Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Rib turtle

Lishui looked at the Overlord Flower who was forced out of the game by one of his limits, feeling disappointed and a little grateful.

After all, he has defeated the strongest Pokémon of his opponent, and he still has two quasi-King-level Pokémon with the same strength as the Primordial armor to use, and the winning code is about to fall.

No more worries, Lishui slammed the poke ball in his hand marked with the Ocean Team symbol. He was sturdy, and the ribbed turtle standing on his feet appeared on the grassy field. He wrapped his hands around his chest and looked contemptuously. The Bawanghua, who was taken back in the first time, gave a demonstrative roar.

Musashi shook his head to stop the Overlord Flower who wanted to continue the fight, and pointed at his feet.

Fan nodded hesitantly, and simply closed his eyes without looking at the majestic blue turtle, and continued to complete his unfinished task.

Seeing that the Overlord Flower did not respond, Lishui still did not give up on Musashi's sarcasm: "Why don't you play a song and congratulate yourself on the next city? Or after the Overlord Flower is off the field, there will be no one on hand to play. Do you have a Pokémon? Would you like my sister to give you a suggestion to surrender and save time."

"Sister?!" Li Jia glared at Lishui. Only Li Jia can be the sister of Musashi. Where did your glamorous **** who suddenly appeared mention this word!


Li Jia is a little strange about Overlord Flower's performance, she shouldn't.

Except for Ogo and Genji Tianwang who didn't know much about Musashi, the other side of Musashi had more or less experience of fighting against Musashi, so there was nothing to worry about.

It's just a little strange that Musashi's strength shouldn't be this way, especially Li Jia, it's very abnormal to see the Overlord Flower exit so neatly and look so tired.

Could it be...

Li Jia remembered the concealment action that Musashi had done to Fan just now, and looked at her feet thoughtfully, the grass field?


It's the King of Whale...

But what does this have to do with the roaring whale king? Li Jia, who couldn't figure it out for a while, couldn't help but glanced at Musashi and Bawanghua with her beautiful eyes, wanting to find something out of them.

What are they doing?

As for whether Musashi will lose? Don't worry at all. Although the opponent is a trainer of the quasi-kingdom level, the overall strength is not too strong, and it can even be called weak. This guy named Lishui is still worth seeing, but he is still weaker than Musashi. .

Musashi noticed Lijia's gaze, smiled slightly, patted Fan's petals, and asked him to go to Lijia's side. As for when Lijia wanted to ask Fan, he could simply explain it, saving her guessing.

The problem of the Howler Whale King was solved in the previous match, that is, he successfully constructed a usable stand-in in his body to continue the life of the Howler Whale King. As for how much he can retain now Power, hard to say, depends on how much life energy can be gathered in the end.

But a conservative estimate is that it is still possible to be more than one hundred two.

In fact, Musashi even hopes to condense all his energy and return to the most primitive state, which is the form of the wizard egg.

In this way, it is possible to re-experience birth, growth, and evolution, even if it did not have the current scale at that time, it is estimated that it is half as large as it is now.

But such a return to the original, almost rebirth, technology that can be called a miracle, even if Musashi is arrogant, he can't do it. You can only think about it and satisfy the pursuit of perfection.

Now the body of the roaring whale king has been constructed, and the energy transmission channel is maintained between the avatar and the behemoth under his feet (Bawanghua has always maintained this rooted skill, using himself as the transfer station of life energy to accurately regulate the energy in it. Transport to prevent accidents.) What is missing is the transfer and placement of the soul.

This step can be accomplished in Musashi's team, and only the Abo blame Naga has the deepest understanding of the soul. Her inner alchemy is a collection of soul, spirit, and flesh and blood energy. It is suitable as a vessel for temporarily carrying the soul of the King Whale, and it can also properly nourish the weak soul of the King Whale and help him through the initial period. Adaptation period.

However, after Aboguai lost the core of her body, her body was an incapable body, and there was no way to talk about the battle.

But fortunately, Musashi can indirectly control the body of the Naga through the snake contract, and Musashi is a snake girl. In the dream world, he often uses the form of Abo to guide the Naga. If you really want to fight, you will not wear a gang, which is energy. The supplementary aspect is a problem. After all, the core is missing, and the energy is taken and used at any time. Many powerful skills cannot be used. It is not that simple to win.

So Musashi's second Pokémon is Naga.

Shaking his shoulders and communicating silently, Naga slipped from Musashi's shoulders, and returned to its original size on the grass field. He lowered his head and forehead against Musashi's forehead, and the control of Naga's body fell into Musashi's hands.

Under Aboguai's body, a wooden root system appeared silently, and the inner alchemy that wrapped the naga disappeared.

Because of Musashi's control, although there is no inner alchemy, Naga's body has not changed in the slightest. After a little adaptation, he took control of this body, raised the snake's head, and looked at the petite and sluggish underneath with his smart eyes. I feel a little helpless in my heart. After all, Musashi can't do dual-use, so I can barely maintain this Be a silent doll.

Li Jia and the others, who passed their gaze behind him, paused for a while on Li Jia, and then quickly moved away, not knowing how Li Jia knew what was going on with her true identity.

Thinking of this, he flicked his tail flexibly and walked forward.

The six-to-seven-meter-long boa constrictor is full of deterrence, especially when people stand up, with their necks and wings open, in an attacking posture.

Lishui saw the appearance of Abo monster, his original relaxed mood disappeared in an instant, but when he saw Musashi who had no command, he looked at Abo monster, and felt a little clear in his heart.

Also, Pokémon with one or two fathers is used as a self-defense thing, and has no choice but to release it, even if it cannot be directed.

I feel much lighter again.

"Why, if I don't have a Pokémon to use, I can use someone else's Pokémon as a substitute. It's better to admit defeat sooner or later and save time."

To this, Musashi did not answer, nor could he answer.


Abogua roared, provocatively looking at the ribbed turtle, and then at Lishui, beckoning them not to grind and choke, it looked exactly the same as the ribbed turtle looked at Musashi and Bawanghua.

"You! Hmph, the ribbed turtle uses a water gun to say hello and let the long worm sober up by the way."

A thick stream of water spouts from the mouth of the ribbed turtle, and its power is enough to be level with the water cannon. If it is not deliberately wrong, then this ribbed turtle, Musashi needs to pay attention to the water attribute skills of this large turtle.

I have something to go home these few days. I didn’t bring my computer home. I can only use the codewords of the mobile phone. I’m sorry for the delay and the number of words.

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