“I’ll go! This flower blooms too beautifully, right? ”

“Let’s just take a screenshot directly and use it as a screensaver is completely OK!”

“Don’t say it’s true! It’s so beautiful! ”

“Omo Omo, I didn’t expect durian to bloom so beautifully!”

“Brother Jing pollinate well! Next year I will buy our local durian!! ”

“??? Jing Ge pollination?? Why is this so awkward? ”

“Hahahahahaha, God Te Mo Dujing Pollination!”


The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling.

At first, the drawing style was quite normal!

But in the back, it was directly pollinated from Du Jing and others to the flowers, and directly became Du Jing pollination…

The netizens in the entire live broadcast room simply laughed when they saw this scene!

With the camera, it returned to Du Jing and the others again.

I saw everyone standing on the path between the fields against the big sun “seven five seven”.

Surrounded the old village chief in the middle, quietly listening to how the old village chief pollinated the durian flowers.

In fact, durian is not self-pollinating, but that will lead to a very low fruit set rate!

Therefore, in order to improve the fruit set rate, farmers who grow durian will generally choose artificial pollination.

Old village chief: “Actually, pollinating durian flowers is very simple!” When the total number of flowers on the whole durian tree is a quarter of the total blooming, our local farmers will choose to use pollen of different varieties or different varieties of different trees for manual cross-pollination, because the best time to start pollination is from 6:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening, so this is why everyone comes to the village so early. ”

“Generally, when the durian tree is in full bloom, we will select the durian flower that releases pollen, find its stamens, and cut the anthers from above, collecting all the pollen grains in a glass container.”

“Subsequently, the sticky pollen particles at the bottom of the tube stick to the fine bristles of the paint brush! We just need to hold the brush, find the more prominent part of the stigma head from the petals, and brush the pollen on it! That’s it! ”

The old village chief spoke very carefully, and even took out a worn-out mobile phone from his pocket.

He pulled his phone, found a few pictures, and showed everyone again!

After all, just by mouth, maybe some people don’t understand.

But as soon as you see the picture, you must understand it instantly!

Sure enough.

At first, the words of the old village chief really made them all heard.

But as soon as they saw the picture, everyone knew what to do.

“Wow! It doesn’t seem that difficult! Wait for me to contract this durian forest today! ”

“Cut! Peng, don’t brag here, I don’t believe it! ”

“Okay, okay, let’s all stop arguing! Hurry up and go to Lao Wang to get the tools! Otherwise, none of us would want to complete the task today! ”

“Yes, yes, yes! Let’s go! ”

Seeing that several young people were full of energy, the old village chief was very pleased.

Even thinking in his heart, who said that young people are not willing to work now?

These young people are clearly great!

If the young people in the future are like this, why do they have no one to build in the countryside?

This is that the old village chief does not know Peng Peng and others, if he knows that everyone wants to complete the task as soon as possible, just to eat a fruit buffet…

It is estimated that I can’t wait to smoke a few big mouths!

He thought of them so well!

Since I am about to start working, I naturally have to receive equipment.

Therefore, everyone shouted Wang Zhengyu in unison.

Not often.

I saw Wang Zhengyu and several staff members dragging a bunch of equipment and walking over.

“Come on, come on, I’ve assigned equipment to everyone! Please line up, don’t worry, don’t panic! Here are sleeves, aprons, brushing teeth, glass jars, straw hats…”

Wang Zhengyu took the thing and shouted loudly.

I saw him wearing half sleeves and big pants, and stepping on a pair of flip-flops…

How greasy and greasy it looked, even Du Jing and the others were extremely disgusted when they received something! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The crowd took their things and began to wrap aprons and sleeves around themselves.

Obviously, in the last second, Du Jing and the others are still trendy men and beautiful women in the city!

In the next second, everyone was very grounded!

If it weren’t for everyone’s appearance, it is estimated that they would not be recognized when thrown into the crowd.

This transformation makes the screen all hahaha.

“Hahahahaha, Mom! Laugh mad me! ”

“Is this the result of the collision of fashionable hipsters with the cultural atmosphere of the countryside?”

“Du Jing’s appearance is really amazing! Immediately changed from a noble son to the most handsome pig killer in the countryside! ”

“Hahahahaha, God kills pigs!”

“Really! Men in our Sichuan-Chongqing area often wear this kind of wrapped apron! Especially when I go back to the countryside during the New Year, my dad will wear it when he kills pigs! ”

“Poof! I can’t! This image is in my mind, lingering! ”

“Du Jing is wearing an apron, I am also wearing an apron, I am Du Jing!”

“Brother upstairs, you know how to substitute in equal quantities!”

“This scene can definitely be called a classic since all the shows in Mushroom House! Everyone, hurry up and take screenshots! ”


Since the morning, the mushroom house has changed its previous calm and peaceful painting style, and suddenly it has become funny…….

As a result, more and more netizens came to watch in the live broadcast room, which naturally attracted some marketing numbers!

When the marketing numbers saw this scene, they took screenshots of the guests changing into “equipment”!

Changed hands and posted online!

Later, I saw a mushroom house emoji exclusive topic square appear on Weibo!

As long as you enter the topic square, you can see the latest emoji, which is the emoji that everyone cut when they collectively beat Wang Zhengyu in the morning!

And at this time, when the marketing numbers upload the latest memes!

Many netizens directly exploded!

It’s hilarious!

It was originally just a topic for entertainment, but now it is directly on the top of the hot search! 4.8 I saw that there were many screenshots of Wang Zhengyu being beaten, Wang Zhengyu Haoheng, Du Jing playing cool and so on!

And every picture is accompanied by text!

And its funny!

For a moment.

Many people have downloaded the pictures and saved them to their WeChat GIFs.

Ready to send it out directly while chatting!

So much so that for the next period of time, the mushroom house was rich in memes!

Anyone who surfs the web will use this meme almost all of them!

If you don’t use it, it’s surfing!



Compared with the excitement on the Internet, Du Jing and the others are a lot calmer.

Obviously, they don’t know what they’re doing online.


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