
“I lean, this sound effect scares me.”

“I thought something had happened, it turned out that someone had kicked the gym.”

“Who is so fierce? Li Jian also dares to kick the pavilion?? ”

“Maybe Li Jian’s song “Baikal” is too soft, and the competitiveness is not too strong.”

For a while, there was a stir in the audience, all talking about who kicked Li Jian.

See the twinkling lights all around…….

Li Jian himself was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect to be kicked in the pavilion!


On the big screen of the stage, there is a picture of the preparation room.

Half a minute ago, when Li Jian was still singing, Park, who had been sitting silently on the sofa, stood up, walked to the kick pavilion button, hesitated for a few seconds, and pressed the “kick pavilion button”.

It was Park Shu who challenged Li Jian.

The live broadcast room was boiling.

“I know!”

“Li Jian and Park Shu are both old-timers, and the style of music is very unique.”

“It’s also. . Park Shu and Li Jian are the same age, it is impossible to challenge the juniors, it is dishonorable to win, and it is even more humiliating to lose. ”

“It’s not a big problem, Park Shu, it’s estimated that he will come over to play, and he understands everything.”

The barrage in the live broadcast room was fiercely discussed.

After all, he was the first player to kick the gym, and 23 wanted to see what would happen while everyone was familiar with the rules of the kicking gym.

Moderator: “Please kick the pavilion player Park Shu on stage!” ”

“Snap . . .”

In a round of fierce applause, Park Shu, dressed in casual clothes, stepped onto the stage.

He was slightly thin, gray hair, dressed very plainly, and at first glance, he thought that the old man in charge of cleaning and hygiene had gone to the wrong place.

On the stage, Park Shu and Li Jian shook hands.

Then took the microphone: “There is no other meaning, I just want to go on stage and sing a song.” ”

“A song “Ordinary Road” for everyone.”

Without saying a word of nonsense, he sang directly.

After standing, the stage lights change, and the gentle background music flows…….

The song “Ordinary Road” is one of Park Shu’s masterpieces, and after a period of fire before, as soon as the prelude sounded, the audience was boiling.


On the road

Are you leaving



That’s what I was


Park is not humble or arrogant, calm and atmospheric.

With the microphone in his hand, he stood on the stage and sang quietly.

Although the figure looks thin, the singing voice is sonorous and full of emotions!

“Boom! Teacher Park Shu is not old! ”

“When “Ordinary Road” sounded, the DNA in my body moved!”

“Choose this song to kick the gym, Teacher Park Shu is estimated to be short of money again, hahaha is estimated to want to come and run an announcement, and leave after singing.”

“Sounds good, sounds good!”

Backstage, everyone was talking fiercely.

Especially Deng Zixuan!

She especially likes Park Shu, sitting next to Du Jing and singing, and from time to time she pinches Du Jing’s hand and pats Du Jing’s leg, Du Jing really can’t help, so she has to grab her wrist.

I’m still recording shows!

This little nizi is completely unaware of this, and does not know to avoid it!

This kind of picture made Li Ruilong see it…….

The gloom on his face flashed, and he didn’t show it, just looked at the big screen, faced the camera, and even showed a smile, still praising Park Shu.

“Tomorrow is already in Hiahia

The wind blows

The road is still far away

Where is your story?


“Ordinary Road” finished singing.

The audience applauded continuously.

“Sounds good!”

“Love, love, love.”

“Teacher Park Shu’s voice is still so attractive.”

“I love this song so much.”

“It’s still this kind of stage that looks good!”

The response has been very good!

Moderator: “Thank you for the wonderful singing of Mr. Park Shu!” ”

“Then, it’s time for voting…”

“Of the five hundred spectators at the scene, each audience member has two votes in their hands, and they can choose to vote for Li Jian, or they can choose to vote for Park Shu, or they can choose not to vote at all, but it should be noted that two votes cannot be voted for the same person.”

“I announce… Voting begins! ”

The background music plays, the camera constantly shifts in the audience, and everyone is voting.

The atmosphere is tense and exciting.

Audiences, live broadcast audiences, and even contestants……. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The heart was raised.

A moment later.

The voting results are out:

Li Jian 432 votes.

Park Shu 401 votes.

Kick the gym failed!

Park Shu did not show disappointment, he shook hands with Li Jian again, said a few words of congratulations, and turned and walked off the stage.

Come and go, hurry, hurry.

Park Shu is this kind of character, indifferent to fame and fortune.

When you have money, you concentrate on making songs, and when you don’t have money, you come out to run announcements to earn money.

“Congratulations to Mr. Li Jian for successfully advancing and in the next game, the number of votes will receive a 10% base bonus!!”

Amid the applause, Li Jian slowly walked off the stage.

The first time he failed to kick the gym, Li Jian, as a challenged, was also relieved.


The game continues…….

After Li Jian finished singing, Li Yuchun took the stage to perform.

She sang a new song of her own, “Simon Boy”.

The personal style is very obvious!

The words are good, the intro is excellent, the whole song has a light and firm feeling, mixed with a large rap, which is a big breakthrough, and the melody is magnificent, and the whole orchestra plays one by one, bel canto mixed in.

After singing a song…….

The audience applauded continuously, and the audience shouted in love.

Votes: 422.

No one kicked the pavilion.


Zhang Jie performed on stage.

Zhang Jie sang a song “This, This is Love”!

That’s right…….

It is the song that Du Jing wrote for Zhang Jie after the previous mushroom house seaside concert!

Everyone said that Zhang Jie sang dirt.

But this song is not…….

The words are simple but deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the music is gentle and melodious, and when it comes to the chorus, Zhang Jie soars into a high note, and the audience is all sweaty and hairy, and the response is very large.

Just when Zhang Jie was full of confidence and ready to get a high score…….

Liang Bo chose to kick the gym.

He sang a song “Boy”.

It is also his masterpiece.

The audience cheered continuously, and they were all amazed!

Liang Bo belongs to the kind of people who don’t talk much. 440

Looking at the introverted personality, shrinking in the corner of the crowd without saying a word.

But the professionalism is very strong, and the original strength is very strong!

He specializes in rock and pop, loves music since he was a child, and has studied at a famous music school abroad, playing avant-garde music and proficient in various musical instruments.

So underneath…….

Zhang Jie’s pressure is full!

During the audience voting session, Zhang Jie broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, but fortunately, the result was good.

Zhang Jie 436 votes.

Liang Bo 432 votes.

Four votes difference, kick the gym failed!

“Groove! It’s so exciting, it’s my adrenaline pumping. ”

“4, just 4!!”

“Woo-woo, I like Liang Bo so much, I thought I could see Liang Bo sing on the stage of “Song King” in the future.”

“The brother upstairs is really naïve, Liang Bo was arranged by the program group to see this.”

“Hahaha understand everything, Liang Bo will participate in a variety show in a few days, there is no schedule, it will definitely be impossible to kick the gym successfully~ (manual funny)”

“So to speak……. Then won’t Du Jing also fail to kick the pavilion later? ? ”

“Won’t it, in your lifetime, you can see Du Jing lose to others in singing??”

The audience in the live broadcast room was talking wildly.

And at this time.

Deng Zixuan tidied up her clothes a little and walked out of the preparation room.

It’s time for her to perform on stage!

At this point in the show, the two contestants, Deng Zixuan and Li Ruilong, were left not performing.

And the kicking gym players, only Jike Junyi and Du Jing remained!

The big play is coming!


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