
Chapter 32: Mu Ran continued 15

Before Li Yi went back, Yi Tian left her personal phone number to her. "If you need any help, you can call me."

If you change people, you will probably be ecstatic to get a promise like Yi Tian.

Li Xun took it hesitantly, and said with some caution: "Trouble you to take good care of Mu Ran, this child ... too terrible ..." In fact, Li Xie did not know the relationship between Yi Tian and Mu Ran. Understand why a friend like Yi Tian Mu Ran would be desperate to sell kidneys, and she didn't know where Mu Ran had been hurt in the last few days. Of course, she didn't ask, she felt that Xu Ran Yitian was not an ordinary person, and she always had some restraint and fear when facing them.

"You can rest assured." Yi nodded.

Xu Ran was walking with Li Yan, and she had to send Li Yan back. When she left, Xu Ran asked Li Yan to go to the car and wait for her. When someone went away, she turned to look at Yi Tian and sneered: "Thousands. Those little lover who accompanied you to bed several times asked you for the sports car. , Bags, clothes, do you have this number? "

Yi Tian didn't speak, Xu Ran closed her eyes and looked at him with some dismay: "Today he will cry, it is a sign of improvement. He can now feel the outside world slowly, and maybe suddenly wake up, You have a preparation. "After a pause, Xu Ran added," If your sympathy game is tired before that, you tell me, I will take him out for treatment. "She was an outsider, listened so much, and watched So much that even her heart was cold, Xu Ran couldn't even imagine what it was like in Mu Ran's heart to experience everything herself.

Yi Tian was not angry because of Xu Ran's questioning again. He looked at Xu Ran and only said, "What's wrong with him, I'll call you again."

Xu Ran nodded before turning around and leaving.

When Yi Tian returned to the living room, Mu Ran was still sitting on the sofa staring blankly at his bag, his face was covered with dry tears.

Yi Tian walked over and tried to hold him up. He squeezed the bag tightly and didn't move. Yi Tian squatted down, held his hand and looked up at him: "Put the bag here first, let's wash our face."

Mu Ran still did not respond. Yi Tian was not in a hurry. He persuaded him again and again that he was extremely patient. In the end, Mu Ran's hand was loosened a bit, Yi Tian took the bag from his hand and put it on the table, and took him to the bathroom.

Yi Tian took Mu Ran to the wash basin, moistened the towel with hot water and wrung the water before he gently wiped his face. Mu Ran stood beside him obediently, and when the towel touched his eyes He will also close his eyes. For so long, they have got along like this. Yi Tian's care of Mu Ran has also changed from the original novelty to the habit.

After rubbing his face, Yi Tianmin kissed and kissed Mu Ran's red eyes. He moved naturally, and his face didn't have any expression, like this closeness was taken for granted.

Later aunt came over to cook, and Yi Tian followed into the kitchen. He didn't have time to cook, but wanted to learn how to make porridge for Mu Ran in the morning.

Yi Tian explained to her aunt before that she prepared the ingredients. Following the instructions of his aunt, he cut the chicken breast into small pieces and marinated it with raw powder, and then cut the mushrooms into cubes. The aunt occasionally uttered a reminder beside her, and she was preparing ingredients for dinner. When it was too late to cook porridge and add the chicken and shiitake to a small fire, the aunt was busy watching the soup, but she didn't pay much attention. She just told her to add some salt.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, some did not know how to grasp this "dot". He looked at the small plastic spoon used for seasoning, hesitated for a moment, took a spoonful and poured it.

The aunt had just turned off the soup, and when she turned her head, she saw his movements. She screamed "Mr. Yi ..." but it was too late to stop it.

Yi Tian turned her head to look at her, and her aunt smiled a little awkwardly: "Let's put more ..." Yi Tian frowned, tasted with chopsticks and dilute the congee, and her face was difficult to look at instantly.

The aunt felt funny, but she didn't dare to show it at all. Yi Tian couldn't take her reaction into account, poured his porridge with a calm face and started cooking again. The aunt was no longer distracted this time, staring at him next to him and instructing step by step.

Yi Tian listened carefully to her words, and the movements on her hands were carefully and carefully. The aunt couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Yi is really interested, and now there are very few men willing to cook."

Yi Tianzheng looked at the porridge intently, smiled when he heard the words, "He knows how to cook." He usually doesn't talk at home, and his face is always expressionless. At first sight, it always makes people feel scared. Aunt is also the first. The second time I saw him laugh like this, the whole person seemed much more gentle.

The aunt looked back at the motionless person sitting in the dining room, and sighed slightly. When it comes to Mu Ran, she won't talk about it. It's only been so long. She has taken care of Mu Ran and has some feelings. She still feels sorry.

Yi Tian cooked the porridge, tasted it, and took a small bowl. It's still early, and letting Mu Ran drink some porridge will not affect his dinner. He thought about it, but didn't realize he could not wait.

Yi Tian went to the dining room and sat down beside Mu Ran, took the bowl and sipped some porridge, blew it, and tried the temperature with his mouth before handing the spoon to Mu Ran's mouth. Mu Ran is now very cooperative in eating. Without him to persuade, he would also open his mouth to eat the food.

After seeing Mu Ran chewing and moving his throat to swallow the porridge, Yi Tiancai was relieved to continue feeding him. Although it would take a while to have dinner, Mu Ran had a small appetite now, and Yi Tian didn't dare to let him eat more. After feeding a few bites, he put down the bowl.

Turning his head to see Mu Ran's lips wet with hot porridge, Yi Tian kissed without thinking. The aunt in the kitchen was holding a bowl of soup and wanted to drink it for Mu Ran. When she stepped out of the kitchen and looked up, she blushed back.

Yi Tian and Mu Ran are getting closer and closer now, and he is not avoiding others. His aunt has seen it several times, but she was a little helpless at first, but she got used to it, but she was still a little embarrassed. She was the one Su Wenyang found. She was deliberately confessed before she came, and she should have a sense of heart when she shouldn't look or ask. After a long time, she did not feel disgusted, but some feeling Yi Tian took care of Mu Ran carefully.

In the evening, when He Xudong called, Yi Tian had just taken a bath with Mu Ran and was pressing people into a deep kiss. The phone kept ringing, and he didn't care. Later, he was really annoyed. Yi Tiancai got up from Mu Ran violently to answer the phone, and his tone was very bad.

He Xudong smiled, wondering why he was so angry, and suddenly noticed that Yi Tian had not completely calmed down when he spoke. He Xudong used to play and was more sensitive to this. He immediately responded and uttered a snoring sound.

The next Xu Ran looked at him suspiciously, and He Xudong immediately haha ​​and walked to the balcony. Just kidding, if Xu Ran knew it, he immediately chopped Yi Tian with a knife.

When it was confirmed that Xu Ran couldn't hear himself, He Xudong lowered his voice and said to the phone, "You go out to bed with someone, Mu Ran. Is anyone guarding him?" He Xudong didn't care much about Mu Ran. He mainly felt that What happened to Mu Ran? Xu Ran had to go crazy.

Yi Tian coldly answered, "I'm at home."

He Xudong snorted and smiled profoundly, "You still took the person back" before Yi Tian answered, He Xudong suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and an incredible expression came, "I fuck! You With Mu Ran, you treat him ... no, "He Xudong couldn't believe it. Mu Ran is now a wooden man. He must haven't reacted in the bed, and it's better to do it with him. Besides, Yi Tian didn't want anyone, even if venting his desires, he couldn't make it to Mu Ran.

"You **** say something fast." Yi Tian was too lazy to deal with him, and his voice was impatient.

He Xudong coughed and touched his nose. "Well, what ... Lin Han asked me to come out for a meal, and he wanted to apologize to you." Lin Han didn't dare to call Yi Tian, ​​so he had to make He Xudong a middleman. I also feel that Lin Han has done too much, but for so many years, he did not want the two to stay so rigid.

Yi Tian didn't even think about it, and he refused: "No."

"It's not interesting to feed you this way, he doesn't know anything about it, and you are still angry with him after all ..." Ms. He Xudong started to think about it, Yi Tian hung up the phone without hesitation.

He Xudong listened to the beeping sound from his mobile phone, and was so angry that he almost didn't mention it, really **** ... he cares about these two people and he is a grandson!

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