Stage on the big screen.

All the votes came out….

Du Jing, Deng Zixuan: 1903 votes

Zhang Jie, Li Yuchun: 1856 votes

Yang Zongwei, Li Jian: 1862 votes

Xiao Jingteng, Li Ruilong 1783 votes

Li Ruilong, who was still throwing winks at the little girl, finally looked back at the big screen!

At that moment, he was dumbfounded!

He and the third place were directly separated by nearly fifty votes, and Du Jing in the first place was even worse than a hundred!

No way!

This is absolutely impossible!

Li Ruilong’s face was full of incredulity!

I saw that he suddenly pointed to the number of votes on the big screen, and asked with a gloomy face: “Impossible!” Our votes couldn’t have been so low! Are you mistaken! ”

Although the sound is not loud, but with the spread of the speaker, it is still heard by everyone!

At this time, Li Ruilong seemed to remember something, while looking in the direction of Du Jing “two eight seven”.

Du Jing!

It’s Dujing again!

He was actually in first place again!

Li Ruilong hated Du Jing, his face was black as if he could drip ink!

Originally, he would have hidden his emotions…

But since knowing that Du Jing and Deng Zixuan may have “slept together”.

I couldn’t help it at all!

I am in the lounge at this time.

Du Jing and Deng Zixuan, who were about to go to the stage, naturally noticed this scene.

“This Li Ruilong has a brain disease, right? How does it look like this! ”

“Is this person really an idol-like who can debut in the country of baseball?!”

Deng Zixuan looked angry, her hand clenched into a fist, and she wanted to hit Li Ruilong fiercely.

“It’s true that the brain is a little sick!”

Du Jing was also completely speechless.


His own strength is not good, and the result is to look at him?

Isn’t that the same as relying on him?

At this time, the audience was also confused by Li Ruilong’s sudden sentence.

“Does he mean to question the fairness of the program team?”

“I don’t want to think about my own strength, just thinking about something else, it’s really speechless.”

“As a fan of Li Ruilong, I suddenly feel that I don’t like him so much, and I don’t know how to say this?”

“If your own strength is not good, just rely on the program group? That’s really okay. ”

“People can’t do it, don’t blame the uneven road!”

“How the hell could anyone like such a person? Can those brain-dead fans use their brains to see what kind of thing your fans are? ”


Li Ruilong’s face was very ugly at this time.

He also realized that something was wrong with what he had just said.

But there is no way to do this.

Although he and Xiao Jingteng are a little unpleasant, when they sing, they definitely cooperate well!

Now he just raised the question, is there still a mistake?

Li Ruilong looked at Du Jing, who had already stepped onto the stage, as if he wanted to stare at him in a hole.


The host also hurriedly came out to save the scene, and said with a haha: “Just now Li Ruilong had some doubts about voting, which is very normal!” After all, his strength is there, but it doesn’t matter, according to the process, you have a chance to rescue outside the field~~”

“As long as you get more than 1,500 votes, you have a chance to do it again! Do you want to use it? ”

In the face of the host’s false words, the audience was even more speechless.

If Li Ruilong said that he had no strength at all, it would be really a lie.

But compared with several other powerful singers, it is really not in the same grade…

And the host has given you a step down now, so naturally you have to hurry down.

It’s a fool!

I saw Li Ruilong with a grievance and said: “Use!” I didn’t mean anything else just now, but I just thought that I should get a higher number of votes, rest assured, this time, I will definitely perform well. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


All black question mark faces!

Under the steps for you, you are still here to give me grievances?

Where the hell did this come from?

And Li Ruilong’s group of brain-dead fans are really distressed at this time.

“Huh? I really feel sorry for our brother, just questioning it will be attacked by everyone, it’s too pitiful! ”

“Woo hoo, brother, don’t be afraid! We’ve been there! ”

“Li Ruilong! Our Long Family Army has always been! You can rest assured! If you never give up, we will never give up! ”

“Don’t talk about him anymore, he just thinks it’s an insult to his strength!”

“I wipe! What kind of brain-dead fans are these, spicy eyes! ”

“What about the administrator! Hurry up and fork out this group of brain-dead fans for me! ”

I don’t know where Li Ruilong’s fans got their courage from, and they began to frantically swipe the screen in the live broadcast room.

All of them felt sorry for Li Ruilong and began to accuse others.

Everyone: “…”

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively…..

For a moment, the whole barrage was chaotic.

Li Ruilong and Xiao Jingteng once again conducted a full-field vote…

This time with 1503 votes, they easily got a chance to be resurrected.

This also means that Li Ruilong and Xiao Jingteng need to re-prepare for an hour, choose a song again, and perform the repechage.

When their votes reach 1800, it is considered a successful resurrection!

Before leaving the stage, Xiao Jingteng hugged Du Jing with a miserable face.

“Brother, I’m going to be tortured again! Do you understand this pain? ”

“Understood! All understood! ”

Du Jing and Xiao Jingteng hugged together, which immediately caused the audience to laugh.

After such a farce, the audience was even more displeased with Li Ruilong.

Where the hell does this strange come from?


When they went down to prepare the song, the atmosphere finally returned to normal.

I saw that the host was finally relieved.

“Today according to the ranking, we produced the champion combination – Du Jing and Deng Zixuan!”

As soon as this sound came out, the scene suddenly boiled.

As if everything just now did not exist, everyone fell into the joy that Du Jing and Deng Zixuan brought to everyone!

“Aaaaah! Jing Ge yyds! Aster yyds! ”

“Mom loves you!!! Hurry up and make me duck! ”

“Is there a new song, is there a new song! Hurry up, hurry up! ”

Facing the enthusiasm of everyone in the audience, Du Jing just smiled indifferently. 1.4 For taking the first, he has already seen no surprise.

After all, there is strength!

“Hahaha, seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic, I suddenly remembered this matter, I heard that Mr. Du recently had the idea of releasing an album, right?”


Du Jing took the microphone and said with a smile.

He is indeed about to release his second album, and taking advantage of today’s arrival in “The King of Songs”, he decided to promote his new song well.

To put it bluntly, ranking first actually has the opportunity to sing!

This can also be regarded as a benefit given to the first place by the program group!

When the people below heard this, they were all very excited.

“Brother Jing is about to release a new album again? I go, it’s so 6! ”

“Yes, I don’t know what Brother Jing will sing today’s song!”

“Wuhu~~ I feel that I can listen to Brother Jing’s new song again.”

“Rush Rush!!”


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