Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 22: Semifinals (Part 1)

Backstage, Yang Dou couldn't wait to ask Musashi: "Musashi, how did you find that the dance of the petals of the lady in the skirt was just a fake shot, and the real change was the sword dance?"

"Guess~" Musashi turned his head and smiled. It was bright and refreshing just like the early summer morning.

However, Yang Dou was thinking about the question he raised, and he didn't find the beautiful face that Musashi had bloomed at this moment.

"I guess I have to ask you, don't tease me, just let me die a little more peacefully, a little bit easier."

"Alright, because I have been thinking about the two skills of petal dance and sword dance for almost three years, and I know the main points of the dance steps, and my Overlord Flower started using these two techniques, so Miss Qun'er tried her best before. Hidden little moves, in my opinion, are intended to cover up, so while cooperating with your performance, they are also meant to win the game in one fell swoop." Musashi said triumphantly holding the piano.

Yang Dou laughed helplessly, thinking that his brainstorm would work and achieve unexpected results, but in the end he found that he was just making an axe at the door of the class.

However, this frustration came quickly and went quickly. After all, Musashi's strength was a lot higher than him. In addition, he had thought about giving up the gorgeous contest before. Musashi directly won the victory and indirectly helped him. Make up my mind to concentrate on the path of the trainer.

"Thank you, Musashi." Yang Dou said with a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression.

"Thank me for what?" Musashi asked pretending not to know.

"You know what I'm thanking you for." Yang Dou said, don't pretend.

"Haha, I have to cheer for the Alliance Conference. Speaking of which, Kojiro will also participate in this year's City Capital Alliance Conference. I don't know if you will have a chance to meet." Musashi laughed and acquiesced in Yoto's words.

"Kojiro? He's going to participate in the league competition? I thought he would take the road of the breeding family." Although Yangdou saw Kojiro for the first time, Kojiro gave him the feeling that he was the kind of person who would take good care of the treasurers, so he looked like Said strangely.

"Feeders and trainers don’t actually conflict, do they? Just like we used to think that trainers and coordinators are the same system, at best they have different focuses. But Kojiro wants to verify the Pokémon he cultivated more. Whether he can withstand the test of the Alliance General Assembly and whether the breeding method he has summarized is feasible. However, with his current strength, whether he can collect eight badges in a year, this is yet to be determined. "Musashi is actually not optimistic about Kojiro. In one year, eight gymnasiums recognized by the league were opened up.

"Haha, who knows, I would like to play against Kojiro-kun if I have a chance." Yang Dou said with some expectation.

"As long as you are still in the city, you will have a chance. By the way, do you leave directly to travel or continue to watch the game." Musashi asked casually.

"Of course I continue to watch the battle. After all, it is still raining outside. And as you said, the trainer and the coordinator are basically in the same system, and there are still many things that can be used for reference."

Without the care of the coordinator in this regard, Yang Dou felt much more relaxed.

"Well, the battle has started, let's watch the match." Musashi pointed to Saori and Seohyun who are about to start the match on the screen.

"it is good."

. . . . . . .

Four games quickly decided their respective winners, namely Musashi in the first game, Saori in the second game, Melissa in the third game and Naoaki Matsudaira in the fourth game.

Among the top four, only Naomi Matsudaira is a boy, and the other three are girls. This shows how serious the yin and yang decline in the coordinating home is.

The semi-finals started very quickly. According to the match chart, the first and second players competed against each other, and the third and fourth players played against each other. Therefore, in the semi-finals, Musashi played against Saori and Melissa played against Matsuhira Naoaki. .

The semi-final game was steadily under the auspices of Lilian.

"Let's welcome Musashi and Saori on stage with cheers."

Amidst the cheers, Musashi and Saori stood in their respective battle positions.

"Musashi player, we have met so many times, this is the first time we have faced each other head-on." Saori said with a flutter of her flesh-pink long hair.

"Yes." Musashi nodded.

"Let me see how strong you are, who was hailed as the strongest dark horse at the time."

"The time limit is five minutes, and the gorgeous battle begins!" With Lilian's order, Saori and Musashi simultaneously threw their pokemon balls.

"Come out Laplace."

In the melodious singing, a water flower emerged from the ground, holding up Laplace, known as the singer of the sea, and appeared on the battlefield, showing water-like calmness and peace.

"Come out, Sleepy Moon."

A round of bright moon rises in the air as the wizard ball throws the ground, and the moon wizard jumps out of it, appearing on the battlefield in a vigorous posture. Compared with the grace and calmness before, it now shows a heroic posture.

"Laplace, sing."

The gorgeous singing voice collided with colorful notes, and played a ballad from the sea amidst the percussion of the jingle. The moon elf unconsciously appeared intoxicated when listening to Laplace’s singing, which also reminded her. Zeng Jin’s big sister Geely Egg Karen.

"It's a wonderful fairy from the ocean. Laplace's singing makes me feel like I am on the tranquil sea, basking in the sun and feeling the cool sea breeze."

Following Lilian's explanation, Musashi's scoring ring began to appear a clear gap.

Along with Laplace's beautiful singing, the ambient temperature has quietly decreased.

Saori looked at Musashi without changing his color, and kept thinking about how to use such advantages to win the victory quickly and reduce the exposure of his cards.

However, as a snake girl, Musashi is naturally sensitive to changes in external temperature. It was soon discovered that while Laplace was singing, he was also using the musical notes of the singing to affect the surrounding environment to construct a Suitable venue for her to play.

If you don't find it, that's all. Now that you know Saori's intentions, you can't let Laplace expand his advantage.

"Mianyue, roar loudly!"

The evil voice skills advanced from the fake Loud roar inherits the cry of fake cry, and also strengthens the ability of the moon elf to scold the street, which makes the originally mysterious and noble moon The elves have a little more of the city's aura, and the evil energy directly smashes the sky-filled glass notes, spreading the sparkling lights of the entire battlefield, and suppressing Laplace's singing as far as the ocean.

Because the singing was broken, Saori's scoring ring showed the same gap as Musashi, but as the moon elf roared loudly, Laplace's expression appeared a bit painful, and Saori's score decreased again. .

Gorgeous Battle is a competitive link that constantly cracks down on the opponent's skills. Although Saori has been given a temporary penalty, the countermeasures have already emerged in her heart, decisively saying: "Laplace, the freezing wind!"

Although the laying of the site was not finally completed, the falling temperature in the air indirectly reduced the release time of Laplace's ice skills.

Laplace looked up to the sky and screamed, attracting a gust of wind mixed with ice, and the white wind roared over the black sound wave constructed by the moon elf.

"High-speed stars!"

The yellow ring pattern on the Moon Elf's body shined in an instant, forming a huge continuously rotating star shield in front of him.

Just listen to the tinkling sound of ice lings constantly hitting the shield and the smashing ice fragments, appearing on the moon elf, forming a view in the snow.

"The high-speed stars used by the Musashi fighters resist the interference of the freezing wind and use the broken ice to show the splendor of the moon elves. How should the Saori fighter respond."

At this point in the game, Saori's scoring ring has been deducted nearly half, and Musashi has a two-thirds margin to be slightly better.

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