Since Yang Di is from Shancheng, the restaurant he chose happens to be a Sichuan restaurant!

Coincidentally, it was the same hotel that Du Jing and Yang Chaoyue went to last time.

When a group of several people walked to the hotel, the clerks were excited!


Du Jing’s popularity is very high, but now it is even higher!

Especially after he won four awards at the Xiangjiang Film Festival, there is no one in Xiangjiang who does not know him now!

You can’t know Chen Long, but you can’t help but know Du Jing!

Although this is just a joke, it is enough to see how popular Du Jing is in Xiangjiang.

Not often.

Everyone randomly chose a position by the window, enjoying the view of Victoria Harbour while chatting and eating food.

This time, it is similar to the dish ordered before.

However, due to the large number of people, I ordered more dishes than before.

Since there are not so many people in the restaurant during the day, the food is served much faster than before!

In less than ten minutes, all the dishes were served.

Boiled beef, chicken with sugar sticks, crispy ice plum bones, pickled lobster…

Just looking at these dishes is easy to make the population water!

And Du Jing they not only ordered the main 683 dishes, but also some desserts.

For example, ice powder, puffs, sweet potato flour, when they eat spicy, can play a role in spicy relief!

“Wow!! Since the last time I ate at this restaurant, I have been very hungry for this food! I didn’t expect to be able to eat another meal before leaving! ”

Yang Chaoyue breathed hard twice, her eyes shining as she looked at the delicacies on the table!

It’s so fragrant!

This is the real color and fragrance!

But these words made the others next to them stunned.

“Huh? Have you been to this house? ”

“No wonder that clerk just now knew you and asked us if we were still sitting in the last position!”

“When did you come?”

Everyone was extremely puzzled, obviously they were all together, and they didn’t see her go out!

I saw Yang Chaoyue’s little face slightly red, and said with a smile: “It was before you guys came, the boss took me there.” ”

Except for Jiang Shuying, everyone suddenly had an expression of understanding.

That look was even more looking back and forth on Yang Chaoyue and Du Jing’s bodies!


There is a situation!

Perhaps everyone’s gaze was too obvious, Du Jing said helplessly: “We didn’t eat there, just (cfef) strolling, and later met Director Wu and others, eating together!” ”

This explanation immediately extinguished the soul of gossip that had risen from everyone.

And Jiang Shuying on the side was secretly relieved…

She is not afraid of Du Jing’s beautiful women like clouds, nor is she afraid of who Du Jing takes to heart.

The only thing she envies is that everyone can go out with Du Jing…

And she hasn’t had it yet!

It’s not sad to see someone you like going out with someone else!

It’s just that when Jiang Shuying heard that there were several people behind her, her heart naturally became more comfortable.

“Okay, okay, let’s eat quickly!”

“Yes! Let’s finish our meal quickly, so that we can catch the flight! ”

“Idol, I invited this meal today, so I should congratulate you on winning four awards in a row!”

At this time, everyone was already hungry, and hurriedly urged to eat!

Although their plane was past two o’clock in the afternoon, several people did not pack any luggage.

Plus the Victoria Harbour where they are located is a certain distance from the airport, so everyone decided to free up time!

Otherwise, if you are in a hurry at that time, no one can stand it!

Du Jing thought that he had come to invite this meal, but when he saw Yang Di, Ou Hao and the others so enthusiastic, it was naturally difficult to say anything.

In the end, this meal, no matter how expensive it is, is not expensive.

And everyone’s income is not low, even if it is to invite a meal, it will not get in the way.

After all, between friends, you also need to exchange courtesies!

So, everyone finally began to eat.

The first dish that everyone tasted was boiled beef, which was full of color and flavor!

The moment you enter the mouth, you can feel the smoothness of the beef!

It’s numb and spicy!

Specially! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It was so delicious! Let’s try it! ”

Yang Chaoyue took the meat and put it in his bowl, and the action was called a hero!

This is very different from yesterday’s noble and elegant princess image!

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh!

Everyone was infected by this little girl’s unpretentious and unpretentious personality!

They all gulped down!

A few minutes later.

I saw Ou Hao holding his own cup and suddenly stood up: “Here, let us congratulate the idol on winning four awards in a row!” Congratulations to our crew for winning so many honors! Cheers! ”


“Keep up the good work!! Cheers!! ”

“Let’s dry this drink!!”

When everyone heard this, they raised their cups and clinked glasses with each other.


This drink is straight down!

The mood of everyone is very happy.

Everyone can say that everyone is very happy to eat this meal, and the atmosphere is very harmonious~

After all, this time “The Legend of Wukong” won so many awards in a row, which is also good for them!

They have participated in this drama and their popularity has skyrocketed!

So, it can be said to be a win-win.


After eleven o’clock in the morning.

After everyone had finished eating, they went back to their rooms to pack their things.

For the stars, the festival is over.

But for fans, it will take more than half a month to finish.

Many people will continue to stay in Xiangjiang, travel, exhibit…

Before Du Jing was leaving, Wang Xia and the entourage cleaned up all the reporters at the first time.

After all, with the lessons from the past, they naturally couldn’t let the reporters disturb Du Jing and others.

Therefore, Du Jing was very quiet when he left~

Since everyone’s plane time was about the same, they took a taxi to the airport at less than one o’clock.

Looking at the scenery along the way, everyone couldn’t help but sigh at what happened in this day.

Obviously, I was looking forward to it before I came again, but when I left, I was so crisp!

Inside the airport.

Ou Hao, Zhang Yu, Jiang Shuying and others looked at Du Jing with some reluctance!

Because some of them flew to the magic capital, and some flew to the crew.

As for Du Jing, he rushed directly to Hainan!

Ou Hao: “Goodbye idol!” I can’t bear to spend time with everyone! ”

Yang Di: “Me too!” But no way, everyone has a job! ”

Zhang Yu: “When we have time, we are gathering!” ”

Jiang Shuying: “That’s it!” When we have time, let’s get together again! See you next time in the magic capital~”

Yang Chaoyue: “See you in the magic capital~”

Seeing everyone’s reluctant gaze, Du Jing’s heart was slightly warm.

That’s a friend!

But parting is for a better encounter!

So, they can get together again whenever they have time!


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