My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 1297: The little princess pitted the night three, and the father did not discuss it (2), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"According to what Miss Lin said earlier, Miss Lin was dragged into the room by Tang Ling last night and was persecuted by Tang Ling until very late. The next day, Miss Lin woke up in Tang Ling’s bed. After Miss Lin woke up, He called the police, right?" Chu Wuyou didn't know when she had entered the room. Her eyes looked at Miss Lin: "During this period, no one else came in, right?"

"Yes." Miss Lin's eyes fluttered slightly, but she answered quickly.

Chu Wuyou's eyes swept over her, and then went directly to the bed, found a hair under the pillow, and handed it to the forensic doctor: "Forensic doctor, please check, is this hair Tang Ling's? Miss Lin's ?"

"This hair is very short, it doesn't look like Miss Lin's, but it's a little longer than Tang Ling's hair..." Chu Wuyou deliberately added to herself.

"Perhaps it was a previous guest who stayed." Gu Qingyu responded quickly.

"Miss Lin is the waiter here, you should be very clear what kind of request is the room on the eighth floor? Like Captain Gu said, this may not exist." Chu Wuyou's eyes swept Gu Qingyu, and then looked at Lin Miss, the corner of your lips ticked slightly.

Miss Lin did not speak, but there was a faint change in her look.

"There is a bit of blood on the corner of this thin quilt. Could the forensic examiner be Miss Lin? Or Tang Ling?" It's very light, if you don't pay attention, it's really not easy to find.

Gu Qingyu brought the police over and there was no detailed inspection.

Miss Lin's face seemed a little nervous, and she sat up subconsciously.

"Okay." The forensic doctor echoed and began sampling.

"Forensic, can you tell when this blood stain was left?" Chu Wuyou suddenly asked when he saw the forensic sampling.

"Yes, the analysis time can be determined by the infiltration of serum chlorine." The forensic doctor stopped his movement, looked to Chu Wuyou, and returned quickly and professionally.

"Well, that troublesome forensic doctor also measured the time left by the blood stains." Chu Wuyou's lips slightly ticked, and she also deliberately glanced at Miss Lin.

Lin’s body was straighter.

The reporter saw this situation and began to talk quietly.

"What's happening here?"

"Those things were discovered from the bed. Under normal circumstances, it should be Miss Lin, or Chief Tang."

"If not?"

"If not! This thing is weird."

"According to Miss Lin, she was dragged into the room by Chief Tang last night and stayed until now, but no one came in during the period, so..."

"Don't be so, wait for the result quietly, don't talk nonsense before the result comes out."

This incident happened in Guoxin Hotel and involved Tang Ling. Before the matter was finalized, the reporter knew that he could not talk nonsense.

Gu Qingyu's eyebrows frowned slightly, his face faintly puzzled, and a pair of eyes looked subconsciously at Miss Lin sitting on the sofa.

Chu Wuyou saw that Gu Qingyu didn't know much about the situation. The person behind the design that framed Tang Ling probably knew that Gu's family was different from Tang's family, so he deliberately arranged for Gu Qingyu to come over.

As you can see, this Miss Lin is more important than Gu Qingyu.

For a time, no one inside or outside the room spoke, waiting quietly for the result.

The result is very important, it is also critical...

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