My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 956: The deepest secret he hid (2), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

Mrs. Ye knew that as long as he did not refuse, there would be hope for this matter.

Mrs. Ye didn't say anything more. She was very clear. To her son, it was not good to say more.

"I go to the kitchen to see the food. The food tonight is all you like." Mrs. Ye found a reason and left temporarily.

In the past two years, although Ye Bowen was willing to see her, she did not speak to her every time. Mrs. Ye knew that he did not like being disturbed.

"Brother Wen, it's been two years, and you are finally back." Jin Mingzhen walked over with a little caution after seeing Mrs. Ye's departure. She was afraid of Ye Bowen.

However, she is also very clear that in this family, as long as she catches the night blog post, the life will be better.

Ye Bowen's eyes drooped slightly, did not look at her, nor did she react in any way, it seemed that she did not hear her at all.

"Brother Wen, the old lady said this is good for you. Drink more." Jin Mingzhen's attitude towards him is not strange. She picked up the tea on the table and handed it to Yebowen.

Ye Bowen didn't pick it up, but he slowly raised his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were very cold, very cold, as if it could freeze people into ice cones.

Jin Mingzhen met his eyes and took a deep breath, his hand holding the cup trembling obviously.

She knew that Yeebo did not like her and never liked her. No, he didn’t just like her. He even hated her. He hated it to the extreme.

More than two years ago, the reason why he agreed to let her into the night house was not because he was injured and his feelings were fragile at the time, but because she had what he wanted at the time.

When he got what he wanted, he moved away from Yejia and was admitted to a nursing home.

The reason why he did not drive her out of Ye's house later was because she knew his secret and knew the deepest secret hidden in Ye Bowen's heart.

Therefore, she knew that he would never have a good face for her.

However, it does not matter, anyway, she is now living in the night house, he can not drive her out.

Jin Mingzhen smiled, and then sat on a chair next to her. There was no flattering on her face, but a little more ridicule: "Brother Wen, it's been so many years, you haven't forgotten her."

When Jin Mingzhen mentioned ‘She’, her teeth bite secretly, and the mockery of the corners of her lips became more obvious.

"Go.." Ye Bowen's eyes narrowed quickly, a face suddenly gloomy to the extreme, the rolling word was squeezed out from his teeth.

"Brother Wen, don't be angry, you are all back now, don't leave anymore, we are good husbands and wives." Jin Mingzhen's words sounded very gentle, but it was an obvious threat to Yebowen.

Jin Mingzhen is well aware that if Ye Bowen stays at Yejia, her situation will be much better, and she and her son will get more.

Ye Bowen didn't speak anymore, but just looked at her coldly, except for her cold eyes, she still had no emotion at all.

"Brother Wen, you said, if you let Ye Lanchen know the truth of that year, what would he do? You have to know that now Ye Lanchen is not a nine-year-old kid." This time, Jin Mingzhen Not afraid, anyway, no matter what she does, Yebo will not like her, only hate her, so why does she not use the chips in her hands to make her better?

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