Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 107: Chaomeng's visit

The silver-gray figure rose into the air from the auditorium and landed beside Musashi. He looked at Musashi with a smile and said, "Snake, didn't Musashi discovered my existence early in the morning? Don't be too excited."

"Exactly? Exactly." Chaomeng? Wait, sister, did you know someone came in?

Naga tilted the snake's head and asked in surprise.

"Of course I know. After all, this is the world I constructed. Even if Chaomeng came in, I didn't notice it, but still said that this is my world, he will always be discovered by me, and Chaomeng doesn't have it at all. I wanted to hide the idea, so I knew it when he came in."

"But Chaomeng, why did you come to me?"

"Because I noticed your mental fluctuations, I found it along the way, but the big snake you controlled is quite interesting. Can I play it too?"

Musashi looked at the Chaomeng almost the same as the full version of Chaomeng in his impression, mentally calculated it, and nodded.

"Yes, but I can only play for a while, and I will ask you something later."

"no problem."

"Naga, you come to give orders."

"Just... right." Naga changed back to a human form and trot all the way to the position of the referee in the impression. Then, with a wave of her small hand, the battle began!

With a green and innocent dream between the eyebrows, Naga immediately acted after Naga gave instructions. While retreating and pulling away, two energy **** condensed with mental power in his hand were projected towards Abokai.


Abbot’s snaketail slapped the ground, flexibly flashed through the energy ball’s attack, and did not look at the ability ball that turned back behind him, completed the use of curling in the air, and completed the molting to create a stand-in to block the energy ball for himself s attack.

But this is not over yet. After landing, the double split into two immediately. Under the slapping of the snake tail, it catapulted and swallowed two energy **** at the same time. The cold brilliance rose from the two double Abo monsters, with all their strength. Go and digest the spiritual power in it.

Unable to perceive the control of the energy ball, and looking at the Abo monster in front of him, Chaomeng backed away again, his eyes burst with blue-violet light, and a mottled ancient clock appeared in front of him, pinching up. The fist hit the ancient bell.


The violent sound wave spread out in a fan shape, and hit Aboguai heavily. Aboguai was repelled by a few meters. The original solid body was illusory, but it still survived. The two Aboguai substitutes also completed the digestion of the energy ball at this point, and appeared beside Aboguai. Three The snake tails entangled with each other and merged into one, and in a blink of an eye, the normal Abo monster turned into a three-headed Abo monster.

"What's this?" Chaomeng couldn't help but stop attacking, asking suspiciously.

"A creature that doesn't exist in this world, you can call it a three-headed snake or a multi-headed snake, but don't care about its name too much. It's just an unknown creature I created casually."

However, Musashi’s casual actions provided a little inspiration for the Naga. The knowledge that Naga acquired in the Wordless Book of Heaven is part of the "Snake God Naga" inheritance, although this part of the inheritance is when leaving the sea of ​​knowledge. A lot is lost again, but the mysterious image of the "Snake God Naga" is deeply imprinted in Naga's mind. Among them, the multi-headed giant snake type, the giant snake type with horns, the upper body is a beautiful female and the lower body is a snake. Half-snake and half-human are particularly profound.

Originally, Naga stood on tall buildings with the idea that she could not do it at all. Although she often imagined that if she could change into this form, she would have the idea of ​​how powerful it would be, etc., but she suffered There is no good way out, we can only give up in the end.

But now Musashi's hand, the method of changing one-headed Abo to three-headed Abo, opened the door to a new world for Naga, and immediately had the urge to try it.

However, the battle between my sister and Chaomeng was very exciting, which put Naga in a dilemma.

Sometimes the corn and watermelon are in front of you, just a moment of hesitation, the corn and watermelon in front of you are gone, leaving only a handful of sesame seeds mocking the Naga.

Why do you say that, because when Naga finally decided to watch the battle first, the battle between Abogua and Chaomeng had already come to an end, and he couldn't help but fell into annoyance and didn't even watch the final scene.

At this time, the two assembled heads of the three Abo monsters have disappeared, and even the Abo monster itself has become tattered and may disintegrate at any time, and Chaomeng is not better than that, the simple copper The clock had disappeared and turned into a huge spoon that Chao Meng held in his hand, but this spoon had long since lost its normal appearance, and even Chao Meng had many more wounds on his body.

"Chaomeng will stop here first, and then continue, your mental power will not be able to maintain your existence."

Chaomeng nodded, the spoon in his hand was transformed into mental power and was absorbed by Chaomeng. With the supplement of mental power, Chaomeng's state improved a lot.

Musashi also canceled the maintenance of the Abo monster form, turning it into a small ball of light to guide the Naga. Said to her: "Naga, open your mouth."



Naga, who didn't taste the taste, looked puzzled: "Sister, what are you giving me to eat?"

"My experience of controlling Aboguai these two times, and the first perspective of the two battles, you pay attention to the summary when you absorb it."

"I got it." Naga put away the annoyance on her face and happily closed her eyes and slowly absorbed it.

Musashi waved his hand and the three returned to the room on the second floor of the village and cooking house, put the naga on the bed, and sat in front of the small coffee table with Chaomeng, and two steaming cups of tea appeared. In front of the two.

Chaomeng was a little confused about the function of this thing in front of him, and carefully touched the cup with his hand with only three fingers.

Musashi saw Chaomeng’s doubts and said, “This is a cup with tea in it. Although it is condensed by spiritual power, it still allows you to taste the taste of it. Drink it without worry. It’s good for your spiritual power. ."

"Thank you."

Chaomeng picked up the tea cup and sipped the hot tea. Although it was a bit hot, it was still acceptable. After drinking a cup, the body composed of mental energy had a surprisingly warm feeling, and The refreshing scent made Chaomeng, who had never eaten anything before, immediately liked the taste.

"Give me another glass."

"Yes, after drinking tea, eat some cakes. These two can be regarded as a fixed combination. When the cakes appear on the tea table, we call the cakes for tea."

"Pastry, refreshment." Chaomeng murmured, picking up a beautifully shaped refreshment and sending it to the entrance, soft, sweet and with a unique taste.

"Try it with a sip of tea soup, it can bring you a different feeling."

Chaomeng picked up the tea cup curiously and tried to take a sip. Sure enough, the taste of refreshment and the fragrance of the tea were intertwined, giving the fragrance a layering and richer taste.

However, Chaomeng is not the existence of greedy appetite, she just tasted it, and looked at the question that Musashi was waiting for her.

"Chaomeng, where has your strength reached?"

"Above the Heavenly King level, it’s a newcomer to the champion level. If it is divided into the sacred beasts, I have the confidence to defeat the third-level sacred beasts and deal with the second-level sacred beasts. However, I have never played against them. All this is just my guess. ."

"Then among the researchers surrounding you, are the researchers who belong to the Rockets still there?"

"It hasn't appeared for a while, but this person will still appear from time to time, talking about Xiao Ai Xiao Ai, but I can feel that he is not a bad person."

"Have the Rockets evacuated? It seems that the league won. The pre-integrated Quartz League made the Rockets unable to maintain their consistent toughness."

"By the way, Chaomeng, how do those researchers treat you now?"

"It's a bit noisy. From time to time, someone will be sent over to tell me about the alliance and what we are a family."

"Well, if the alliance is dominant, you can stay at ease temporarily, accumulate strength slowly, and when you are strong enough, you can tell them bluntly that you are leaving. They will not particularly embarrass you. ."

"Can't I go now?"

" Your strength is not strong enough. You are still in a controllable range. If you are ready to escape now, they will definitely send a large number of people to track your whereabouts. And try to control you to achieve the purpose for them. Although your escape is a scene that the Rockets are happy to see, and will take action to prevent the alliance's actions, but they will also send people to arrest you, so that the two sides will attack together. It’s not a good situation for you."

"If the strength is furthering and the alliance is not sure to take you directly, then they will adopt a gentle policy, try to maintain a kind of friend relationship with you, and set a few loose conditions. Then you will see how much you agree to. You will be able to leave smoothly. When the time comes, the sky will be wide and the birds will fly, and under normal circumstances, no one will hit your attention again."

"Okay, I'm staying for a while."

"Well, but you must always be careful of the researchers around you, because among them there may be an undercover of the Rockets. They won't let the league get you safely, so they will definitely destroy them. Then you can take advantage of it. Break away, but you must be careful of the Rockets’ hidden hands. For example, what special ingredients are added to your nutritional supplements will make you violent and uncontrollable, so you must be careful to know."


"It is estimated that the train will leave Hualan City in a while, so goodbye, I will take the time to come to Hualan City to relieve my boredom with you."


Chaomeng nodded and disappeared into Musashi's dream world.

Musashi looked at Chaomeng's position after leaving.

"I hope everything goes well, because no matter which version of the super dream, it is not finally out of the control of human beings in a peaceful way."

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