Because what was bitten in the mouth was not the real body of Overlord Flower. It was the old skin that the Overlord Flower retreated and formed enough to be a fake substitute. Since it is fake, then the ability to control grass attribute skills is definitely not as powerful as the real body. Simply directly activate the ultimate absorption and drain all the energy in the body. And use the swallow skills to recover the damage suffered by the petal dance.

Standing on the sidelines, Musashi analyzed the constantly offensive opponents. Roughly speaking, the Overlord Flower has the upper hand, but from the beginning to the end, Abo Monster has not suffered much damage, and the Overlord Flower has already lost half of the stamina required to form a stand-in.

However, this loss is not worth mentioning for Overlord Flower.

Because no matter it is the scorching sun in the sky, or the grassy meadows on the ground, they are constantly restoring the strength of the Overlord Flower. So if there is a war of attrition. Then it must be the Abo strange that loses.

Abogua is obviously aware of this problem. If you want to win the Overlord Flower, you can only have a chance of victory if you keep on attacking.

Aboguai immediately used the horror pattern on the wing of his neck and once again used the skill of the snake stare. And he opened his mouth under the dual purpose and made a harsh sound that was irritating and disturbing.

The use of these two changing skills hit Overlord Flower a bit caught off guard and froze in place.

But Aboguai immediately deceived his body, and his slender snake body entangled the Overlord Flower to activate the tightening skills. The ring muscles all over his body tightened and contracted a little bit. Not only did it limit the Overlord Flower's ability to move, but also constantly deducted Overlord Flower's physical strength.

However, Aboguai didn't dare to relax at all, his mouth was condensed with gastric juice, and he was sprayed directly on the body of Overlord Flower to eliminate the chlorophyll properties of his body.

Although restrained by the arbor monster, the Overlord Flower obviously would not sit still. A cluster of pollen is directly condensed at the center of the flower, but it does not appear. Waiting for the impatient Aboguai to attack again.

Sure enough, Aboguai didn't calm down, and opened her mouth to squirt out gastric juice, but Bawanghua took a step forward and threw the pollen ball directly into Aboguai's mouth.

A strong and rich taste experience. It corroded the fragile mouth of Abo's monster over and over again, and directly caused Abo's monster to roll all over the floor uncomfortably.

The shrinking snake body also relaxed at this moment, Ba Wanghua took this opportunity to decisively pull out two calyxes and shook her hand, the soft calyx immediately turned into a rapier. Looking at the Abo monster rolling around on the floor, there was no mercy in his eyes, and he swung a rapier to chop off the head of the Abo monster.

However, the Overlord Flower had obviously miscalculated the defensive ability of the Abo monster. The sharp blade made two sparks on the phosphorus and potassium of the Abo monster, and unfortunately it failed to break the defense.

Fortunately, there had been speculations, and the Overlord Flower immediately retreated. Reaching out his hand, a round of bright moon appeared in the sky above the opponent's field, and the wisps of moonlight shrouded the body of the Overlord Flower, and the scars left by the attack by the arbor monster were constantly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the intact Overlord Flower appeared in front of Musashi again.

And at this moment. Abogua finally stopped the painful movement of rolling all over the floor. The upper body man stood up, the snake's tail plate attached to his side, staring at the confident Overlord Flower, with annoyance in his eyes. He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but remembered that this matchup was made by himself. Then he had to shut his mouth angrily.

But the fighting spirit in the eyes has become more fiery, because only after winning this game, the previous loss will be meaningful. Swallow the energy accumulated from the energy used when rolling all over the floor.

Soon, some small scars and tender meat inside the mouth were repaired.

Is this game a tie again?

Musashi thought of it silently.

But how could the unwilling Aboguai easily end this hard-won battle and roar up to the sky. The sound of neighing came after another.

At first, Musashi was still a little puzzled. What is Abo blame doing?

Then I came back to my senses, this is not the ability to summon nearby snakes to work for her to fight for him through the derived ability of the intimidation characteristic. But this ability has never been used after Abokai got it, and I don't know how effective it is? Whether it can really summon the same kind to come and help, all this is unknown.

Therefore, in order to verify the authenticity of Abbot’s abilities, Bawanghua did not interrupt, and Abbot wanted to cheat by summoning the same kind to fight.

Until Abogua stopped his neighing, the surrounding area was quiet. No snakes appear here.

Just as Musashi thought that Abokai's ability had failed, there was a slight rustling behind the surrounding grass. Then one after another purple poisonous snakes appeared next to Aboguai, unanimously looking at the weak Overlord Flower.

Seeing that his special ability really took effect, Abo said excitedly: Attack! ! !

The Snake Clan army that had been summoned with him was suppressed towards the Overlord Flower.

This is obviously an illegal operation, but when the rules were first formulated, it was not said that the same clan could not be summoned to help in the battle.

Therefore, this dumb tyrant flower can only be swallowed, and the moon in the mid-air instantly shines brightly, and the hanging moonlight is like sharp arrows. Stop these uninvited venomous snakes.

Abo blamed him and did not see whether the poisonous snakes he had summoned were killed one by one by the power of the moon. Instead, he raised the snake's tail and lashed towards the Overlord Flower.

Overlord Flower faced the fluttering snake's tail and instantly lowered its head. The thick petals were like a shield, firmly holding Abo's vigorously powerful snake's tail.

good chance!

The pink pollen sprayed directly from the center of the flower, which scattered all over Aboguai under the control of Overlord Flower. Soon the heavy sleepiness continued to erode Abogua's nerves.

But this is not over yet, a few more plant seeds spewed out from the center of the Overlord Flower, and they landed precisely on Aboguai's body. Almost instantly the seeds grow strong roots and hide on Abo monsters. The thick hairy roots follow the gaps in the scales and plunge into the flesh and blood of Abo monsters, continuously extracting the energy of Abo monsters. Used to restore the energy consumed by the Overlord Flower.

The pain of flesh and blood being eroded, Aboguai instantly got rid of the trouble of sleeping. A raging flame surged from his body, his tail hit the ground and shot up, instantly entwining the Overlord Flower that was too late to dodge.

The flames of awakening kept burning Bawanghua's body, although Bawanghua consciously exercised the resistance of fire attributes during the smelly flower period, and it did develop a certain amount of fire resistance.

However, this resistance was not enough to offset the damage caused by Abai Monster's mutated Awakening Flame.

And the special damage of the flame plus the physical damage of the tightening skills. Under the dual stamina flow, if the Overlord Flower is not able to save herself, then losing the ability to fight is a certainty.

But don't forget, Abo blames an awakening flame, and Overlord Flower also has an awakening ground.

Although the feet are off the ground, the control of the ground's sexual energy still exists. Numerous stalagmites protruded from the ground instantly and pierced the Abo Monster.

Facing the spur of the stalagmite, Aboguai chose to ignore it and did not move a bit.

Because it is very difficult to give up this opportunity and lay the foundation for victory. And he believed that his defensive ability was enough to withstand the stalagmite attack, and as expected, Aboguai's judgment was correct.

Aside from the pain caused by the stalagmites, Aboguai could no longer pierce any of her scales.

In the collision of stalagmites. The strength of Aboguai's tightening became stronger and stronger, and Xiongxiong's flames had already burned terrifying black spots on Overlord Flower's body. Those carbonized organizations can no longer play a defensive role. Instead, it can use the flame to cause secondary damage to the Overlord Flower.

"Brother Fan, do you admit defeat?"

The half-dead Overlord Hua, who had been tortured a long time ago, smiled slightly, did not say anything, but looked at one of the stalagmites erected there. To Aboguai said: "Naga, you see if I am real or fake."

After speaking, another Overlord Flower that seemed intact was peeled out from the stalagmites, and he looked at Aboguai with a smile.

Aboguai distressedly loosened the already carbonized Overlord Flower's shell, and said to the undamaged Overlord Flower not far away: "What's the matter? Brother Fan, when did you create another substitute, and it was hidden underground. How long."

"In fact, when you created the black fog, I separated two substitutes, both of which were placed in the open, but the real body was hidden underground, waiting for the opportunity."

"Brother Fan, you are cheating."

"Hahaha, what do you say? But do you still fight?"

"Fight! Why don't you fight, today will come out regardless of the outcome. None of us want to leave!"

After talking about Aboguai, he put on an attacking posture again.

But Musashi, who was standing on the side, couldn't stand it anymore, and came to stop and said: "You two will end here if you have more."

"Why?" Abo asked angrily.

"Why don't you know yourself? The Overlord Flower has many life-saving skills. Although the attack power is weak, you don't want to defeat him for a while. And your attack ability is not strong. Even if you catch the Overlord Flower, you still It's not certain whether he is the real person or a stand-in."

"In addition, you all lack the ability to kill in one shot, so your battle will inevitably fall into a war of attrition."

"But it happens to be the most time-consuming way for you to fight a war of attrition, because none of you can do anything about it. As long as you have a chance, you can immediately respond with full blood. So fight like this again. It doesn't make any sense to go down."

"Then which of us is stronger?"

Abogua clearly wanted to distinguish between victory and defeat, distinguish between strength and weakness, in order to confirm his own strength in Musashi's team.

"Actually, in terms of strength, both of you know in your heart. Naga will be stronger. But in terms of life-saving ability, Overlord Flower is better. So, you decide who is strong and who is weak."

Abo looked annoyedly at Musashi and the Overlord Flower who was not too **** the outcome. Angrily turned away, and ignored Musashi and Bawanghua.

But Aboguai and Bawanghua have been together for four years, almost five years, and Bawanghua doesn't know where Aboguai is thinking carefully. He smiled and said, "Actually, you won this battle."

"Really? Are you sure I won?"

"Yes, you won. In fact, when you caught me. You already won. Because what you caught is indeed my real body, and what is hidden in the stalagmites is actually my seed substitute."

"The role of the stand-in is just to ensure that I have a certain fighting ability after being defeated by you, to protect my master from harm. So, big sister. Are you satisfied?"

"Ahahahahaha. Sister, did you hear that? Brother Fan called my eldest sister. So I am the strongest, right."

"Since Fan admits that you are the strongest, then you are the strongest. But. After all, Brother Fan is older than you. He has been taking care of you. So even if you are stronger than him, you still have to call him Brother Fan. Correct."

"I know, I know."

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