Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 61: The decision of the coal tortoise

Legend has it that there is a trick called Tathagata Palm, which is a trick that descends from the sky.

Now Musashi has seen a similar but different move, that is, Mikari's most powerful move at this stage and the highest damage factor, the "Super Ice Bomb Chariot".

Although I don't know why I want to go for such a name that is full of disharmony, and the moves show clearly that it hits the opponent like a meteorite falling down, it is really hard to understand the name of the chariot.

However, the effect of this trick is not to be said.

A huge ice hockey puck with a diameter of 40 meters fell from the sky, and the roaring whale king inside the hockey puck felt that it was not powerful enough, and then used the Taishan top pressure to make the falling speed break through another level.

Everyone also knows the acceleration of gravity in the law of universal gravitation. The greater the mass, the speed of declining will not change, but gravity will increase with the increase of mass. However, if the speed of declining increases, under the condition of constant mass, gravity will increase. Naturally it will be bigger. Therefore, on the premise of being unable to change its own weight, the King of Whales increased the speed of the fall. In a proportional conversion, the power of this move also broke through a level, bursting out a stronger power.

After the trembling noise fell silent, the coal turtle caught by the Super Steel Snake and the Abo Monster was unable to dodge, so that the area at the moment became a huge pit, and the pit was paved in it. It was full of broken ice, a dying roaring whale king and a coal turtle whose tortoise shell shattered nearly half of its body and the fire was almost extinguished, just like the catches chosen by anyone in a seafood market stall.

However, the situation of the coal turtle at this time is like the death of a fire-breathing dragon's tail if the flame is extinguished. If the fire in the coal turtle is extinguished, then death will not be far away. But the top priority now is to treat the King Whale as soon as possible. After all, the life and death of the coal turtle must be determined at the point of the plan, so it doesn't matter.

Jigme, who was on the side, looked at the fire monster under the pit with eyes a little bit enthusiastic. After all, this is a Heavenly King-level Pokémon. If she can conquer it, then she can also become a Heavenly King-level trainer. But fortunately, The reason is still there, and he knows that he has not given any help in this battle, so he can only stare at this dying Heavenly King Pokémon.

"Manus, hurry up and use the water droplets of life." Mikoli dispatched Manus to the pothole quickly to treat the companion who had been with him for three years.

"Fan, aromatherapy, and then use Moonlight with Mianyue with all your strength, come out, Karen uses singing to relieve the pain of the King Whale, and then uses Healing Wave.

After the order was completed, Musashi had time to come to Mikolli and blamed him in an angry tone: "This is your super ice bomb chariot?! You can also use the one thousand and eight hundred tricks of hurting the enemy! If the calculation is wrong, won't the King Whale be killed by your wrong decision!"

"Sorry, in order to defeat this coal turtle, and in order to quickly return to the top of the roaring whale king, I can only make the best move." Mikri said slowly, watching the roaring whale king in the pit.

Wanting to solve this increasingly difficult coal turtle as soon as possible is one of them. The second is to use this time between life and death to inspire the original insight of the king of whale king, even if it is only a short period of time. A while.

However, the realization of life and death can actually be regarded as the second time for the King Whale. The first time was to grab the last straw and live to death, in order to survive and revenge. And he decided to make him who he is now, a man with unlimited future.

However, Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He. Although his talents are elevated, he has a higher growth space, but it also leaves him with a long accumulation cycle. This accumulation is not only the accumulation of energy in the narrow sense, but also the accumulation of combat power and mood. .

The cultivation of energy and combat effectiveness is not a difficult task for Mi Keli, who is backed by the Liuli Gymnasium, and can be executed here at any intensity. It is precisely this invisible state of mind that makes Mikeli really have a difficult need.

For Mikri’s other Pokémon, they were stuck outside the Heavenly King-level gate because they had not yet completed the condensing of the origin of the Heavenly King-level. If they understood it that day, if they figured it out, they will naturally be able to advance to the level successfully. , And this level is also being explored step by step, I believe it will be broken in a short time.

But for the Howler Whale King, although the Heavenly King level is only a step to step on again, but this level seems to be able to step on at any time, but it has been stuck with the Howler Whale King for two full years and cannot move forward.

Adam’s reminder was that the original understanding of the King of Whale King was incomplete and could not be copied, but because of this insight, the growth of King Whale was invisibly interfered with, and the mist was finally separated by a layer of flowers.

There are two ways to solve the problem. One is to spend time and slowly grinding, and eventually it will be able to break through this fuzzy boundary. The second is that there is a big horror between life and death. Borrowing life and death to break through the inner barriers of the Roaring Whale King and reopen it. The road to the heavenly king class.

To choose, Mikari naturally wanted to choose the stable side. After all, every Pokémon was a peculiar individual given to the world by heaven, and for him was also one of his precious companions.

But the Whale King hopes that he can reach the Heavenly King level as soon as possible, find the enemy who caused his own tribe to perish as soon as possible, defeat him, kill him, and comfort the deceased tribe, so the emergence of the super ice bomb chariot is logical. .

After some rescue, the state of the Howling Whale King is stabilized. At this time, there is still a thorny problem that this half-dead coal turtle is. The blood of the beast has given him tenacious survival ability, but only by himself, death is An established fact.

After Mikari took the Roaring Whale King back, Yang Cai looked at the coal tortoise who was still lying in the pit and said, "What do you think should be done with this coal tortoise?"

Since the battle is over, Jigme will naturally not wait and see from afar. After Yang Nai asked, he casually joked: "How about you subdue me?".

Although everyone knows that this issue of Jigme is a joke and a luxury of Jigme, the three of them still considered it carefully.

This coal tortoise was conquered by Yoshimei, and Yangna and Musashi would naturally not object, even if Yoshimei did not take any action or any help, but if this coal tortoise could be conquered by Yoshimei, then Yoshimei’s strength would definitely increase. It is also a huge benefit, enough to become one of the foundations of the future against the Rainbow Rockets.

"Yes," Mikri replied.

"Eh?!!! I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously." Jimei waved her hand again and again, looking a little embarrassed.

"No, I'm serious, you can take it down, and this coal tortoise, whether you take it, Musashi, or Yangcai, you can take it, I have no objection, after all, Musashi had taken it at hand in the first place. The Whale King gave it to me, and it can be regarded as my reward for Musashi." Mikari said seriously.

"In that case, you can try Jigme, if it can be conquered, then I am sure to cure it." Musashi glanced at Mikri, then promised Jigme.

Jigme never expected that he just said casually that he really had the final right to subjugation. After confirming that the expressions of the three of them were not like joking, Jigme nodded solemnly and responded: "Okay", and then Zhen said. He took out a fiery red pokemon ball that resembled a red crystal ball, and threw it at the coal turtle.

But the result was surprising. The poke ball thrown by Jigme bounced back, which means that the coal turtle is a Pokémon with the owner. Jigme can’t conquer it again unless he can find the poke ball of the coal turtle and remove it. Destroy, otherwise Jigme will never be able to subdue it.

"This..." Jigme was holding the bouncing pokeball, and it was a bit unacceptable for a while.

The ups and downs of life are nothing more than the current situation.

"In that case, don't let him live in pain, just send him the last ride, and it will all have the meaning given to the coal turtles by the lava team." Musashi said decisively. After all, he can't get it on his side, so naturally he won't let him. He returned to the hands of the Lava team, only adding variables.

"Please wait!" Then a voice interrupted Musashi's attempt to kill the coal turtle.

The three Musashi looked at Director Junsha in confusion.

Not surprisingly, Musashi and others made such a huge noise here. They themselves were carried out under the protection of Miss Junsha. Now that the battle has been settled, Miss Junsha will naturally come here to collect some intelligence. Finally, Organize the archive and save it for future research.

Originally, Director Junsha had no chance to participate in the determination of the coal tortoise, but now that the parties involved have decided to execute the coal tortoise, then the director of Junsha decided that he still needs to fight for it. After all, living is more useful than dying. Big.

"What's the matter, Director Junsha?"

"Can this coal turtle be handed over to the Alliance for disposal? The Alliance will give you equal rewards." Director Jun Sha assured.

Different doubts about Junsha's guarantee. After all, Junsha family and the alliance are inextricably linked. Even if Junsha serves in Yinyu City, the final service is the Junsha family, or the alliance. They Junsha and others are in common Of the created political community.

"What kind of reward can the alliance give us?" Musashi frowned and asked. If this matter involves the alliance, it will inevitably become complicated. The interest relationship in it is not something that Musashi and the others can mix, so Musashi inevitably looked at the top of the alliance with the worst thoughts.

"In the later recovery of Yinyu City, the Alliance will give the greatest help. This is one of them, and the other is to support the influence of the Weather Shrine in the people in the next few years." Director Junsha first assured Yangcai.

Then he looked at Mikri and said: "A copy of the water attribute heaven king's perception, or help the roaring whale king's follow-up recovery and ability improvement, guarantee to upgrade it to the heaven king level."

Finally, he looked at Musashi and said: "To be honest, Musashi, your situation is a bit complicated, the poison or grass type Uranus or other attributes of the Uranus-level feels how you choose one."

As for Jimei, Junsha took the initiative to ignore it. After all, the Alliance is not a charity organization, and the uninterested have a share of this reward mechanism.

"A very tempting reward. We agreed. Let this coal turtle be handed over to the Alliance." Yang Na and Musashi looked at each other and discussed in a low voice.

"Choose wisely, but the following pictures may break your inherent cognition, please keep it secret, and please believe that the alliance will not apply such a thing to any trainer of the alliance." Jun Sha finished, took out A pokemon ball with a special appearance was thrown at the coal turtle using standard throwing techniques. In the expressions of everyone’s astonishment, the coal turtle turned into a ball of red light and was included in the just like The normal acceptance procedure is the same.

But Musashi and the others had already conquered it once before and confirmed that the coal tortoise had an owner, but now it is clear that the coal tortoise has been conquered again when there is an owner!

How can this not surprise the four Musashi, or even frighten them. (This is just a certain part of the new Wuyin Tucao. It should be a grass monkey belonging to the Rockets. It was subdued by Superman a second time. It does not introduce the destruction of the original elf ball of the grass monkey and the release of the grass monkey. instruction of.)

Director Junsha breathed a sigh of relief after getting the elven ball, and explained again to the faintly hostile Musashi and others: "In fact, you don’t need to be so wary. This technology has a serious flaw, that is, it can’t conquer the elves at close range. Ball’s Pokémon, in other words, if the main Pokémon and Pokemon ball are within 100 meters, this special poke ball will not work. The research and development of this technology is actually mainly to prevent certain The criminals deliberately did not carry certain Pokémon Pokemon Balls, and when the case became complicated, the helpless measures. Moreover, your elders are also aware of this special Pokemon Ball, but it is only due to the ban. I've said it to you, so please don't mind."

Musashi and others nodded, did not speak any more, their expressions inevitably still showed a little indifference, after all, this matter was indeed a bit ruinous.

"Since the matter is over, I will leave first. After all, this coal turtle needs to be treated as soon as possible."

After speaking, Director Junsha turned and left, leaving Musashi looking at each other.

It's almost a four-thousand-word chapter, good night.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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