Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 6: Bamboo stick craftsman

"Strange, someone will find here."

The old man cutting the bamboo silk raised his face covered by the hat and looked in the direction of the stream.


Elle Duo stopped his work and looked at his old master puzzledly. Someone is coming? who? Activate the ability to perceive the area a few miles below the circle, and there are people coming here, but three human children, how did they find this place?

"Do you still understand? Think about the recent rabbi's unusual behavior, do you understand it now." The old man seemed to point to Elle Duo.

Hearing the old man's explanation, Ellerdor connected the two things together and immediately understood the cause and end of the matter, quickly handled the green bamboo in his hand, and raised his foot.

The pile of bamboos on the ground that have been processed with bamboo joints and removed the branches, leaves and tips, stand up. He stretched out his slender arm and quickly spread it to embrace it, and activated his mind to extract a slender green skin that was of no use, cut it into two pieces to tie up the bamboo, and place it on the wall outside the bamboo house.

The greenness of Hsinchu and the old age of the bamboo house are particularly obvious after they are placed together. Ailureduo estimates that this bundle of Hsinchu has been processed, and it will take a while to work hard to save the bamboo needed to renovate the bamboo house. .

Then walked to the old man and waited for his instructions.

"When the rabbi can be called, it is estimated that only the one in Yuhong City is the only one from Yuhong City, but the old man and her seem to have nothing to do with each other. It's weird to find this place."

The old man looked at the bamboo silk in his hand and muttered to himself. Seeing that Eluleiduo had already taken care of the life in his hand, he said, "But now that I have found this place, Eluleiduo, bring them here for me."

The old man thought for a while, let's meet him, after all, the face of the empress still has to be given, and the person who knows that he is living here has something to do with him, but who will it be?


Elleriduo nodded and walked out.

. . . . . .

The Musashi trio, who was still looking for the reclusive expert along the stream towards the source, seemed to vaguely saw the hut that Shi Rabbi said, presumably the Sword Master was in it.

The pace of advancement could not help speeding up, but before taking a few steps, Musashi stopped.

Doubtfully said: "Elleriduo?"


Ellerdor nodded.

"Elleriduo? Are you talking about this human-shaped Pokémon in front of you?"

The general category of Pokémon is a basic lesson for Kojiro who is studying in the Pokémon Research Institute, but the specific name and name, attributes, and more in-depth characteristics as well as the source are unknown.

As for Li Jia, she pays more attention to the grass-based Pokémon, because in her limited learning career, it is very remarkable to be able to recognize all the grass-based Pokémon, as well as most of the treasures in the Kanto region. Kemeng, as for the non-grass attributes and the Pokémon of the local area, Li Jia basically had her eyes blackened, and she couldn't help looking at Musashi to listen to her explanation.

"Yes, Ellerdor, Blade Pokémon, is another branch of the emotional Pokémon Kirulian. The evolutionary condition is that it must be a male Kirulian, and it has aroused a strong desire for protection. At the time, the evolution is completed through the Awakening Stone. But the most famous evolutionary form of Kirulian is the inclusion of Pokémon Xanadu, the dream lover and perfect partner of most single men."

Speaking of this, Musashi glanced at Kojiro, the only boy here. Then he continued: "And Kirulian's initial form is Mood Pokémon La Luras."

However, when talking about Xanadu, Musashi's expression is still a little weird, because it is hard to imagine the thinking mode of these people, but I do not deny that Xanadu is really beautiful, dignified and elegant, gentle and beautiful.

Forget it, it's better to skip these thoughts.

"By the way, Elle Redo is a Pokémon that attaches great importance to etiquette, and is also a master of Iaika. He is also very proficient in double-sword flow." Musashi recalled what he knew about Elle Doe in detail. The information is popular with Li Jia and the others.

"Yaru." Human child, I didn't expect you to know me so well. May I ask what you came from.

Elle Duo asked Musashi as the leader of the team.

"Hello, my name is Miyamoto Musashi, her name is Yuhong Rika, and he is Sasaki Kojiro. The purpose of the three of us here is to visit the kendo master who lives here in seclusion."

"Yaru." I'll give you a formal introduction. My name is Ellerdor. The master ordered me to invite you.

Ellerito said to Musashi with words and deeds that fit the textbook model.

Hearing that his intention was known by the host family who lived here, Musashi was still somewhat unpredictable, but since the kendo master agreed to meet his party, he should not be angry.

"Musashi, what did he say?"

As a good sister of Musashi, Li Jia noticed the slight change in Musashi's expression and asked strangely.

"The kendo master discovered our whereabouts a long time ago, and let Ellerito come here to wait for us, and take us to meet the kendo master." Musashi explained in a low voice, revealing some embarrassment in his tone.

"How come, logically speaking, the **** of the forest..."

"Yaru." Because the forest **** did not deliberately hide his search methods, and the number of times is too high, it will inevitably be a little suspicious. Coupled with the timing of your arrival, you can basically determine how you found here. .

Elle Duo explained Lijia's doubts.

"Thank you for answering your doubts, and I will bother you to lead the way." Musashi said politely to Ellerito.

Elle Duo nodded, and made a request to the three of Musashi.

"What else is there to say later, let's go first, don't let the sword master wait for a long time."


The originally faintly visible hut became clear as the distance narrowed. The grid-like bamboo fence clarified the boundary between the small courtyard and the outside world. The courtyard door was spliced ​​with thick bamboo pieces. There was no plaque on the door eaves, so you could not pass These know some information about this kendo master.

A simple hut made of bamboo. In the yard, there is a stone table, two stone stools, and an exquisitely crafted rocking chair. It is shaking slightly. Obviously, the talent on the rocking chair hasn't gotten up soon, and there is a thin bamboo silk in the bamboo basket The heavy hatchet and the slender bamboo placed on the wall made Musashi suddenly unable to distinguish the true identity of the house owner.


"Come What a rare visitor, I didn’t expect that someone would come to visit me, an old guy no one remembers, but I’m curious who told you that I live in seclusion here?" With an old voice full of anger, as the door of the bamboo house opened, a spirited old man appeared in front of the Musashi trio, his head full of silver wire was meticulously managed, and the comfortable kimono was simple but perfect. The highlight highlights the spirit of the old man.

However, these invisible auras quickly converged again, as easy-going as an ordinary neighbor old man.

"This." Musashi couldn't tell the old man's true intentions, and couldn't help but glance at Li Jia, suddenly uncertain.

"Haha, don't worry about so much, I won't ask anymore, who is Empress Yuhong?"

"She is our master, but Li Jia and I have another relationship with the Empress. She is my stepmother, Li Jia's mother."

"That's it, what do you want me to do."

"I want to learn kendo and swordsmanship with you."

"You? With the strength and talent of the famous female emperor Audrey, why bother to go to my reclusive old man to learn the indispensable kendo?" the old man asked.

"Because Lijia and I have some kendo talents in Pokémon, and now their strength has entered a period of calm, so I plan to accumulate more foundation to prepare for future breakthroughs."

Rika nodded to the side and agreed with Musashi.

"Well, what are your names."

"My name is Miyamoto Musashi."

"Yuhong Lijia."

"Sasaki Kojiro."

In addition to the fact that Musashi's surname is not prominent, Rika and Kojiro are both famous, and the Empress Yuhong is standing behind the three, which made the old man a hard time.

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