
Chapter 62: Mu Ran continued 45

After preparing the meal, the man was a little embarrassed. He didn't know if the meal was He Yitian's appetite, and if he had any other requirements next. But Yi Tian didn't move his chopsticks. He picked up his wallet, found all the cash and handed it to the person, and Shen said, "I'm sorry to scare you. These should be compensated."

Where did the man dare to pick up the money, he quickly shook his head and refused. Yi Tian no longer reluctantly looked at the way he panicked.

"Excuse me, can I go?" The man looked at Yi Tian and asked carefully.

Yi Tian nodded and apologized to him for his recklessness.

The man knew that he could go back and let out a heavy sigh of relief, and after a few words with Yi Tian, ​​he turned and walked out. When he was approaching the door, he suddenly stopped and hesitated. He turned to Yi Tiandao and said, "That ..." He thought for a while, and confirmed it: "Muran."

Yi Tian heard his voice and looked up at him.

"If it is really a very important person ... just go to him." After speaking, he felt that he was a little nosy and a little uneasy.

Yi Tian froze, and then dumbly said, "Thank you."

The man blushed and waved, and then opened the door and went out.

The room was quiet and the dishes on the table were still hot.

Yi Tian went to the table and sat down. He picked up the chopsticks and picked a dish and tasted it. It was only after chewing twice in his mouth that he slowly put down his chopsticks.

He didn't understand the ingredients, the seasonings, and the heat. He could not tell what was wrong with him, but he could tell it in an instant, not a dish made by Mu Ran. However, he did not feel disappointed. He forcibly brought people back. He did not expect him to make dishes with the same taste as Mu Ran.

He just didn't see Mu Ran for too long, long enough to miss too much, but he couldn't find a talker. He just looked at that person and could comfort himself a little. When he got back Mu Ran, what kind of completeness and happiness he would have, this is all the motivation that supports him to persist to this day.

The hands under him slowly clenched, Yi Tian endured and endured, and finally picked up the key on the dining table and went out.

The car drove for a long time, it was a little late, he parked the car across the courtyard, stopped at the door, and for a short while he opened the door and went in.

He hadn't been back for a long time, and everything in the room was exactly what he was like when he left.

He remembered kissing Mu Ran on the sofa in the living room and deliberately kissing him out of breath, apparently there would be no response, but he always did something naive to bully him.

He feeds Mu Ran in the dining room and occasionally goes to kiss the corner of his mouth. After eating, he took Mu Ran to the flower room. During the process of arranging flowers and flowers, he turned back from time to time. After confirming Mu Ran's condition, he would rest assured to continue his movements.

But now the plants in the flower room are still full of vitality, and the padded rattan chair beside the wooden bookshelf is still there, but there is no one sitting there quietly waiting for him.

Yi Tian stood in place, a sudden cramp in his stomach, and then came a familiar pain. But he didn't care. Instead, he turned around and walked to the wine cabinet to pick up a bottle of spirits. He took a wine glass from the glass rack next to him, and then returned to the flower room and sat down.

In fact, he has never dared to live here. Mu Ran's figure and breath are everywhere here, and he can't do anything here.

Sometimes when dreaming, when he woke up, he could not understand the dream and reality. He whispered Mu Ran's name in the deserted darkness. After waiting for a long time to see the response, he could be sure that Mu Ran is now the reality . He always felt that Mu Ran was still there, but he waited for a day and couldn't wait for the phrase "I'm back" from the door. Occasionally I heard a gentle voice called Yi Tian, ​​and looked up again and again to find that there was no one around.

It took him a long time to tell himself that Mu Ran was absent, and it took him a long time to accept this fact. He now knows that the original request could not be so painful, and it turned out that Mu Ran had been with him for three years.

Yi Tian recalled, while drinking slowly, his stomach was burned every time he drank, but his face was still pale and there was no pain.

He Xudong felt uneasy after thinking about it. He called Yitian out of the box, but no one answered after waiting for a while. He Xudong frowned, preparing to hit the second one, but when he looked up, he saw that the man taken away by Yi Tian was talking to the bar manager in the front corridor. He Xudong strode forward, holding him and asking, "Where are the people who took you away?"

That man was originally today's class. He was pulled away somehow in the middle and now he is back. He was explaining to the manager. When Leng Buding was asked by He Xudong, he was startled. "I don't know ..." Tell what happened at Yi Tian's house.

After hearing this, He Xudong thanked him, then turned into the box to hold Lu Yuan on the sofa and walked out.

Lu Yuan was fighting fiercely with the woman next to him, and immediately hesitated with dissatisfaction.

He Xudong didn't talk nonsense to him, and said coldly: "You **** shut up for me, Yi Tian must be in trouble."

Lu Yuan was inexplicable, "What can happen to him? He must be now ..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the man taken away by Yi Tian standing outside the box, and Lu Yuan stopped his voice and stared, "What's the matter?" According to his ideas, Yi Tian is now going through the rain with this person. Why isn't one of the protagonists in bed at the door?

He Xudong was too lazy to care for him and dragged him straight out of the bar.

They first went to Yi Tian's apartment near the company, and asked at the door. When he knew that Yi Tian was driving out, He Xudong didn't think about it. He turned the car and went to the place where Yi Tian lived with Mu Ran. .

At the destination, Yi Tian's car stopped at the door. He Xudong and Lu Yuan got out of the car. Only when they walked to the courtyard did they see that the villa door was open and the lights in the room were on.

He Xudong strode into the room and was about to speak Yi Tian's name, and saw people sitting on the floor with their bookshelves on their backs, surrounded by bottles and glasses falling down. He Xudong hurried over to help Yi Tian get up, only to find that Yi Tian was pale, cold sweat on his forehead, shallow breathing and shortness of breath.

He Xudong looked at people who had lost his consciousness, and was so anxious that he turned to Lu Yuan, who was already dumbfounded behind him, "You don't have to come here to help!"

Lu Yuan just looked back, and hurried over to help Xu Tian with He Xudong, his face no longer had the same expression as before.

Yi Tian has always had gastric ulcers. This time, not only did he not take medicine to relieve the pain during the onset of stomach pain, but also deliberately drank alcohol. In addition, the emotional ups and downs eventually developed into acute gastric perforation. Fortunately, He Xudong paid attention to look for him, and sent him to the hospital with Lu Yuan in time, so nothing really happened.

"Do you want to die, are you going to cut your wrist like Mu Ran and you will be happy?" A few days after the operation, He Xudong jumped and cursed at Yitian Ward, Lu Yuan frowned and looked at them beside him, "No What the **** is going on ... "He Xudong was originally on the fire, but he scolded Yitian for a long time without saying a word. He simply shifted his firepower and yelled at the landing:" You **** is a pig brain, right, tell you Tens of thousands of times he loves Mu Ran. He loves Mu Ran. His dad didn't change him like that. Your mother didn't know what was going on! "

Lu Yuan was yelled inexplicably. It is because of Xu Ran's relationship that He Xudong saw Yi Tian's emotional changes to Mu Ran, and he knew Mu Ran better than others, and knew how many things were going on. But he is different. His cognition and impression of Mu Ran are still in the past. Let him accept the relationship between Yi Tian and Mu Ran at a glance. He simply cannot turn it around.

He Xudong still wanted to scold. The door was pushed open before a mouthful of words were spoken. Yi Tian's mother came in, and He Xudong and Lu Yuan immediately got up and said hello.

Yi Tian's mother smiled, but the smile seemed a little reluctant. "You go out first, let me talk to Yi Tian."

He Xudong and Lu Yuan quickly left the ward in response.

Yi Tian's mother walked to the bed and sat down. She looked at the abdominal drainage tube inserted in Yi Tian and said with a blank face: "Are you going to torture yourself to death?" Yi Tian answered, and she followed immediately Shaking his voice and asking, "Just for that Mu Ran"

Yi Tian was trying to soothe his mother. When he heard this, the expression on his face cooled down a little, and he said lightly, "Mom, go back, I'm fine, there won't be another time."

Yi Tian's mother smiled bitterly. If there is another time next time, will this son be able to talk to her alive? Today I heard the doctor said that the section of the test showed that Yi Tian's stomach was not cancerous, so she was relieved. How serious is your stomach problem?

Before she came, she talked to Su Wenyang. In her request to lower her posture, Su Wenyang only told her what kind of life Yi Tian had been in, and then told her that they had been checking Mu Ran's whereabouts. It's just that it is impossible to find Mu Ran without alarming Yi Tian's father at all. The action is too big, and he is afraid of what Yi Tian's dad did to Mu Ran, so Yi Tian will bear it till now. Looking at the current situation, Yi Tian was afraid that he would reach the limit.

Yi Tian's mother thought about Su Wenyang's words and looked up at Yi Tian's bloodless face. Finally she made up her mind and took out her cell phone to call Secretary Jiang.

Mu Ran has not gone to work in a restaurant these days. An elder of Wang Qin's family died. She took Li Ping back to her hometown, and the restaurant stopped temporarily. Mu Ran also thought about it. When Wang Qin came back, he told her that he would n’t do it after finishing this month. He wanted to change to a more relaxed job, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable every time he watched the child shrink to the cabinet and wait for him. .

"Tired or not, shall we go home?" Mu Ran took Mu Hien to play in the park today, and the child ran blushing.

Mu Quan said with a sip, opened the mouth with a straw and drank the rest of the drink, and ran to the trash bin not far away, throwing the paper cup, and ran back to Mu Ran's lap.

Mu Ran hugged her with a smile and seriously praised Xiao Mu's good behavior of not littering. Walking across the stone path in the park, Mu Ran pointed to the few pale pink hibiscus flowers left in late autumn, and said to Mu Hien, "This is the same flower as Mu Hiong's name."

Mu Hien stared at the flower, looked at it for a long while before turning back and yelling, "Hibiscus is so beautiful!"

The smile on Mu Ran's mouth was deeper, and he quickly nodded and agreed, "Yes, yes! Abba also looks so pretty!" He decided to name the child Mu Hi, first he thought the hibiscus flower was very beautiful, and later checked to see Hibiscus When the flower language was "gentle insistence", Mu Ran was immediately moved by this sentence and immediately determined the name.

He hoped that Mu's life would be like a flower language, as long as he persisted, he would be happy.

On the way home, Mu Ran deliberately mischievous. First, he shouted "Mu Geong". After Mu Ge looked at him strangely, he did not speak innocently again. Come and go a few times this way, Mu Ge also followed him to learn, every time he shouted "Mu Ge", he would shout "Aba!"

The father and daughter were so naive than the sound, and they laughed from time to time.

When he turned into the path leading to the house, he saw a man standing in front of the house. At first he didn't care, he was still laughing with Mu Ge, but after getting closer, Mu Ran hesitated.

When only two or three meters away from the man, Mu Ran stopped completely. The expression on his face was a bit arrogant, but it was more incredible, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The man kept silent, watching him silently.

I don't know how long, Mu Ran finally opened his mouth, his voice was very light, and he shouted in doubt: "Yi Tian"

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