This time…….

Li Ruilong didn’t dodge like before!

Looking directly at Du Jing, his eyes were full of hostility.

Du Jing also happened to look in the direction where he was and met his gaze.

Li Ruilong’s hostility Du Jing can certainly feel it…….

As for the reason?

Just use your brain to figure it out.

It’s nothing more than feeling like I’ve been pressing him.

It’s nothing more than because Deng Zixuan has a close relationship with herself!

But what about “hostility”?

Du Jing didn’t care at all.

He smiled faintly, turned his head to look at the screen again, and did not put Li Ruilong in his eyes at all.

Seeing Du Jing’s smile, Li Ruilong’s heart was even more angry.

I was so ignored??


This look between the two was also captured by the camera, and the live broadcast room was boiling.

“Groove!! The eyes of Du Jing and Li Ruilong…….. There is a smell of gunsmoke. ”

“No, when Du Jing first came in, Li Ruilong didn’t take the initiative to say hello.”

“Yes, I have been watching “The King of Songs” since the first issue, and Li Ruilong has always been quite gentle and very polite.”

“This Li Ruilong… It’s not simple, I saw some revelations about him on the Internet before, saying that he played special flowers abroad, abortion and the like, and said that he was a violent person, but soon that post was deleted, whether it is true or false no one knows. “513

“These two of them look like this, if you want to say that I believe it.”

“Because of what? Deng Zixuan?? ”

“Groove!! Deng Zixuan’s song won’t be sung to Du Jing, right? ”

“I saw someone post before saying that Li Ruilong was interesting to Deng Zixuan, so it turned out to be like this! Everything makes sense! ”


On stage.

Deng Zixuan’s “How Far to Be Together” has also come to an end.

“Love is always self-contained

I’d rather be in a different way, at least to love you from afar

Love overcomes distance

Be together as far as you go

You no longer exist in my world

Please don’t leave my memories

Please don’t leave, don’t leave my memories


As the accompaniment stopped, Deng Zixuan finally ended with a trill.

The stage lights suddenly diverged and the song ended.

There was silence in the audience.

I don’t know how long has passed, and a tide of applause sounds…….

“It’s so touching.”

“How can I still hear a hint of humility.”

“It seems that this person in Deng Zixuan’s heart will make her feel particularly far away, or even unreachable!”

“I’ll go, who is this person, so powerful??”

“Wait……. Deng Zixuan said before singing that this song was written after a certain (CDFA) storm, or was it recently composed! So what kind of turmoil has Deng Zixuan had recently? Isn’t it the dinner door that came out with Du Jing before! So her song is most likely written to Du Jing. ”

“??? I lean, I guess it’s also Dujing. ”

“If it’s really Du Jing, then this sense of humility can be explained.”

With the discussion of the audience…….

It’s all what was discovered!

Many people have guessed that Deng Zixuan’s song is likely to be written for Du Jing!

As soon as this news came out, how could the marketing number squatting in the live broadcast room sit still? ?

Weibo posts one after another…….

Heavy news! Deng Zixuan sings love songs and confesses in public?

Deng Zixuan’s “How far to be together” shows his intentions, suspected of confessing Du Jing!

Madden! Deng Zixuan has a crush on Du Jing??

In an instant, the Internet exploded!

These tweets…….

To catch the eye, the title gets more and more outrageous!


Directly fermented the scandal ??

The comment area has directly fallen, full of question marks!

Because of these Weibo, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room of “Song King Fight”.

Ten million.

Twelve million.

Thirteen million!

In a short period of time, the number of online people has soared, and there are already fifteen million people rushing!

At this time.

Record live.

Host: “It’s so touching, thank you Deng Zixuan for bringing us “How Far We Have to Be Together”! ”

The words fell, and the audience applauded thunderously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The host continued: “Zixuan, can you talk to us about the psychological process of the creation of this song? ”

It may be that he sang too much, and Deng Zixuan’s eyes were a little red…….

She took a deep breath, calmed her mood, and forced a smile on her face: “In fact, there is no psychological process, it is just that after experiencing some things, I have a feeling.” ”

Moderator: “So is this song addressed to someone?” ”

Upon hearing this, the audience sat up straight.

This sentence asked them in their hearts!

“Writing to someone?”

Deng Zixuan’s eyes were in a trance…….

It was indeed addressed to someone.


Surely it can’t be said explicitly!

Deng Zixuan said with a smile: “I can’t say that, this song is written to me in the future, maybe we have already met, maybe he is still waiting for me in the future…”

After speaking, there was a sigh in the audience.

A certain old brother directly shouted “duplicity”!

There was a stir in the audience.


“Round! I see how you go down. ”

“Just said that it was a song written after a certain storm, not Du Jing or whom!”

“That’s it, duplicity!!”

“It’s certainly hard to admit it directly, after all……. Du Jing has a girlfriend, isn’t it ~~”


Hearing these words, Deng Zixuan was a little embarrassed.

If you continue to say this, the scene will be uncontrollable!

Just when the host was thinking about how to divert from the topic…….


The stage lights flicker.

Alarms sounded in the recording hall.

“This is . . Someone kicked the pavilion! ”

The host quickly took over.

The next moment.

The big screen of the stage turned to the corridor on the side of the stage, and everyone saw Jike Junyi, who was dressed in leather, walking over.

She wants to challenge Deng Zixuan.

Deng Zixuan: “Damn, really challenge me?” ”

Jike Junyi laughed: “Haha, if you don’t challenge again, you won’t have a chance~~”

Now that Deng Zixuan has finished singing, only Li Ruilong is left.

Ji Kejun remembers kicking the pavilion Deng Zixuan.

And Du Jing……. I can only kick Li Ruilong.

“Okay, come on~~”

Deng Zixuan smiled, and then walked to the side of the stage.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also rolling…….

“Jike Junyi Kicking Pavilion Deng Zixuan? These two are both powerful female singers, there are things to watch! ”

“??? I haven’t finished talking about that topic just now!! ”

“Yes, who exactly is Deng Zixuan’s song for??”

“Wait……. According to the current situation, can Du Jing only challenge Li Ruilong? ”

“Wuhu~~ The competition between two rich second generations?”

“What is Li Ruilong, I haven’t heard of it, didn’t Du Jing crush him casually??”

“It’s hard to say, Li Ruilong’s strength is still very strong.”


Everyone was talking.

Jike Junyi was already standing on the stage.

She sang an adapted song called “DearJohn.”

This song was popular many years ago, and now it has been adapted, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Just when everyone’s attention was on the stage…….

The atmosphere in the preparation room is strange!

Because of the current situation, only Li Ruilong is left in the player, and only Du Jing is left in the Kicking Hall Demon King!

The duel between the two is inevitable.


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