My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 1091: Two babies go to dad, Ye Sanshao's plan is very successful (9), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"Fuck, this bunch of bastards, really TMD's don't take the police into consideration, their courage is too big." Shen Wushao couldn't help but scolded when he arrived in the community.

"The most dangerous places are sometimes the safest. I have to say that these people are really cunning." Tang Ling said this with a little comfort to Shen Wushao.

"It's not that the enemy is too cunning, it's Secretary Shen Weiwei's eyes that have been spent." Chu Wuyou is not at all polite. This is so close to the police station. The police go in and out every day, even if those people are hiding in the basement, but When there are discrepancies, it must not be that those people are hiding there for a day or two, so many policemen have not found anything strange? !

It is said that his dazzling is subtle, and he should be said to be blind.

At the moment, there were two other female police officers in the police car. When they heard Chu Wuyou's words, they were immediately shocked. This courage was too bold. Did they even say that?

Will their director be angry?

"Sansao was right, it was my dereliction of duty." Shen Wushao's attitude of admitting his mistakes is still very good. He is also truly aware of his mistakes.

"Just know it." Tang Ling patted his shoulder, and then got out of the car.

Chu Wuyou followed Tang Ling and got out of the car.

When several of them rushed by, the police just found the entrance to the basement, and all the policemen were at the entrance, planning to go down and catch people.

"Found it?" Shen Wushao was shocked when he saw the situation.

"Yes, it has been found. We are planning to go down to catch people, and all the policemen are transferred." A policeman quickly replied.

"Well, absolutely not let people run away." Shen Wushao nodded slightly, then asked again: "Is there only this entrance?"

"Well, we have just checked all, there is only this one entrance." The police replied again, very surely.

Chu Wuyou came over and looked at the ground and the surrounding area. A pair of eyes narrowed slightly: "There are other entrances and exits."

Chu Wuyou is very sure about this. Although it is outside the wall of the community, there are usually people passing by, so those people must not be able to carry Chu Ning'er, they will definitely drive the car to the entrance, and then Then take Chu Ning'er into the basement.

There is mud around the entrance, but there are no traces of wheels.

Chu Ning'er must not have been taken from here, so there must be another entrance.

"No, our people have just checked carefully all around to make sure there are no other entrances." The policeman didn't know Chu Wuyou, and after hearing her words, he directly refuted.

"There are indeed other entrances and exits, and immediately sent a large-scale blockade to search." Tang Ling looked at it, and his face changed for a while.

"Go, go quickly, hurry to arrange." Shen Wushao did not ask in detail, and gave the order first.

"The movement just now must have alarmed the people inside. I'm afraid it's..." Chu Wuyou's face was obviously heavy. "Quickly let people go down and search to see if they can catch someone."

In fact, the entrance of this basement is very concealed. Outside is a manhole cover of the sewer. Looking from a distance, we can't see any strangeness at all! !

However, if you look closely, you can't find anything strange, because the position of this manhole cover is obviously higher than the surroundings, which obviously does not conform to the design of the real sewer.

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