“Woo-woo, Dujing hasn’t seen you for a long time.”

“I want to kill you!!”

Under the gaze of nearly ten celebrities around…….

Du Jing was still sitting on the sofa, Deng Zixuan ran directly over and hugged ~ Du Jing heavily.

Because of his posture, he almost sat on Du Jing’s lap.

Du Jing: “…….”

He knew that Deng Zixuan was this kind of personality, but he didn’t expect that she could be in front of so many people and hug herself directly for more than ten seconds!

“Hahaha Dujing brother, you are not shallow~~”

Zhang Jie smiled on the side.

Yang Zongwei and Xiao Jingteng are also coaxing.

Deng Zixuan realized that there was something wrong with his behavior, so he let go of his hand with a red face: “Don’t think about it, I haven’t seen Du Jing for too long, we are……. Hugs between friends~~”


Hearing this, everyone was laughing.

Everyone doesn’t know what the specific relationship between Du Jing and Deng Zixuan is, but it is definitely not ordinary!

After all, the two had also rumored “Dinner Door” before.

Although it is maliciously fabricated, it is enough to prove that the two have a good relationship.

However, Li Ruilong saw that the two were so close, and his eyes were visibly gloomy.

“Zixuan, I sent you that song before…”

Suddenly, Li Ruilong forced a smile on his face and mentioned it.

Deng Zixuan smiled: “The song listened, well… It’s not quite suitable for me to sing, you find someone else. ”

Li Ruilong: “…….”

His expression froze, and the words came to his lips and swallowed, a little embarrassed.

Du Jing asked: “What song?” ”

Deng Zixuan quickly approached Du Jing and whispered in his ear: “He wrote a new song, he wanted to find me to sing it, I didn’t like it and refused it~~”

Hearing this, Du Jing glanced at Li Ruilong.

Li Ruilong’s expression was livid, and his gaze looked away.

Got it ~~

This guy…….

Is it interesting to Deng Zixuan??

Du Jing smiled: “So you simply don’t like his song, or do you have an opinion about him as a person?” ”

He noticed the change in Deng Zixuan’s expression just now…….

Earlier, there was still a smile on his face, and as soon as Li Ruilong spoke, Deng Zixuan’s face was full of impatience.

Deng Zixuan looked at Du Jing with a smile: “I don’t like it!” I don’t like his songs, and I don’t like him as a person. ”

Of course…….

The two were talking quietly, and the people next to them were also chatting, except for Li Ruilong, who saw them whispering, and no one else noticed them.

Du Jing: “Understood~”


What kind of behavior did Li Ruilong have that disgusted Deng Zixuan!

Without further asking, the two chatted about the recent situation again.

At this time, there is still half an hour left before the start of the program.

All 500 spectators were seated.

The staff were in place, and the highlights of the previous episodes were playing on the big screen of the stage.

And a large number of viewers in the live broadcast room of “Song King” began to pour in…….




Before the show officially started, the online audience has exceeded 5 million!

“What about Du Jing?”

“??? How hasn’t it started yet. ”

“Hurry up, can’t wait.”

“Please ask when is the kicking session, if you don’t answer, I’ll ask later.”

“Looking forward to Du Jing’s new song~~”


The live broadcast room is dominant!

Seeing this data, Wang Huade wiped the cold sweat in front of his forehead…….

It’s terrifying!!

His show used to have a maximum of five million online viewers, and now just because of Du Jing’s joining, its popularity has broken through the peak before it has been broadcast! This all left him at a loss.

It was past 6:50 in the evening.

There are still three minutes left before the show starts.

All personnel on site are ready.

Backstage, Wang Huade stared at the monitor: “Is the light group in place?” ”

“In place.”

“Stage VFX Artist.”



“In place, director.”

“Three, two, one…”

“Recording starts!”

The voice fell.

The originally dark stage lights flickered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Colorful lights are projected down, and the whole stage is like a dream.

With passionate background music, the uniformed host slowly walked up to the stage.

“Good evening to the audience friends, I am the host of “King of Songs”, welcome to the scene of the “King of Songs” Big Demon King Kicking Gym Competition!!”

The voice fell, and the audience burst into a flood of applause.

“Snap . . .”

“Wuhu~~ has finally begun!”

“Lying groove, we TM was lucky, I didn’t expect to see the scene of Du Jing!”

“Yes, hahahaha, I heard that the original guest of the kicking pavilion was Huang Xiaowei, he was not exposed to domestic violence yesterday night, and the director pulled Du Jing over to save the scene.”

“Du Jing, come on!!”

The audience was restless.

Before Du Jing participated in “Creation 101” and “Tomorrow’s Star”…….

Many viewers said that Du Jing was a god on the spot! It is a top visual and auditory double feast!

In this way, everyone is looking forward to Du Jingjin’s stage!

The host continued: “Next, I will introduce the rules of the Great Demon King Kicking Pavilion tonight…”

“The basic mode of the show remains the same, the order of appearance is determined by drawing lots, and at the end of each contestant’s performance, 500 spectators will vote on the scene, and the contestant at the bottom of the ranking will be eliminated.”

“But! This episode of our Demon King Kicking Pavilion, so after each player’s performance, the four Kicking Gym players in the background only need to press a button to challenge. ”

“If the number of votes of the kicking gym player exceeds the challenged, the challenge is successful, and you can continue to participate on the stage as a player.”

“On the contrary, if the kick fails, the number of votes of the challenged contestants in the next performance will increase by 10%.”


The rules about the Demon King Kicking Pavilion are very general and not complicated.

The host introduced a little, and the audience understood.

Moderator: “Then there is a draw of lots for the players on the stage to decide the order of play.” ”

The voice fell……..

The light is given to the passage on the side of the stage.

Led by Xiao Jingteng, Deng Zixuan, Zhang Jie, Yang Zongwei, Li Jian, Li Yuchun, and Li Ruilong walked out one after another.

A total of seven contestants walked onto the stage.


“Zixuan, purple purple!!”

“Jie Ge is so handsome!”

“Rain God, come on!!”

“Li Yuchun! Li Yuchun! ”

Suddenly, the audience cheered continuously.

These are all powerful singers with both popularity and strength, and they are full of attractions in the same competition!

As the show started…….

The number of people in the live broadcast room has soared again!




Towards 10 million!!

“Everyone, please draw lots.”

A staff member walked up to the stage, holding a drawing box.

One by one, everyone pulled out a note with a number on it.

“Huh?? Am I number 1? ”

Xiao Jingteng saw the signature he drawn, and everyone was stupid.

Zhang Jie on the side said with a smile: “Hahaha old Xiao, I sympathize with you~~”

“How many size are you?”

“Hahaha my number five, in the middle!”


A moment later.

The results of the lottery are announced.

Xiao Jingteng was the first to perform on stage.

After that, Li Jian, Yang Zongwei, Li Yuchun, Zhang Jie, Deng Zixuan, and Li Ruilong.

Except for Xiao Jingteng, who is a little more stressed, the others are fine.


“Du Jing, who are you going to challenge?”

Suddenly, Ji Kejun came up.

…… Divine..

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