“Give our brother justice! Hurry up and give us a reasonable explanation! ”

“How can you isolate him? It’s really convinced, our brother has always respected everyone and regarded everyone as a senior, can’t do such a thing for licking Du Jing, right? ”

“Compared with Du Jinglai, our brother’s song is a little lacking, but it is a gift for our fans! It’s good that we like it ourselves, and we don’t need others to follow along! ”

“Hurry up and give our brother justice!”

Even several singers who were sleeping in Zhengxiang were suddenly woken up by their own agency team.

Urged to hurry to read the relevant Weibo on the Internet…

It’s good not to look at it, after watching it, they exploded!

This article sent by Li Ruilong with a trumpet, not a single word is true, and he is talking nonsense from beginning to end!

Air exploded!


Inside the hotel.

Du Jing has also opened his Weibo in a daze…

See this article like a brain wreck!

It’s a little speechless.

Just as he was flipping through the comments, the phone rang.

I saw that the caller ID was Du Jiejing!!

This Li Ruilong, there is really a problem with his brain, and everyone knows it.

Now even his sister-in-law knows about it??

Death, can’t you do that?

As soon as the phone was picked up, he said it all like pouring beans.

He knew that Du Jiejing called him to “shoot”.

After all……

Du Jiejing is too protective of him!

However, this kind of trivial matter, Du Jing felt that it was not to the point of needing to trouble Du Jiejing.

“Hello? Sister-in-law, you don’t have to worry about things on the Internet, I have a way to solve it myself, and I don’t even need to care. ”


Du Jiejing was silent for a while.

After waiting for a minute or two, Du Jiejing’s voice sounded: “Okay, since you want to play, just keep it to play.” ”

“Okay, just say so, I’ll visit you another day when I have time.”

“Huh~ smelly boy, you will also fool your sister-in-law, if you really have the heart, find time to go home and see!”

“Haha, good, I know!”

“Okay, you’re busy, hang up.”

After speaking, Du Jiejing hung up the phone.

As for Du Jing…

Put down your phone and fall asleep.

Nothing was done at all, because it was not needed!

Half an hour after Du Jing fell asleep.

Public opinion on the Internet suddenly turned upside down.

I saw that there was no need for Du Jing to do anything, Zhang Jie and the others had already stated the facts very tactfully.

and showed that in the backstage of the program recording site, they took the initiative to greet Li Ruilong, but they were ignored by the other party.

When a person says this, he is being bought.

You can’t always say that to a group of people, or be bought, right?

Du Jing is not spending too much money, specifically to engage in this kind of boring thing.

Even the official blog of “King of Songs” directly released videos and surveillance taken by different cameras…

Superfluous words, not a word.

Fans who did not know the truth saw all this and suddenly fell silent.

And the netizens who have been eating melons and Li Ruilong’s fans tearing up, saw all this, and immediately felt relieved!

Isolation does not exist!

The song crotch-pulling, it does exist!

But in just four hours, the reversal has already come.

Li Ruilong’s fans were so happy at the beginning, now they will go and hit their faces.

Everything in the article does not stand up to scrutiny!

Even the fans finally sank their hearts and moved their brains to look at this matter.

And Du Jing didn’t say a word from beginning to end…

On the contrary, Li Ruilong jumped to his feet in anger and had to stand up and issue an apology statement for his fans.

Throw all the pots at the fans!

Many sane fans have understood it, and instantly take off the powder and step back!

Only some brain-dead fans still kneel and lick Li Ruilong!

Moved everything he did for his fans, obviously he suffered a lot of grievances, and he had to pay for the fans.

Brain-dead fans are called a distress! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But which one in the entertainment industry is not a human spirit?

This pediatric trick is not worth mentioning in their eyes!

“I’ll go! This reversal is quite fast! When will Li Ruilong manage his fans? With just one article, I dare to run to everyone’s Weibo and say nonsense, what a cow.! ”

“As a Li Ruilong fan, I feel like I have been used this time! I’ll never be braindead again! ”

“Alas, finally there is how brain-dead Si Dao’s original approach is!”

“This group of fans is really convinced! And the article is seriously wrongly written! It won’t be written by Li Ruilong himself, right? He does have a contradiction with Du Jing in “Song King Fight”! It won’t be that you want to use this to slander people, right? ”

“It’s disgusting! Hate Li Ruilong! ”

Li Ruilong initially thought that he could have some influence on Du Jing with today’s events.

Even if it’s small…

But no one made a move, and it was over.

He also has to pay for the actions of his fans, if there is no response to the matter.

This is Internet Violence!

It can be seen that Li Ruilong’s mind is really vicious!

This night, because of Li Ruilong’s behavior, his fans directly dropped by millions.

All this can only be said to be self-inflicted.

But it didn’t have any impact on Du Jing…

On the contrary, it ruined a lot of his own popularity, and this revenge was just a pediatric in Du Jing’s view.


The next morning.

After Du Jing woke up from sleep, he got up slowly.

He spent a full morning at the hotel and enjoyed the scenery outside.

By the way, I looked at the current Weibo public opinion …

Now it is close to flat, but Du Jing is still hanging on the hot search list.

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

This Li Ruilong is really interesting enough, thinking that a small article can bring himself down?

Do you really think your identity is noble?

Take your chosen son of the day?

There is a disease in the brain.


His phone rang again.

I saw that the call note turned out to be Deng Zixuan, Du Jing was stunned, I don’t know why this little nizi suddenly called herself.

The phone picks up.

On the other side came Deng Zixuan’s anxious voice.

“Du Jing, are you okay now? Not influenced by public opinion on the Internet, right? I tell you, don’t deal with that Li Ruilong, he really has a brain disease! ”

“Are you really all fools in the entertainment industry? What you do, no one knows? Also dumped this pot to the fans, day by day I don’t know what I’m thinking… What a convinced. ”

“Well, I didn’t pay attention to him, if I really took care of him (Li Zhao), he would still be here now?”

Du Jing replied amusedly.

Deng Zixuan was stunned.

She also relaxed a lot at once, indeed!

If Du Jing really made a move, Li Ruilong would have been unable to mix in the entertainment industry for a long time, even if he had a deep background, and even his family had a relationship with the high-level of Huayi!

So what?

After all, Du Jing once alarmed Tang Ren’s boss with a phone call, and Tang Ren’s boss personally solved it to Chen Yu, and the matter made a lot of noise on the Internet.

You must know that Tang Ren’s status in the entertainment industry is not weaker than Huayi.

“Okay, it’s okay! So I’m relieved, are you ready to go? ”

“Yes, leave after lunch, plane at one o’clock in the afternoon.”

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up the phone.

After a while, lunch arrived.

After lunch, Du Jing packed his luggage and took a taxi straight to the airport.

After getting on the plane, Du Jing began to close his eyes and recuperate.

Hangcheng flew to Hainan in just three hours.

…… Righteousness..

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