My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 1099: Ye Sanshao's real use, is this really good? (7), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

Chu Ning'er's eyes obviously had a bit of terrifying hatred, her lips moved, apparently she wanted to speak, but she didn't make a sound.

From last night to more than ten hours in the morning, she was tortured so much that she could not speak.

"Ning'er, you can't speak now, you don't have to say it, but you must remember what I said. You must push this matter to Chu Wuyou." Li Min saw her react, Seeing that she wanted to speak, but failed to say it, she immediately asked a few words.

"When I was at home, I checked the surveillance at home. It was recorded that Chu Wuyou went out with you that night, and then you were taken away by them. You told the police that Chu Wuyou deceived you. Go out, and then let the gangsters who had ambushed long ago abduct you." Li Min's eyes are full of shocking cruelty at this moment, she is afraid that Chu Ning'er can't understand, and still grasps Chu hard Ning'er's shoulder shook: "Ning'er, did you hear clearly?"

Chu Ning'er's eyes blinked and then nodded slowly. Her movements were very subtle, but her movements still caused some injuries, and she gasped.

Her body now is full of injuries and pain everywhere. She was tortured by those people for more than ten hours, and those people tried to change her ways to torture her.

She's so painful, she's so uncomfortable, and these are Chu's worries, so she must avenge her, she must avenge her.

"Very good." Li Min saw her nod, and there was obvious joy on her face. Obviously, she didn't notice Chu Ning's pain.

Moreover, it is clear that Li Min does not care much about Chu Ning'er's pain. Li Min knows clearly that if Chu Ning'er is to be framed without worry, this will definitely become a big problem. The depressed video will be dug out again and spread again, maybe even worse than last time.

That would be a heavier injury for Chu Ning'er, but Li Min didn't want those at all.

Li Min now thinks only of herself.

Li Min stood up, looked at Chu Zhijiang, and said slowly, word by word: "After the police came over and made a note, we directly charged Chu Wuyou."

"Okay, I listen to you. You must plan well this time and stop making mistakes." Chu Zhijiang nodded, agreeing with Li Min.

"Relax, there will be no mistakes this time. When Chu Wuyou is arrested, the Chu family is ours." Obviously, what Li Min missed most was the Chu family's property.

Chu Zhijiang's eyes were obviously bright, he nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, this is good, this is the best."

A smile appeared on both faces, and neither of them managed to control Chu Ning'er at the moment.

Chu Ning'er was lying on the bed, her eyes flashed when she heard Li Min's words, and her face seemed a little bit sad, but she immediately thought that as long as she could deal with Chu Wuyou, as long as she could avenge her Just fine.

Chu Wuyou had just left the police station, and a car suddenly stopped in front of her. Chu Wuyou recognized that it was Ye Sanshao's car.

When the car window fell, Ye Sanshao's perfect and impenetrable face came out. Well, it's beautiful, sexy, and charming!

Those who watched were reluctant to look away! Can't open your legs!

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