But Li Ruilong’s votes were higher than him.

Even if there is only one vote, then he will definitely be eliminated in this issue!

“Old Xiao, don’t be too nervous! Maybe people are not as good as you? ”

Zhang Jie walked over and gently patted Xiao Jingteng’s shoulder.

Since Li Ruilong came to power, Xiao Jingteng has been like crazy, going back and forth in the house.

Got everyone else – tensed up …

But even if you worry about it, what can you do, it doesn’t depend on the audience’s vote?

After all, the “King of Songs” competition is notoriously transparent, and there will be no fraud at all.

So even if Xiao Jingteng doesn’t want to go, it’s unlikely to fake.

“Oh, can I not be nervous? The number of votes will be out immediately! Look at it! Although this number of votes has risen slowly, it has already reached 410 votes! If this continues, I’ll have to get out sooner or later! ”

The more Xiao Jingteng spoke, the more nervous he became, and even began to sweat on his forehead.

He never thought in his life that he would one day be eliminated in such a large music competition.

After all, his strength is there!

Generally, only he eliminated others, how can anyone else eliminate him?

Even if you don’t get the top few, you won’t be at the bottom, right?


At this moment, Xiao Jingteng felt that he was panicking for the first time!



On the big screen on the stage, the voting data is still scrolling.

But the rise was very slow, and after finally breaking through 410 votes, it only rose by a few votes.

The audience was very nervous!

Among them, many of Xiao Jingteng’s fans hurriedly closed their eyes and silently prayed in their hearts that Li Ruilong’s votes would not be higher than Xiao Jingteng.

Time passed by minute by minute…

Finally, it’s over.

From the beginning to the end of the polling, it took less than three minutes.

But everyone seems to have passed a century, and they feel that this time is too long.

When the host looked at the big screen and announced Li Ruilong’s votes, everyone covered their ears, not wanting to hear the result of no.

Moderator: “Li Ruilong, 423 votes!” ”

The voice just fell.

The audience suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Whether it was the audience or everyone in the live broadcast room, they all stared at the big screen.

What the?

Li Ruilong 423 votes!

Don’t look at his high score at the beginning, but in the end, it was still 30 votes lower than Xiao Jingteng!


This also means that Li Ruilong was eliminated, and Xiao Jingteng stayed because of this!

The audience suddenly became boiling from silence!

“Aaaaaa I knew that Old Xiao could! ”

“I’m so happy, Old Xiao doesn’t have to be eliminated! Li Ruilong, I really want to thank your eight generations of ancestors! ”

“Hahahaha, so happy! As long as I think that Li Ruilong can’t advance to the ranks, why am I in such a comfortable mood? ”

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could our brother’s score be so low? ”

“Oh, Li Ruilong’s big maids don’t lose sight here!”


Most of the audience in the audience were cheering, Xiao Jingteng can finally stay!

But there are also fans of Li Ruilong who are questioning whether the score is fake!

After all, in the eyes of their group of few remaining fans, their brother’s songs are the best in the world!

Even if it is Du Jing’s song, it is a little better than Li Ruilong’s song…

This may be some kind of self-confidence!

Not to mention that Li Ruilong’s fans were a little shocked when they looked at the number of votes, and even Li Ruilong himself had an expression of disbelief.

And at this moment, he didn’t even want to pretend! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Originally a sunny big boy in front of everyone, his face was full of haze at this time, and his eyes seemed to be able to spew fire!

“How is it possible! This score is definitely not right! Are you working in the dark? Or is this machine malfunctioning again? ”

Li Ruilong’s tone was full of questioning.

He felt that everyone’s reaction just now was good, and he couldn’t only have such a score.

Something must be wrong!

If Li Ruilong only hated Du Jing in the past, now he may hate everyone.



When the host heard this, he was very helpless.

One accident in the program group is enough to choke, can it really happen twice?

God knows, as long as there is a small failure or accident, it may cause the program team to lose a lot of money!

They are not fools either!

When there was a problem with Du Jing’s number of votes, they had already hurriedly solved this problem.

If it is not solved and the problem is allowed to continue, the consequences will definitely be unimaginable!

I saw that the host was too lazy to say so much, and said directly domineeringly: “Li Ruilong, you are completely assured of this!” Our “King of Songs” program has always been fair and impartial, and there will never be any black box operations! And the problem of the failure of the machine you said, there will be no second time! This time it was definitely the result of everyone’s vote! If you don’t believe me, you can interview our guests and hundreds of judges for their thoughts! ”

The words have already been said about this, if you continue to question it, it is rude!

At this time, even Wang Huade was already a little unable to stand it.

Damn it!

What kind of brain-dead guest did he invite?

If there is a problem with the program group once, it is already excessive enough.

What two fools would allow this problem to appear a second time?

In general music programs and various competitions, there may be black box operations.

But he Wang Huade absolutely dares to guarantee the ticket, and there will definitely be no such thing on his show!

There will be no indecision at all!

Because it’s not necessary!

All of these guests present are very strong, and it would be unfair to them to do so.

Du Jing and others can come to the competition, in addition to wanting to have an exposure to their new songs or themselves, the most important point is their love for music and their desire to see how their strength level is!

In this way, they will also have a good inspiration and inspiration in the future creative process.

So that’s what they’re here for!

This kid actually said that!

I can’t bear it!

I saw Wang Huade take out his walkie-talkie and shout directly to the host: “Now, immediately, immediately, give me to interview the guests and judges on the scene!” If he is not convinced, another vote! Anyway, after this issue, I don’t plan to invite him! ”

The host with the headset was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

….. Whatever.

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