Du Jing’s background alone is enough to scare off many people!

They don’t want their careers to be ruined so early.

But Wang Xinyi didn’t seem to realize this, and she was very distressed.

“Idol! I…… I don’t want to give up this opportunity, but I don’t have the way to terminate the contract with the company right now. ”

At this moment, Wang Xinyi’s mood has been extremely boring.

Her tears rolled in her eyes again…

Hear this.

Du Jing couldn’t help but speak: “Since you are unwilling to give up this opportunity, take it well, as for your brokerage company, I will settle it for you!” You can sign it in a moment. ”

The voice just fell.

Du Jing had already dialed Wang Xia’s phone number.

“Sister Xia, you help me check Stardust Entertainment, there is an artist named Wang Xinyi in their company, help her terminate the contract.”

Du Jing spoke.

“Okay, Xiaojing.”

After only two or three minutes, the matter was already explained and the phone hung up.

When everyone else saw this, they were already surprised. 24 After all, Du Jing was able to help Chen Yu and Tang Ren terminate the contract last time, and such a small entertainment company is naturally out of the question.

On the other hand, Wang Xinyi was shocked!

Du Jing is really a cow batch!

No wonder so many artists want to join Du Jing’s studio after losing their heads, it’s not for nothing!

Right at this moment.

Du Jing pointed to the contract placed on the table and said: “Na, take advantage of this effort, you look at the contract, and sign it if you feel appropriate.” ”

“No need to look.”

Under the gaze of everyone…….

Wang Xinyi directly turned to the last page of the contract and signed her name very quickly.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn’t react.


“This… Is that signed? ”

“Vozh!! Wang Xinyi trusts Du Jing so much, she doesn’t look at the contract, she signs it directly! Isn’t she afraid of Du Jingkeng him? ”

“There is a sense of déjà vu that Mao did not remember how many of them signed contracts.”

“Du Jing’s personality charm that has nowhere to place!!”

“No wonder so many people like Du Jing, it’s really awesome!”

“I think at the beginning, Mao Buyi and Zhang Yu and several of them signed a contract directly!”

Huang Lei also looked puzzled: “Xinyi, this contract… You don’t even watch it? ”

Wang Xinyi smiled: “No need to look at Teacher Huang, it’s my luck that the idol can sign me!” What’s more, the idol also helped me lose so much liquidated damages, I am a small Internet celebrity with little reputation, and there is nothing worth calculating for idols! ”


Du Jing smiled and nodded.

When the others heard this, they couldn’t help but nod.

“Sister Xinyi, what you said is exactly the same as what Brother Zhang Yu and Sister Chen Yu said at the beginning!”

“Hahahaha, really! Brother Jing, he looks at people the most bullish and accurate! ”

“Congratulations to Sister Xinyi, congratulations to Brother Jing!”

“By the way, Xinyi, is it time for you to change your name to boss?”

Listening to everyone’s words, Wang Xinyi also called out to the boss very heartily.

Du Jing smiled quite satisfied.


“What a cow!”

“Wait, before the contract is terminated, the contract has already been signed here. It’s a little out of place, right? ”

“What’s inappropriate? Don’t you believe in Du Jing’s ability? He can definitely terminate the contract easily! ”

“Actually, I’m a little worried… There is no news about this termination yet. The contract has already been signed here, which is somewhat fast! ”

“I believe Du Jing will be able to do it!”

The barrage in the live broadcast room is constantly scrolling.


After Wang Xia over there hung up the phone, she immediately communicated with the boss of Stardust Entertainment.

She originally thought that the other party had to open his mouth!

After all, there are not a few such entertainment companies.

But when the other party heard that Du Jing wanted to help Wang Xinyi terminate the contract, the original idea of wanting Wang Xinyi to touch the porcelain Du Jing disappeared in an instant.

Don’t say it’s liquidated damages, they can’t wait to call Wang Xinyi’s account another 20,000 and let her go!

If the original Du Jing didn’t know them and engaged in some harmless small actions by himself, it was better to say!

Now they all want to help Wang Xinyi terminate the contract!

If they don’t nod their heads in agreement, they are fools!

Li Ruilong’s affairs were still vividly remembered before, and he was the son of one of the top two entertainment companies in China. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In front of Du Jing, isn’t it also a few days away?

They are a small entertainment company, they can’t afford it…

So, the termination went very smoothly!

Since Dujing Studio and Stardust Entertainment Company are in the magic capital, the termination of the contract is also a city express!

But in more than half an hour, it will be there!

After dealing with everything, Wang Xia also hurriedly replied to Du Jing.

“Well, the termination is successful, and when you go back, you will have no problem signing again.”

Du Jing spoke.

At this moment, Wang Xinyi’s heart was really down-to-earth.

That’s great!

Finally terminated!

And she also successfully signed Du Jing’s studio, which was something she never dreamed of before!

She suddenly remembered her liquidated damages, which was not a small amount.

“Boss, how much do you see this liquidated damages? Let me do an installment! From the first penny I earn for our company, regular deductions, is it okay? ”

Du Jing shook his head: “I didn’t give liquidated damages, and it went smoothly.” ”

As soon as the words came out.

Wang Xinyi was shocked again!

I think that when she signed with Stardust Entertainment, the people in the company had to drag and drag! 320

I can’t wait to look at people with my nostrils!

Now Du Jing just made a simple call, the other party not only agreed to sign the contract, but also did not want liquidated damages?

Bull batch!

Du Jing is too bullish!

Wang Xinyi, who originally admired Du Jing very much, was even more adored at this time!

Even regarded him as a benchmark in his music career!

Coupled with Du Jing’s help to himself three times and twice, Wang Xinyi didn’t know what to say.

She feels that as an artist, she must work hard to make money for the company in the future!

After all, Du Jing has a grace for her!

At this time, the live broadcast room was even more boiling.

The netizens who were still thinking about whether Du Jing signed too early just now suddenly closed their mouths!

They seem to forget that what they can’t do doesn’t mean others can’t do it!

And Du Jing has never been the kind of person who fights unprepared battles!


Seeing that Wang Xinyi signed a successful contract, those marketing numbers in the live broadcast room also began…

Heavy news! Du Jing Personal Studio has added another new employee!

Wang Xinyi, a small Internet celebrity who once covered Du Jing’s songs, was signed by Du Jing!

Astound! What is Du Jing’s background strength? Can you hang Li Ruilong before, and let the entertainment company not pay liquidated damages later?



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