Knock knock~~

Knock knock~~

Du Jing held the piano head in his left hand, and lightly placed his right hand on the strings.

The slender five fingers played slowly, and the crisp and pleasant melody flowed…

Like a stream in an empty valley, every note is pleasant.

“This prelude … Sounds good. ”

Deng Zixuan sighed lightly.

“The melody is really good.”

Zhang Bicheng also nodded, and his eyes became more and more expectant.

Cai Kunkun on the side, his face was full of haze.


The low sound of the piano gradually rises, and after setting the general tone, it slowly lowers again.

At the same time, Du Jing is close to the microphone:

“There was a stop-and-go along the way

Follow the trail of the teenager drifting

The moment before stepping out of the station

There was some hesitation

Can’t help but laugh at this homesickness

Still unavoidable

And the days of Nagano

It’s still so warm

The wind blew as before


Du Jing’s voice was slightly muffled.

But there is no lack of fullness in the lowness, and there is a faint sadness in the fullness!

And this lyrics….

No rhetoric, unpretentious.

But among them, it is full of graphics!

The gentle tune, faint singing voice, and artistic conception of singing skills instantly pull the audience into the song.

In the wilderness, on a country road, an old man with a backpack returns to his hometown.

The ears of wheat in the fields, the distant but distant hometown in front of you!

The breeze blew by, and the old man’s mind came to mind that the past…


A short paragraph directly gave everyone goosebumps.

The picture is too strong!

“Once upon a time I first knew this world


Looking at the sky, it seems that in front of you

Now walking through this world


Turn over the different sides of the face

Caught off guard against intruding into your smile


The tune quickened, and Du Jing’s tone was raised.

With the blessing of the infectious power of the song…….

The picture in everyone’s mind is even stronger!

The old man walked in the wheat field, a gust of wind blew and brushed the ends of his hair, he looked back at the country road he walked, as if he saw the teenager’s self, pushing the bicycle and laughing with his first love, the smiling face that could not prevent intrusion evoked the memories of the old man.

Here we are….

Du Jing shook the strings heavily, and everyone’s mood instantly lifted.

The chorus goes straight up.

“I couldn’t help but feel that the world is big

Also indulge in dream talk

No truth, no struggle, no fear of jokes

I used to turn my youth into her

There was also a pop of summer at his fingertips

Whatever the heart moves, let it go


Du Jing uses his dense head voice, silky falsetto, full sound quality…

Pushes the whole piece to another dimension!

Emotions burst out suddenly, and full emotions flowed down.

Everyone only felt that the sweat on their bodies stood up, and goosebumps were all up!

“Groove! Du Jing’s falsetto! ”

“It’s too silky…”

“This singing technique, it’s really not dark.”

“It’s so good, it sounds like it.”

“This song, the artistic conception is too beautiful!”


Deng Zixuan, Zhang Bicheng, Zhang Jie and other guests looked at Du Jing in amazement.

Several people looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

This skill, emotion, impeccable!

After a quick, pleasant strum.

The song moves closer to the second stanza.

The emotions have been completely laid out, and Du Jing has already entered the state.

Guests, audience.

And millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, all immersed in it.

A pair of eyes stared at Du Jing, staring at this young man who was shining on the stage.

“I have turned my youth into her, and I have also popped out the middle of summer at my fingertips, and my heart moves, and I will go with the flow…”

Immediately afterwards, repeat the chorus part.

The vivid emotions flowed down, and everyone gently swayed to the melody.

But at this moment….

The guitar suddenly stopped!

Everyone was stunned, and then they saw Du Jing, who had been sitting on the high stool, slowly standing up.

He hangs the guitar to his body and gently grips the microphone with both hands.

A deep voice slowly tells a story.

This paragraph is a melodyless cappella!

“The evening breeze ruffles the gray hair between your sideburns

Heal scars left by memories

In your eyes, light and dark are mixed, and a smile grows

Twilight obscures your faltering steps

Step into the painting hidden at the end of the bed

You in the painting, with your head down, speak


An impeccable a cappella song!

Du Jing used his singing voice to sketch a picture in the hearts of everyone.

The old man returned to his hometown and found that his former lover had long passed away, leaving her with nothing but a painting hidden by the bed.

The old man lay peacefully on the rocking chair, the setting sun poured down, a gust of wind blew, the trees outside the window swayed, and even the sunlight flickered on and off.

Slowly closing his eyes, the old man seemed to be the boy in the painting, holding his lover’s hand, walking behind the evening breeze…

A smile grows flowers and smooths the scars of the years.

Although I am old, those beautiful things will remain in my heart forever like the paintings at the head of the bed.

Hearing this, the emotional listener has long wet their eyes.

Sing the last sentence.

Du Jing paused briefly for a few seconds.

Just when everyone thought the song was over….

Suddenly, he picked up the guitar with both hands, his slender fingers played quickly, and the originally hurried tune pushed up a key again!

Knock knock-

Knock knock!!

“I still marvel at how big the world is

Also indulged in childhood love words

No truth left, no struggle, no pointless jokes

I finally gave her my youth back

Together with the midsummer that pops out of your fingertips


Sing with real voice!

Du Jing used a rich high voice to push the whole song to the highest peak!

Rich emotions are vividly spent….

In an instant.

The pupils of all the audience were dilated and their hair stood up.

Until the whole song “The Wind Rises” is sung, I can’t return to my senses for a long time.


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