Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Ownership of the ribbon

"What's going on next is the final battle of this gorgeous contest, and the most important one. This battle is ultimately related to the final ownership of this Hundred Flower Ribbon. To be honest, I am a little bit reluctant to let go of this one. The ribbon badge is really beautiful, so beautiful. I don’t see this kind of ribbon badge a few times a year, and I can’t even get it a few times. So, you guys at the scene are really lucky. Up."

Lilian stood in the center of the stage and spoke passionately to the audience, and raised the floral ribbon badge in her hand.

The audience was also attracted by the ribbon badge in Lilian's hand, exclaiming and cheering.


Hundred flower ribbon badge, yellow and white ribbons are woven into the shape of a bow, but it is slightly different from ordinary bows, because there are two pairs of rings that are imaged as butterfly wings, and only under these two pairs of rings is the ring The two ends of the ribbon are extremely neat and beautiful in shape.

But these are not the key points. The key point is the flower pattern symbolizing the Jihua City Emblem in the center of the double bow. The pattern is composed of a flower core, six petals, seven parts and seven colors, namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

They are the yellow gems representing the flower core, and the petals are carved from the remaining six color gems into the shape of petals and inlaid around the yellow gems to form a seven-color flower in full bloom.

According to the explanation of the old man Jihua who designed the city emblem, there are hundreds of different kinds of flowers and the colors are colorful, so the shape and color arrangement of the current Hundred Flower City Emblem is now available.

The official of the Gorgeous Competition also took this to design a ribbon badge representing Jihua: Baihua ribbon badge.

Through the gap of the heavy curtain, Musashi looked at the floral ribbon badge displayed in Lilian's hand. The moment Lilian took it out, Musashi was deeply attracted. No matter whether it was the gorgeous style or the exquisite gems inlaid on it, there was no one. No longer beckoning to Musashi.

In fact, the pattern of the Hundred Flower Ribbon Badge appeared on the gorgeous stage early. It is a shape decorated with colorful flowers and plants. Although it looks good, it lacks a bit of truth. Although I want to get it, it is not due to my own ability. Strong, but after seeing the real thing, Musashi said that he was a bit sorry for not fighting it once.

Speaking of it, among the several ribbon badges that Musashi has seen, the only one that can be compared with the Hundred Flower Ribbon badges seems to be the Hualan City Blue Ribbon badge, which is also a double-bow-knotted blue and white ribbon as the base, inlaid with aquamarine. In the center, crystal clear diamonds dot the surrounding waves, highlighting the depth and beauty of aquamarine like the sea. The entire ribbon badge is extremely gorgeous and beautiful, but Musashi has no chance to win it from Mikari.

The dark gray ribbons in the dark gray city and the oiran ribbons in the light red city were obtained later. Because the level and specifications of the gorgeous contest are inferior to these two gorgeous contest key cities, the ribbon design and materials are naturally lower. First class, but the commemorative significance and actual value it should have is still very sufficient.

Suddenly, Musashi felt a warlike gaze, and immediately retracted his gaze from staring at the ribbon badge, turning his head along with the feeling, and the owner of his gaze was not someone else, it was Melissa.

Obviously, she also took a fancy to this ribbon badge, looking like she was sure to win it.

But this time, Musashi noticed that Melissa's arrogance and introverted eyes were a lot. Obviously, her previous battle with Matsudaira made her calm down and re-examined her own strength, whether it was really as she originally imagined. In general, successfully won the ribbon badge this time.

During the time when she was locked in the dressing room, Melissa was constantly examining her own strength, whether she was able to support her pride as she imagined, and finally came to the conclusion that she could afford it.

But it is not easy, especially in the face of Musashi who has been confirmed to enter the finals, Melissa has no guarantee of winning.

Moreover, Melissa actually lost to Musashi once in the gorgeous competition in Hualan City last year. Although the coordination shown by Musashi was not high in gorgeousness, and it was very immature, full of layman's colors for granted, but the powerful command ability and the strength of Pokémon were placed there, and Mei lost the battle. Lisa could only helplessly say that it was Musashi's own victory.

However, after learning about the reform of the Gorgeous Competition at the end of last year, Melissa suddenly felt that her own time had finally come. She was already very talented in coordination, coupled with the family’s long heritage in this area, which made her Participating in this Hundred Flowers Gorgeous Contest unconsciously put on a posture of superiority.

Especially in the face of Musashi, there was a faint feeling of dismissiveness, but after witnessing Musashi's progress and the evenly matched battle from Matsudaira Naoaki, Melissa was truly awake from her fantasy world.

Now Melissa puts the pressure on Musashi to tell the truth far more than when she first met, she couldn't help but raise the twelve points of concentration in her heart to deal with the gorgeous battle that is about to come soon.

Soon Lilian's voice came from behind the curtain and reached the ears of Musashi and Melissa.

"Let us invite out Bard Musashi, Princess Mononoke Melissa with the warmest applause and cheers."

"Papa Papa." "Oh~!!!"

"Musashi! Musashi!" "Melissa! Melissa!"

Musashi and Melissa looked at each other for the last time, seeing the endless fighting spirit in each other's eyes, they suddenly smiled at each other, stepped onto the battle stage amidst the cheers of the audience, and stood in their respective coordinator command positions.

"Time for five minutes, the battle begins!"

Lilian said directly without talking nonsense.

"Come out, Ghost Stone!"

"Come out, Mian Yue."

The white light of the elven ball flashed, and the purple-black ghost stone appeared in the huge ghost claws, and the strange laughter combined with the wind gusts fully demonstrated the weirdness and mystery of the ghost type Pokémon, as well as the special ghost type. Sense of evil.

In the end, the huge ghost claws slowly gathered back to the ghost stone like an inverted triangle, turning into a pair of ghost claws, flying up and down flexibly, and playing with it for self-entertainment, diluting the sense of weirdness and evil.

The moon elves still appear in the moon, but they are also in dark colors. The moon elves have passed a nobility in the mystery. The evil sense of the evil element is hidden under this nobility and mystery, and it is not reflected in the slightest.

However, Melissa and the audience knew that this sense of evil had not disappeared, only that when the skills were used, the moon elves should have the evil feeling that represents the evil element.

"Ghost Stone, black eyes!"

Melissa has also suffered from the loss of Musashi's stand-in, and in this gorgeous contest, Musashi also used this skill many times, so at the beginning of the battle, Melissa made up her mind to block your ability first~ Ghost Stone Jiejie glanced at the Moon Elf, who was pretending to be calm, with a gleam in his black and white eyes. Numerous huge black and white eyes appeared around the Moon Elf in a blink of an eye. Countless black eyes were projected in an attempt to envelop the moon elf.

This is like a picture that would only appear in a horror film, and it was perfectly presented to all the audience and Musashi at this moment.

Seeing the moon elf was shrouded in black gaze, knowing that the moon elf could no longer avoid this trick, but it was not his own style to catch it with his hands like this, as the strings fluctuated, Musashi gave his instructions.

"Mianyue, show your charm, charming!"

The Moon Elf, who was enveloped by these weird black eyes, was a little scared at first, but he calmed down immediately after hearing Musashi’s voice, and followed his fearful emotions, showing a pitiful appearance with countless beating red hearts in the moon. When the elf blinked, he passed the pitch black gaze straight to the side of Ghost Stone, and melted in without hindrance. The heart shape replaced the sharp black and white eyes of Ghost Stone, and he looked obsessively at the moon elves covered by black gaze.

Both sides have hit one of the other's status skills, and there is a gap in their respective scoring loops.

However, the situation of the Moon Elf is better than that of the Ghost Stone. After all, the black eyes only mark that the Moon Elf will not restrict her movement, and the charm has begun to restrict the signal of the Ghost Stone to accept orders.

But Melissa was very calm and confidently said to Ghost Stone: "Ghost Stone, wake up, ghost fire!"

Melissa's voice fell, and Ghost Stone, who was originally fascinated, immediately woke up, and the two claws separated from the body slapped hard, and several faintly burning ghost fires appeared, thinking about the moon elves coming.

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