The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Director Zhang, hurry up." Xiao Wu urged.

Director Zhang was a little helpless.

This comrade Wu.

He ran out of breath every time.

But the key information was not said.

Several people quickly ran to the temporary backstage.

At this moment, the people in the phone group were waiting anxiously.

Seeing everyone in this state, Huang Lei and Teacher He were moved.

Could it be...

Without saying anything, Director Zhang quickly picked up the phone.


"Hello, I'm the director of the program group, Zhang Hangxi."

Director Zhang also felt it and was excited.

After that, everyone stretched their necks and waited nervously for a response.

About ten seconds passed.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke, his voice was pleasant and emotional.

"Hello, I'm An Nuan."


It was indeed An Nuan!

Huang Lei looked at Teacher He, who was already showing joy on his face.

An Nuan's appearance meant that this incident was most likely not a tragedy.

Director Zhang suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath, and said, "Hello An Nuan, are you going to participate in the show? We welcome you very much."

Hearing Director Zhang's words, Huang Lei and Teacher He rolled their eyes.

Director Zhang is good at everything, but he is too eager to communicate with people.

Thinking back to the time when he invited me, he also asked directly if I would participate, and I wanted to pull people away on the spot.

This time the other party is an amateur, and it also involves personal feelings.

There was another silence on the other end of the phone.

Just when Huang Lei couldn't help it and wanted to talk in person, the pleasant female voice sounded again.


I actually agreed!

Director Zhang's heart was pounding.

This is not only for ratings.

It is also for Lin Feng's last wish!

He is the only one present who knows what Lin Feng has done for An Nuan.

"Then let's make an appointment to meet tomorrow. Should we go to your company or somewhere else?"

Director Zhang regretted it after he finished speaking.

He forgot to think when he was excited.

This sentence is equivalent to exposing that the program team knows who Nuan Nuan is.

Sure enough.

A sigh came from the other end of the phone, and then he said.

"It seems that even if I don't look for you, you will come to me."

After An Nuan finished speaking, Director Zhang didn't know how to respond for a while, and was embarrassed to stand still.

"It's okay, I should know."

"I can be on the show, but I have three conditions."

Three conditions?

This time, Director Zhang didn't dare to speak nonsense, and looked at Huang Lei and Teacher He for help.

Seeing this, Teacher He hurriedly stepped forward, took the phone, and said: "Hello, An Nuan, this is He Jiong, please tell me what the conditions are."

The tone on the other end of the phone finally fluctuated a little.

"Teacher He..."

"My first condition is to meet Lin Feng."

To meet Lin Feng!

Everyone present was stunned.

Although this condition is reasonable.

But the show has been filmed until now.

Although the protagonist of all the stories is Lin Feng.

But no one knows where Lin Feng is.

Everyone turned their eyes to Director Zhang.

If someone really knows where Lin Feng is.

The only possibility is Director Zhang.

"Why, he doesn't want to?" An Nuan seemed to notice the silence on the other end of the phone and spoke again, "If he doesn't want to, why did he ask you to film this show?"

"No, no, wait a moment, let's discuss it, don't hang up." Teacher He played a delaying tactic.


After An Nuan finished speaking, Teacher He signaled the staff to turn off the external speaker, and he walked to Director Zhang's side.

"Director Zhang..." Teacher He shouted softly.

At this moment, Director Zhang clenched his fists and his whole body was tense.

Only he knew that this condition could not be fulfilled at all.

These letters are suicide notes!

Lin Feng is no longer in this world.

For a moment, the backstage was terribly silent.

Ring, ring, ring.

A series of phone rings suddenly rang.

Everyone was startled.

Huang Lei picked up the phone awkwardly and was about to press the key.

But when he saw the phone number, he was stunned.


What kind of strange phone call is this?

Huang Lei answered the call for some reason.

"Please agree to her!"

The voice on the phone was loud and full of righteousness.

Huang Lei was stunned at first, and then ecstatic. Could this be Lin Feng?

"Are you Lin Feng?"

Huang Lei exclaimed.

With this shout, everyone looked at Huang Lei.

Director Zhang, on the other hand, was full of disbelief.


Obviously, Lin Feng is no longer in this world.

"I am Fu Zhiyuan, please agree to An Nuan."

Fu Zhiyuan.

Who is Fu Zhiyuan?

Huang Lei's face was full of doubts, and he asked quickly: "Do you know where Lin Feng is?"

"I know, agree to An Nuan, and agree to any conditions she proposes."

After saying this, the phone was hung up.

Huang Lei put away his mobile phone and repeated the content of the phone call to everyone.

After he finished speaking, he added: "I think the phone call is credible, what do you think, Director Zhang?"

Director Zhang nodded blankly.

It was obviously a suicide note, but the meaning of the other party's words showed that Lin Feng was still in the world.

Now, his mind is also a mess.

"I also think it is credible, but I am very interested in Lin Feng's identity now."

"Although our phone is not encrypted, it is not something that anyone can monitor."

After hearing this, Teacher He, everyone was stunned, and then suddenly realized.


This call came at such a timely moment, and the content directly pointed to the conditions proposed by An Nuan.

"I just said it casually, everyone just listen to it, I can clearly feel that the other party has no ill intentions."

Teacher He walked to the phone while speaking.

"Hello, An Nuan, are you still there?"


"We agree to your first condition, please tell me if you have anything else."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, he said: "The second condition is that he has to come to my daughter's birthday party."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

An Nuan actually has a daughter, and she also asked Lin Feng to attend her daughter's birthday party!

In other words, Lin Feng and An Nuan have a daughter together.

Oh my God!

If that's the case, why did they separate for five years?

"Okay, we promise you, what is the third condition?"

Teacher He said gently.

"The third condition is that I will only be on the show for one episode, and Lin Feng must promise not to bother me in the future."


The staff members all widened their eyes.

What does it mean?

You must not get entangled with her?

Did An Nuan really abandon Lin Feng?

If so.

Then Lin Feng is too pitiful.

"An Nuan, is there any misunderstanding between you? You can tell me. I think Lin Feng..."

Teacher He's voice was soft, but he interrupted before he finished.

"Do you agree?"

Teacher He sighed and said, "We promise you."

"Okay, my assistant will contact you later. Just tell her the time and place."

After saying this, the phone was hung up.

Teacher He put down the phone and walked to Huang Lei.

The latter certainly understood what he meant, and immediately picked up the phone and called back.

The call was quickly connected, and the other party seemed to know what they were going to ask, and spoke directly.

"Don't worry, if An Nuan asks, just say that Lin Feng will definitely be there on Mu Mu's birthday."

Then, the phone was hung up.

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