The impact that Du Jing and Deng Zixuan brought to netizens was too great.

So much so that the popularity of “Song King” has soared again!


The cheers at the scene are also getting louder!

The host saw that the question had been asked, so he began to beckon the two to go to rest.

“Okay, the song has been sung, now ask Du Jing and Zi Xuan to go to the stage for a short rest.”

If you don’t let these two people go down again….

It is estimated that tonight will soon become the home of these two!

At that time, “The King of Songs” will really become a romance, aren’t they essentially the end?

The host’s voice fell…….

Du Jing and Deng Zixuan slowly walked to the lounge under everyone’s attention.

The discussion in the audience was endless.


“It’s really sweet to me!”

“At present, Du Jing and Deng Zixuan have not officially responded to this matter, let’s honestly wait for the official announcement!”

“Du Jing, Zixuan, I love you guys!!!”


At this time.

The second group of contestants took their places one after another.

Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun came to their stage under great pressure.

After standing, take a deep breath.

“Brother Jie, are you nervous?”

“Nervous! Just now, Du Jing and Zi Xuan are so good that I am a little sweaty now! ”

Zhang Jie was a little nervous, wiped his hands on his body, and did not have the slightest idol baggage.

“It’s okay! Let’s keep the second! ”

“That’s right, that’s right! Come on! ”

The two cheered each other up and clinked fists!

That tension gradually disappeared a little.

“Just watched Jing Xuan CP singing, super sweet, isn’t it?”

“Yes! Super sweet! ”

“Next, we will get the brother and sister love, now give our home field to Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun!”

When the camera turns to Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun…….

The eyes of the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were a little moist!

These two can be said to be the first brother and sister of the Mango TV talent show that year, although they are different talent shows, they are definitely the most outstanding characters in those two shows!

Coupled with Li Yuchun Xiao Zhang Jie, he is one year old, which can be regarded as the relationship between senior brother and junior sister.

And both are powerful singers!

The audience is looking forward to what kind of sparks these two can collide?

“Hello, the next home field is us, are you ready!”

The moment the spotlight goes down!

The rousing drums are beating!

Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun played guitar and bass respectively, and the intro was full of rhythm!

The whole scene suddenly burst into flames!

And Du Jing, their style is completely different!



As the drumbeat strengthened, everyone in the audience stood up one after another, clapping and shouting together!

The lights on the field are constantly changing.

The huge speaker brings the audience a great listening feeling!

The recording scene of tens of thousands of people suddenly became a bungee scene!

Even the singers in the lounge swayed along with the rock and sang loudly together!

“My kingdom I am the head

Pack emotions and follow me

I am to the whole world

Sing my music out

This is my kingdom

Others will never learn

Don’t be afraid to come quickly

My territory is love (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction!) )


Dynamic music!

With short lyrics, it’s very catchy!

Everyone interacted along!

“Groove! What a shock! Before singing this song, I always thought that Jie Ge would choose his own song, but it didn’t! ”

“Me too! This “My Kingdom” + “Wewillrockyou” mix is amazing! ”

“Brother Jie’s basic skills in singing fast songs are too solid!”

“This simply gives this song a new life!”

“This is simply the scene of a fight between the gods! How can this vote be cast for a while!!! Ahhhhh, I didn’t vote for anyone, I don’t think it works!! ”

“It’s good to hear crying, is it!”

“My treasure variety show! It’s really amazing! ”

“Big bungee live hammer! In the future, “The King of Songs” will change its name, one second it is still there to talk about love, and the next second it will become a bungee scene! ”

Everyone swayed to the music, as if they were immersed in the music and forgot all their worries.

Happy smiles on everyone’s faces!

As the song soon came to an end, the music gradually stopped, and everyone had not yet recovered from the pleasure just now!


Everyone exhaled heavily.

Start voting for them under the auspices of the host!

The scale of the stage at the hesitation scene has expanded, and the audience has also increased from the original 500 to 2,000!


Stage lighting changes.

The audience took out their voting machines and began voting.

With the transformation of close-ups one by one, and the gradually heated background music in their ears, the audience in the live broadcast room took a deep breath and couldn’t help but get nervous…

A few minutes later.

The voting results are summarized!

Du Jing and Deng Zixuan of the first group have already pulled the atmosphere to the peak at the beginning, and directly won 1903 votes!

Gained great popularity!

However, this time, Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun’s perfect performance received 1856 votes!

Although it is a few dozen votes away from the first place.

But it can be seen that their songs drive the atmosphere of the scene!

Let everyone be immersed in it, happy and inextricable!

After watching the performances of the two groups of singers, even many netizens began to ridicule, are these singers all discussing to make up the joys and sorrows in life?

The first group sings about love, but with a thick sadness.

The second group sang passionately, which made everyone in the audience cheer!

Next, is it a bitter song?

I have to say that the performance of the two groups has already given the audience very great expectations tonight!

Wouldn’t that be more powerful?

At this time.

4 Xiao Jingteng in the lounge frowned.

Why was he so unlucky to choose with Li Ruilong…

It seems that it is impossible for them not to finish at the bottom this time!

….. Investigate.

And Zhang Jie and Li Yuchun.

After accepting the interview, he also returned directly to his lounge like Du Jing.

After a show, they were sweating.

It’s very hard!

But fortunately, the performance is over, so there is no need to be so nervous.

Although the number of votes did not exceed 1900, it was also expected by the two, at least there was no big gap.

If that’s the case, I really can’t catch up if I want to!

And the next thing is to see the performance of the other two groups, I have to say that Zhang Jie is still a little nervous in their hearts.


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