My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 1087: Two babies went to find their father, Ye Sanshao's plan was very successful (5), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"They are too much." Ye Ye's face suddenly turned black.

"Okay, go back first, and come back later." Mrs. Ye knew that she could only endure at the moment, because they would marry the eldest lady of the Tang family in the future.

"I'll come by yourself in the future, I don't want to be kept out of the door anymore." This madness, Ye Ye couldn't stand it.

"For Lanchen, we must come. We took Miss Tang after Lanchen took the medicine. What if the Tang family really dealt with us?" Mrs. Ye Lao patiently persuaded herself, and persuaded Ye Ye, she knew this The consequences of this matter are serious.

When Ye Ye heard her words, she didn't speak.

"Actually, I think this is a good opportunity. If something like that did not happen that day, the Tang family would definitely not let Tang Qin'er marry the Ye family. Think about it. When our Ye family marries the Tang family, in the future Our Ye Family must be windy and rainy. For this, we have to bear it for the time being today." Obviously Mrs. Ye thought long-term.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Ye Ye's face eased down obviously, perhaps thinking of the future scenes, his lips could not help but lift Yang Yang.

"However, I think of Tang Qin's attitude towards us last time, and I was not very comfortable. If she was not the eldest lady of the Tang family, I would never allow Lan Chen to marry her." Ye Ye remembered the last time he pretended to have a leg injury The things exposed by Miss Tang Jiatang are even more dissatisfied with Miss Tang Jiatang.

"As the saying goes, marrying chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs, even if she is Miss Tang Jia, when she married our night house, you must be respectful to our two elders. It disappeared." Mrs. Ye looked at him and smiled slightly.

Mrs. Ye's words sounded very meaningful. Listen to the point of having a good education to marry your wife back home! ! !

I have to say, it’s not that the family didn’t enter the house, and Ye Ye immediately understood the meaning of Mrs. Ye, and her lips twitched a little lightly again: “Well, you’re right, wait for her to marry us. Yejia became the daughter-in-law of our Yejia, so she could not be respectful to us."

Fortunately, they are now outside the gate. Mrs. Donald didn't hear it. If Mrs. Donald heard it, it's estimated that he would use the broom to rush someone.

After Chu Wuyou sent Mr. Chu to the Tang family, she went to help the gangsters.

However, Jincheng is so big, there is no clue at all, it is really difficult to find.

The original video about Chu Ning'er was posted on a restaurant's website.

At the time the video was sent, the restaurant hadn't opened the door. The person didn't know whether it had broken the restaurant's password or had it been on the restaurant's network before?

I can't find that person now, so it's unknown.

The first video that the person posted outside the restaurant may be that the dens of those people were not too far away from this place. Of course, it was not ruled out that the gangsters deliberately placed a "smoke bomb".

Tang Ling checked the surveillance around the restaurant, but no suspicious person was found. Obviously, the person avoided all surveillance.

Tang Ling's people and the police over there carried out a key search near the restaurant, but nothing was found.

When Chu Wuyou arrived at the police station, Tang Ling and Shen Wushao were discussing...

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