So if you want to catch fish, the whole process is still quite cumbersome.

Think about it.

The three of them took the lead in carrying the bucket back to the mushroom house and poured all the seafood inside into the large vat containing the seafood.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhengyu was shocked again: “This… Did you find this? ”

What about the abused guests?

This is clearly self-abuse, right?

Their luck was so good that they found so much seafood!

“yes! How not to believe? ”

Peng Peng glanced at Wang Zhengyu.

It looked like Wang Zhengyu was saying that he didn’t believe it, and Peng Peng would beat Wang Zhengyu violently in the next second.

“Believe! Letter! ”

Wang Zhengyu sighed helplessly.

How could he not believe it?

At first glance, these seafood have just been fished up from the deep pit, and they cannot be fake.

After Du Jing packed up, he looked at Wang Zhengyu: “Director Wang, you can take advantage of the time when we are not there in “Six Six Seven” to compare and register all the types of seafood.” ”


Wang Zhengyu nodded.

Then Du Jing and the three of them each held two barrels in their hands and walked towards the deep pit.

Watching them go, Wang Zhengyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time he finished punishing Du Jing and them, he regretted it very much.

But I can’t help but be cheap…

No way, used to it.

As for the next step, in addition to registration and comparison, Wang Zhengyu and others will also put each seafood type separately.

This is also conducive to selling directly to the market when the time comes.

Not often.

He Yuan and Yixing also returned, each holding two buckets in their hands.

Like Du Jing and others, they poured the seafood into the big vat and continued to pack it with the empty bucket.

In this process, everyone ran back and forth four or five times.

It wasn’t until the last bucket of seafood was poured into the bucket that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’ll go! So tired! My hands are red! ”

Peng Peng sat on the side without any image, panting heavily.

“It’s really tiring!”

“But I can’t wait to find out how many species of marine life there are!” If that’s enough, you can rest for two days. ”

Yixing rubbed his hands, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Even others wondered how many species had been caught.

“Lao Wang! Hurry up and double-check! ”

As soon as Huang Lei shouted like this, several staff members had already run over.

Some sort out the seafood, some start comparing, and some board the plane.

Several people divided the work and soon the results came out.

This time the seafood is far more than the last time, which is equivalent to eight large buckets!

You can imagine how much more this goes back to the bottom.

“A total of eight large buckets of seafood, weighing 530 pounds, counting 66 types!”

As soon as the results came out.

Everyone present was shocked!

Just that trip, it was already a bit of a surprise.

This time, it was even more surprising.

More than 500 pounds of seafood, there are 66 kinds of marine life!

This data is far more than when I first started!

“How is it, Director Wang?”

Du Jing glanced at Wang Zhengyu, his eyes full of teasing.


Wang Zhengyu was helpless.

Originally, he thought that Du Jing and the others would not be able to complete the task in three days, so that his ship would not be given to them.

Who knows, they won’t just get it done in a day.

It’s also overdone!

At this moment, they were not abused.

Wang Zhengyu felt that he was abused…


But since everyone had already completed the task, it was not good for him to say anything.

Immediately, Wang Zhengyu took a deep breath: “Well, according to the regulations, you exceeded the quota and completed the task ahead of schedule, and the big ship is yours!” ”

When everyone heard this, they all complained in their hearts that Wang Zhengyu was really shameless! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As long as they think that the ship is meant for guests, they are a little angry!

Wang Zhengyu was even kind enough to give them as a reward!

I’ve never seen someone with thick skin, I’ve never seen someone with such thick skin!

He was speechless.

Right now.

Du Jing suddenly smiled again and said: “According to what you just said, we not only exceeded the quota, but also completed the task ahead of schedule, so shouldn’t the reward be more?” ”


“Okay, what reward do you want?”

Wang Zhengyu said helplessly.

“It’s not difficult either! We big guys have been busy all day and are very tired! You will take care of the meals for these two days! Anyway, it’s just four meals, not much! ”

Du Jing Dao.

Wang Zhengyu: ???

One meal is outrageous enough, and there are even four meals?

With the nature of Du Jing and others, each meal must not be ordered a dozen dishes?

That’s a lot more money!

Their little calculation is really 6 more than themselves!

Wang Zhengyu has always been more critical, and now when he hears this, he feels that his heart is dripping blood…….

“Old Wang, what we said is far better than what you did to us, right? Look at my hand, it’s all mouthful! There is a saying that problems that can be solved with money are not problems! ”

Huang Lei also glanced at Wang Zhengyu with a smile.

That look made Wang Zhengyu shiver directly…

In desperation.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Yes!” Isn’t it just four meals? I can’t afford it yet! ”

It can be said that how happy it is to promise, how heartache it will be when you go back!

At that time.

After everyone heard that they didn’t have to cook for the past two days, they all cheered.

“Yay! Finally, I don’t have to cook! ”

“It’s so cool! I thought I was tired today, and I had to cook when I came back. It’s nice to have someone treated! ”

“Director Wang, thank you!”

“The iron rooster plucked its feathers! That’s nice! ”

“Lao Wang actually had such a happy day, and finally stopped crying poverty!”

Everyone’s words made Wang Zhengyu’s face darken all of a sudden, and every time he spoke, he felt that an invisible knife pierced his heart.


It hurts so much!

After everything was done, everyone hurried to change clothes and simply clean up.

After all, after a busy day, the smell of fish is all over my body!

The people who were busy at the time may not have heard of 3.0.


Over time.

In the blink of an eye, it was past four o’clock in the afternoon.

I saw everyone sitting in the small courtyard, drinking tea and chatting at the same time, so uncomfortable.

The sky is not far away.

Under the sun’s rays, the whole is dyed red.

It looks beautiful.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Huang Lei suddenly shouted loudly at the gate of the small courtyard: “Lao Wang! Get your phone! Time to order! ”

The voice just fell.

I saw Wang Zhengyu holding his mobile phone and walking into the small courtyard with a “painful” face.

“Oh, here you go!”

After approaching, Wang Zhengyu handed the mobile phone to Du Jing.

The sadness in my heart is indescribable.

Everyone took the mobile phone and directly opened the takeaway software, while pulling the screen, looking for something to eat for a while.


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