“There will be a fight scene between Du Jing, Zhang Yu and Chen Yu in a while, it is estimated that it will be even more exciting!”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they looked at Du Jing, Zhang Yu and the others.

Du Jing and the others probably rested for more than ten minutes.

During this time, Du Jing specially told Zhang Yu and Chen Yu about the next scene.

After all, it’s all martial arts!

In addition to paying attention to safety, the most important thing is skill and strength!

This way you can do more with less!

“Chen Yu, after you transform, we will use special effects to deal with it in the later stage, you don’t have to worry about this. You just have to do your movements well, and that’s it. ”

Du Jing instructed.

“Okay, don’t worry~”

Chen Yu smiled gently.

More than ten minutes passed quickly.

There is also a final shooting of about seven or eight minutes, as long as the shooting here is finished, the scene is finished! “810”

As soon as I think of it.

Everyone cheered up twelve-point spirits.

“Each department is in place!”


With Du Jing’s order, the shooting began again.

In front of the camera.

Du Jing threw the golden hoop rod in his hand directly into the air, and the golden hoop rod instantly changed hugely, which was several times the original.

The golden hoop rod flew through the air.

And Du Jing was on tiptoe and flew up directly, and his figure quickly moved on the golden hoop rod.

At this time, Zhang Yu and Du Jing have reconciled and reached a consensus!

It’s going to turn over the day!

Take your destiny into your own hands!

Zhang Yu also moved, he was the same as Du Jing, and the two of them were extremely fast.

So fast that the naked eye could not capture it at all, only in the air, leaving two afterimages!

The two of them attacked towards the giant transformed by Chen Yu at the same time!

Zhang Yu’s strength is very strong, and he directly attacks with his physical body!

A huge golden hoop rod fell on top of the giant’s head!

Bang bang.

Its body shattered into countless slag in just a few tens of seconds.

The whole scene is shocking!

Naturally, all of this requires special effects production.

But in the studio.

Everyone only relied on the fighting actions of Du Jing, Zhang Yu and others, and they had already made up a series of pictures in their brains.

Since the giant was broken by the golden hoop rod!

It directly hurt Chen Yu, just because this was her body, and cracks appeared in her face!

The giant died.

Du Jing and Zhang Yu looked at each other.

“Monkey King! Even if you destroy the Heavenly Machine, you can’t change all this. ”

Zhang Yu’s tone was full of regret.

I saw Du Jing but didn’t care at all: “I’ve been here, I’ve fought, I don’t care about the end!” ”

“Today it was Ah Zi who saved your life! But from now on, I am God, you are a demon, and I will always hunt you down! ”

“The next time we meet, let’s do our best!”

The two turned away one after another.

“The Book of Heaven records that Shang Sheng Tianzun and the Demon King made trouble in the Heavenly Court, and they were also positioned as demons! Yang Jian had meritorious demons and was promoted to the first divine general of the Southern Heavenly Gate, leading the order to eliminate the Three Realms! ”

“The monkey returned to Huaguo Mountain with the sunset in his heart, exchanged all the living beings who disobeyed the mandate of heaven, and held a great war with the heavenly court that lasted for a hundred years!”

“Who is the monkey?”

“It’s me!”

“I am – Monkey King!”

This is the end of the story.


“Shooting is over!”

All the people at the scene did not come to their senses for a while.

After a few minutes, the scene was boiling.

“Congratulations everyone, “The Legend of Wukong” is officially completed!!”

Du Jing looked excited, and shouted with a big speaker.

“Wuhu!! So excited! ”

“Happy finishing!!”

“Happy finishing!!”

Du Jing’s assistants and staff have long prepared some hand-screwed salutes!



Bang! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sky is full of flowers, and the scene is very lively.

Everyone was overjoyed, and even more, they hugged each other and shouted loudly.

This is the moment.

Everyone just wants to shout loudly!

In just over ten days, they have already shot an entire movie!

God knows, how are they here these days?

It’s so depressing!

Fortunately, the movie is finally finished!

Yang Chaoyue and the others were also excited!

This can be regarded as Yang Chaoyue’s screen debut!

She is the happiest of all, and she knows that all this is inseparable from Du Jing’s help!

And she did!

All have accomplished a task that would seem impossible to others!

Moreover, the post-production special effects of this movie will be even more praised!

Everyone is looking forward to it!

They wanted to know how surprised the world would be when the film was released in theaters!

If “The Legend of Shushan” is a peak, then “The Legend of Wukong” will be another peak!

The fairy world created by Du Jing for everyone is gradually being completed!

Think of it so far…..

Du Jing couldn’t help shouting: “In this period of time, both the quality and the progress of the shooting are very perfect!” Tonight’s banquet to find out? ”

When it comes to the finishing banquet.

Everyone is even more happy!

Remember the last finale banquet, Du Jing was angry with millions of red envelopes!

What does this mean?

Maybe this time there will be!!

“Okay!! Finishing Banquet!! ”

“Comrades. Let’s have a blast tonight! ”

“Thank you Director Du!!”

“Thank you Director Du!!”

“Thank you Director Du!!”


For a while, the crew boiled again.

When filming, Du Jing worked meticulously and had a very serious attitude.

As a result, everyone did not dare to breathe …


The drama has already been filmed, and they are finally able to breathe a sigh of relief!

If it’s not good to relax at this time, wouldn’t you be sorry for them?

“Idol! Congratulations, another masterpiece! ”

“Yes, Director Du! When it comes to the premiere, I must come! I believe that our movie must be a moment to witness history!! ”

“Director Du, congratulations!”

Ou Hao, Qiao Shan, and Yang Di walked over with a smile on their faces.

“Thank you, your performance really impressed me! If there is a chance of 4.0 in the future, I hope we can cooperate again! Du Jing smiled.



Qiao Shan and Yang Di smiled lightly and nodded.

“Okay, idol, don’t worry! In the future, as long as you have something, call me, I will come immediately! ”

When I arrived at Ou Hao, the style of painting changed.


Du Jing and the three shook hands one by one.

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go to the finishing banquet!”

Du Jing had already booked the banquet in advance.

Because they are in the suburbs, they are actually a little far from the hotel.

The only more luxurious place nearby is the barbecue stall.

The people who were just packing up and preparing to leave suddenly stopped.

“Director Du, our finale banquet this time won’t be at the barbecue stall, right?”

“Don’t! I want to vomit when eating barbecue these days! ”


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