Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 30: Play against Lava Team Naruto

(The last chapter has been revised at the end, and a few hundred words have been added. It can be better connected in the plot. If you are interested, you can download it again.)

At this time, there are only one fire-breathing camel and two lava snails left on the lava team. On the Musashi side, there are Lijia, Mikari, and four Pokémon, namely Abo Monster, Mini Dragon, Lotte Kappa and Menus. .

"Papa. Not bad, I can use the rain and freezing wind to force the water vapor behind and suppress the flames of the fire-breathing camel, but do you think this is all right? It’s naive. The fire-breathing camel!!!"

The blond man led by the lava team gave a chuckle, like the spring breeze of cherry blossoms in March, but his expression was cold, as if the cold wind was blowing through the hearts of Musashi and others. For a moment, Li Jia felt like Dawu and the others, it was a good choice to be confused by the hallucinations directly.

Because it is too hot, such an environment is really unfriendly to her trainer who specializes in grass.

The only Pokémon with water attributes to bring around is the Lotte Kappa and Water Elf, but the strength of the Water Elf is still at the elite level, and participation in this level of battle can only be a hindrance.

Then why doesn't Musashi's mini-dragon hold back? Because compared to the water elf whose body is 90% of water, the high temperature and low temperature beyond the body's ability to withstand is an invisible knife, which is damaging her life all the time.

Mini-dragons with dragon attributes are much more resistant to flames in such a harsh environment. Coupled with the guidance of the envoy of the north wind, they can also play a role.

Although the Lotte Kappa is a quasi-king Pokémon, the surrounding temperature is too high. Without Menus' protection, he would have been dehydrated and burned.

Although she was suppressed somewhat fiercely, Li Jia had some faint gains in her heart. After all, Li Jia had experienced such a high-end battle for the first time.

The attribute that was originally regarded as the standard is not absolutely correct.

The environment, absolute strength, and even subtle command can affect the performance of Pokémon in the battle.

But Li Jia, who had been completely suppressed, really couldn't afford to fight against such an opponent, even if it was the three of them singled out against each other.

Musashi seemed to see through Li Jia's thoughts, and gave her an angry look. Didn't the other party have a fire-breathing camel of the Heavenly King class? What's the fear.

Well, it's really scary, even if the three of them unite, it is difficult to suppress the firepower of the Spitfire Camel.

As for why Dawu and others were disturbed by hallucinations, it is necessary to talk about the identity of the man that Musashi and others are facing now.

One of the three major cadres of the Lava team: Hokage. In the arena, a man who can control "memory" with fire is good at creating a lot of heat in a small space, in order to invade the opponent's spirit and vision, and make him hallucinate.

The principle can refer to the phenomenon that high temperature can cause the arrangement of various elements in the air to be displaced and distorted, and this image is the cornerstone of Hokage’s illusion, and high temperature will quickly take away the water in the organism. It causes dehydration, which in turn affects the mental state of living beings and makes them hallucinate.

Another principle is that water vapor refracts each other under the action of light and shadow to form a phenomenon similar to a mirage, so as to achieve the purpose of hallucinating people, and the hot water vapor is more effective than high temperature on biological damage, so this is why Musashi is ridiculed. The countermeasures of others.

The fire-breathing camel caused the neck to roar, and the people stood up and stepped on their feet, as if the flames of purgatory were blooming again, and instantly destroyed the rain clouds on the top, dispelling the howling cold wind, and the heat waves hit Musashi again and again. Et al.

"Minas, surf!"

The surging waves rose from the ground when Menus fanned the fan-shaped tail fin, creating a brief and comfortable environment for Musashi Rika.

"Yu, go to the Lotte Kappa, Naga helps Menus keep surfing."

"Mi~" "Quah!"

With the help of the mini dragon and the Abo monster, the condition of Lotte Kappa and Menus has improved a lot. Li Jia instantly changed her strategy, changing the almost blurted applause into rain, expanding her own advantage, and regaining her advantage from her sleeve. Throw a pokeball.

"Ying, green grass field!"

At the same time, Mikri also released his second Pokémon Giant Swamp in a short breath.

"Giant Marsh Monster, Mud Bomb."

The giant marsh monster appeared after the huge wave, and inserted its powerful palms into the wet ground. With a force, a large number of clods were formed. Under the action of their ability, they aggregated into hard-textured soil balls, passing through the waves and hitting the opposite side directly. Fire-breathing camel and two lava snails.

The soil ball that has absorbed enough moisture quickly dries and solidifies in the hot environment, while the internal moisture is boiling violently, like a fragile pressure cooker full of air pressure, reaching the opponent's door almost instantly with a huge impact.

Hokage chuckled and said: "The lava snail, primitive power, fire-breathing camel, heavy collision."

The bright yellow eyes of the lava snails shone slightly, and several stones of the same size appeared around the calcareous snail-shaped carapace. One-to-one correspondence intercepted all the slightly steamy soil balls, and directly exploded in the air.

The rest of the stones flew out to penetrate the huge wave that was set off in the passage. The scene of cutting the water with a knife suddenly appeared in front of the three people of Musashi. Before they had time to marvel, the fire-breathing camel had already passed through with a tremendous amount of power. The hole tried to knock Menus flying.


In the blink of an eye, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and smoke and dust were everywhere, but Menas, who was the target, was not injured. He stood up in shock and shook the dust on his body.

The situation was not clear yet, and Musashi's command sounded instantly.

"Naga, very poisonous!"

Aboguai drilled out from under the fire-breathing camel, with sharp fangs embedded in the soft flesh of its lower abdomen, injecting poison.

After all, I have cultivated Gu Poison since I was a child, and the ingredients contained in the poison have long been unable to be verified. After repeated tempering of the pill fire, the toxicity is even more unpredictable and violent.

The moment after the fire-breathing camel was bitten, I only felt extremely cold, and subconsciously mobilized the flame in the body to get rid of the cold, but the moment the flame arrived, a more hot feeling appeared in my heart, the feeling of dispelling flesh and bones could not be described in words. New countermeasures have just emerged, but the response of toxins has changed another pattern, and the itchiness stimulates the nerves of the fire-breathing camel from the inside out.

Mania, rage, anxiety, and all complex moods poured into the fire-breathing camel's mind. The red eyes set off endless flames, and the ground and surrounding rock walls became red because of the sudden high temperature and gradually began to melt. .


Looking at this tremendous change, Musashi's calm expression was a little unsustainable, and he stomped his feet in angrily, and the ground shook slightly.

It stands to reason that even if the Naga's poison is unable to kill the fire-breathing camel, it can weaken its strength, but the realistic script has given Musashi a heavy blow, and the fire-breathing camel not only unravels the poison. , And fell into a frenzy.

Naruto looked at Musashi with interest, as well as the Abo monster that retreated in one strike.

"I didn't expect you to be able to force the fire-breathing camel to such an extent. If so, let the anger become more violent, the fire-breathing camel, super evolution!"

The crystal keystone appeared on Hokage’s right wrist, and the left hand sword pointed on the keystone. The chain of fetters pierced through the Hokage and the fire-breathing camel. The huge brilliance gene appeared above the fire-breathing camel. The dazzling super-evolutionary light general Surrounded by the fire-breathing camel, the gorgeous brilliant gene map slowly submerged into the light of evolution, the white light was scattered, and the super fire-breathing camel appeared in front of Musashi and others.


The eyes of the super fire-breathing camel were still red, but they did not lose their sense of reason. Instead, they wanted to engulf the whole world with lava, a volcano that was erupting.

"Super...super evolved..."

Looking at the super fire-breathing camel, a desperate mood emerged in the hearts of Mikolli and Lijia. The fire-breathing camel, which was originally at the king of strength, coupled with super-evolution, is even more powerful. This is undoubtedly for Musashi and others. It's worsening the situation, and the degree of difficulty has doubled.

"How about it, let's surrender obediently, and don't do weak struggles anymore." Hokage embraced her chest with her arms around her chest, and said frivolously.

"What about Musashi?" Li Jia asked in a low voice.

When the fire-breathing camel super evolved, Lijia and Mikari had carefully returned to Musashi, and several Pokémon gathered in front of Musashi.

Musashi stepped forward to face Hokage, the leader of the Lava team, but her voice came from the bottom of the hearts of Rika and Mikri.

(What else can I do, of course, run, you first take back your Pokémon, and wait to listen to my command.)

Rika's anxious heart relaxed a lot when Musashi said this.

"Of course we are going to give up. With just a fire-breathing camel, the three of us are already very difficult to cope with. Now it is super-evolved. If I don't give up sooner, I am afraid that the ashes of the three of us will be burned."

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being a little girl whom Sakaki is optimistic about, this mouth is well-deserved."

"Hey, you passed the award. Since Uncle you and Uncle Sakaki know each other, you can treat us as a fart if you don't look at his face. UU read and let us go." Musashi said with a smile on his face. Said.

"Hahaha, little girl, I'm afraid it's not a dream that I haven't woken up yet. It's in the hands of our Lava team. I want to go now. It's too late! Fire-breathing camel! Heavy impact!" Hokage's smiled face suddenly became cold, and rushed to kill.

(Hurry up and take back your Pokémon!)

"I know you are not at ease, Titan! Earthquake!!!"

The big steel snake rushed out directly from under Musashi and the others, opened its mouth and swallowed the three of them, and disappeared in front of the fire-breathing camel's eyes. Then a violent earthquake came from the ground. Fortunately, the fire-breathing camel running fast with a lower chassis did not He fell down because of the huge changes in the road, and turned directly to Hokage, protecting him under his body.

"Leave me alone, use stomping! Shake them to my death underground!"

Hokage, who was put on by Musashi, could no longer maintain his own image, said angrily.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking in various senses. The weather-beaten underground remains can no longer support the aged body. All the same people collapsed in a roar, except for the grottoes where the frescoes are preserved. They play the role of mysterious power. The bottom was supported, and everything else in the ruins that turned into the dust of history no longer exists.

Dawu and the others stood on the bow of the ship, holding on to the guardrail, looking at the sinking and collapsing desert islands, and the huge waves that continued to roll along with the geological changes, praying for Musashi and others to return safely.

Xiaojirou shook the upper jade string in his hand tightly, watching the dim light on it, his heart fell along with him, if something happened to the senior sister...

Kojiro glanced at the rough sea, his eyes full of determination.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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