Deng Zixuan was stunned.

Looking at Du Jing blankly, he even forgot to play the piano.

She knows that Du Jing is very powerful, no, not powerful, it is a demon! Du Jingneng completed Zhang Jie’s “This is Love” in half an hour, and was able to sing while filling in, and in just a few minutes, he completed Zhang Zifeng’s “Girl with a Mirror”.

But these are all things Deng Zixuan learned from the Internet before….

Now Du Jing is sitting next to him!

Sing while filling!

This strong sense of impact made Deng Zixuan a little skeptical of life.

What a demon talent to support Du Jing to do this? ?


Knock knock~~

Suddenly, Du Jing knocked down two remakes.

Deng Zixuan reacted suddenly, quickly adjusted his state, and played with Du Jing.

“The certainty of love!!

How to search ~~ again

Embrace loneliness, is not loneliness?

Love is a bubble, blame me for not seeing through

It’s so difficult to pass “640”


Du Jing’s treble soared directly to three octaves!

That vivid high note, rich emotion, gushing out!

Even Deng Zixuan, the original songwriter of this “Bubble”, was amazed.

Get one’s dander up! The hairs on the body stand up.

This lyrics…


“Embrace the loneliness, isn’t it lonely” “Love is a bubble, blame me for not seeing through, so sad”!!

Deng Zixuan repeatedly echoed these words in her heart.

The more you listen, the more relevant and appropriate you hear!

This lyric is filled in, there is no problem with it!


The treble raced by.

The tune gradually lowered…….

Knock, knock, oh, oh…….

Du Jing closed his eyes slightly, and his fingers slowly and crisply tapped the black and white keys.

“The bubble under the rain bursts at the touch of a touch

The original fiery heart has long sunk

Say what you love me, if you lie to me

I’d rather you be silent. ”

After singing the last sentence…….

Du Jing pressed the last tone and stopped.

The whole song “Bubble” is filled.


The room was exceptionally quiet.

Quiet can hear each other’s breathing!

I don’t know how long it took…….

Du Jing slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face: “How is it filled?” ”

Just now he was too immersed in it!

The main atmosphere was nice.

The two played together, Deng Zixuan sang the first half, and Du Jing sang the final closing part.

A match made in heaven, smooth to the extreme!

Even if it is Du Jing, he enjoys the state of almost “human and melody” just now…….


Deng Zixuan turned sideways and hugged Du Jing directly: “Du Jing, thank you…”

She muttered.

Sticking close!

Coupled with wearing only one bathrobe, the feeling is particularly clear.

But Du Jing didn’t have the heart to think about this, because he heard Deng Zixuan seem to be sobbing softly.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Hesitating, Du Jing rubbed her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, Deng Zixuan let go, sat up straight, and forced a smile on her face: “No, it’s okay, I just feel a little touched by inexplicability.” ”


The song “Bubble” is moving.

Coupled with the fact that the two were drunk and sang together, this atmosphere was very impressive to Deng Zixuan.


Deng Zixuan got up, took the last half bottle of red wine left on the table, and slammed it on the piano lid with two wine glasses.

Du Jing smiled slightly: “What do you mean?” ”

Deng Zixuan: “If you don’t get drunk, you won’t return!” ”

Without waiting for Du Jing to speak, Deng Zixuan explained again: “The atmosphere is here, it is impossible to let you leave easily!” And…… I just patronized to enjoy you singing, I didn’t remember what words you sang, let’s practice a few more times! ”

Du Jing: “……. Yes. ”

He agreed.

Looking at the time, it was almost the wee hours of the morning.

Du Jing’s interest also rose, so he simply continued. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Deng Zixuan poured the wine and handed one of the glasses to Du Jing.

The two slammed lightly and took a sip.

Feel the mellow fragrance and sweetness in your mouth…….

The two sat up straight again in front of the piano, looked at each other, and played “Bubble” together, without saying a word, making eye contact tightly, very tacit understanding!

Boom! Boom! Boom~~


The sound of the piano flows in the living room.

This time, the two have a more tacit understanding and are unrestrained!

No longer playing according to the score, will change the tone or change from time to time.

The two of them played!

While playing, the body gently rejoices to the melody.

The moving singing voice is perfectly integrated into the melody, and the chorus is loved!

After singing “Bubble”…….

The two drank the red wine in the glass, did not stop, and continued to play and sing!

One song after another!

From Deng Zixuan’s “Light Years Away”, “The Devil from Heaven”, “Like You”……. To Du Jing’s “Big Fish”, “Encounter”, “Whale Incarnated as an Island”…

In the end, the two even played classical music from abroad!

The music flows, the atmosphere warms up, and the wine is high!

After two o’clock in the morning…..

In the dead of night, the sound of the piano stopped.

When Du Jing was about to go back to his room, Deng Zixuan suddenly got up and hugged Du Jing.


The bathrobe on his body gradually faded.

White shoulders, slender lotus arms, small tender waist with a handshake…….

“Du Jing, don’t go.”

Deng Zixuan hugged Du Jing and muttered in her voice.

Without waiting for Du Jing to speak, Deng Zixuan said again: “Don’t worry, we have all drunk too much, I will forget tonight, just be……. Just thank you for filling in “The Bubble” for me. ”

After speaking, he did not give Du Jing a chance to refuse.

And then…….

The next morning.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

A gentle breeze blows into the room through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows…….

“Ahem . . .”

It may be that the sunlight is a little dazzling, and Du Jing slowly woke up.

He moved his arm and hugged him beside him.

No one!

Du Jing sat up and looked to the side…….

Deng Zixuan didn’t know when she left.

There was a note on the bedside table.

Du Jing took off and took a look…

The font Juanxiu on it was left by Deng Zixuan: “Du Jing, I have something to do and leave first, yesterday’s night……. You just act as if nothing happened, I volunteered, you don’t need to be responsible for anything, by the way, I ordered you breakfast, in the living room, remember to eat. ”

On paper 3.9, a few lines were scribbled and modified.

It can be seen that Deng Zixuan is very nervous when writing these words, and her heart is extremely entangled.

And she left so suddenly, in fact, it was not because of “something”, but simply did not know how to face Du Jing.

Du Jing glanced at it repeatedly and put down the note in his hand.

Let’s be honest…….

He was also a little confused.

I did drink a lot yesterday night, and now the back of my head still hurts a little.

As for what happened……..

Du Jing did have a little headache, mainly because the atmosphere was too good yesterday night, plus they all drank, naturally …….

But now that Deng Zixuan is not there, there is no way to talk about anything.

I just don’t know if it will be embarrassing when the two meet the next time they record “Song King”.

Without further ado.

Du Jing got up and washed.

The ticket is noon, and I will go back to the mushroom house in the afternoon.


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