My 1979

Chapter 1001 Social People

Zha Haisheng smiled and said, "I hope there will be no fault."

"Huh?" Li He looked at Zha Haisheng blankly and found that he had really changed.

"Is there no flowers on my face?" Zha Haisheng was a little confused and didn't understand what Li He was staring at!

Li He took a sip of tea and said, "If it were you before, do you know what you would say?"

Zha Haisheng shook his head, "You know me so well?"

Li He said, "You would say that you want nothing to be ashamed of, instead of saying that you want nothing to do. This is the difference between you now and you in the past."

Zha Haisheng was suddenly stunned, as if his heart had been stabbed by Li He at once.

The box suddenly fell into silence, which was so quiet that it made people panic.

At this time, the waiter came in with the food. Zha Haisheng's girlfriend took the opportunity to break the awkward atmosphere and said with a smile, "Brother Li, okay, I'll pour you a drink. You are the one Haisheng in our family mentions the most."

The most talked about thing is how you enlightened him and helped him in the past, and he was very grateful. "

"Thank you." Li He stood up, put the wine glass under the bottle, then took the bottle and said with a smile, "You're welcome, we'll do it ourselves. If you don't want to drink, just eat more vegetables. You're welcome."

"My surname is Xie, Xie Lingling. You can just call me Xiao Xie. I am in the same system as Haisheng." Zha Haisheng's girlfriend announced her family name.

"Then I'll call you Xiao Xie." Li He nodded and clinked a glass towards Zha Haisheng, "It's up to you."

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

"I'm done too." Zha Haisheng was halfway through drinking the wine when he suddenly choked and coughed so much that mucus came out of his nose.

"If you can't drink, don't be brave. Brother Li is not an outsider." Xie Lingling complained as she helped Zha Haisheng, "Do you think that if someone calls you "Zha Secretary" every day, it doesn't matter if they follow you, and you don't know how much you drink?"

"Then I won't drink. Your ability to drink has not changed." Li He frowned, but soon relaxed. In fact, it was still his fault. He should not have made himself unhappy, and he should not have said those things that made people unhappy. The so-called life perception.

"No, Brother Li, don't listen to her. Let's continue drinking. I can't drink liquor." Zha Haisheng said to Xie Lingling, "How about you ask the waiter to bring beer?"

Xie Lingling was unwilling at first, but when she saw the look in Zha Haisheng's eyes, she finally left the box and closed the door.

After asking the waiter to serve the beer, she didn't go in again. She wasn't a fool. Zha Haisheng was just chasing her out of his heart.

After the beer arrived, Zha Haisheng opened a bottle for himself, poured a full glass, then stood up and picked it up and said, "Brother Li, I'm sorry, I let you down!"

The rim of the cup is facing down, not a drop has been dropped.

"I'm sorry, I said something wrong. I drink and punish myself." Li He said and drank all the wine in the glass, then poured another glass until all three glasses were finished.

"Brother, do you still remember what you told me back then? You said that people are members of society. I don't understand this until now. If I am separated from society, I cannot be considered a person!" Zha Haisheng was also unambiguous. Finished another drink.

Li He smiled and said, "Let's not mention these things. I am happy to see you doing well. Really, I will always take care of you."

Speaking of which, he felt it was inappropriate.

Treat him like a younger brother?

But he is Secretary Zha!

You can't say this!

Although no one is superior to the other, we are just afraid that the other party will think too much, so there is no need to embarrass each other.

"Be a good friend! A very good friend!"

"Thank you, Brother Li, I also regard you as my best friend!" Zha Haisheng said very emotionally.

"Cheers to friendship!" Li He didn't want to say anything else.

After finishing the meal, Zha Haisheng rushed to pay the bill. Li He winked at the hotel manager and allowed him to buy without doing anything to stop him.

He sent Zha Haisheng and Xie Lingling to the door and watched them walk through an intersection before getting into the oncoming jeep.

"Let's go." Li He also smiled and greeted Zhang Bing, who had not come forward, and then the two of them also crossed the road and found their car.

He suddenly felt comforted, indicating that both of them were willing to handle their personal relationships with ordinary people's identities and mentality, and no one was willing to show off his status, wealth, and power in front of anyone.

The only thing to blame is this society, which forcibly pushes them forward and gives them different roles. They were originally ordinary people who were carefree, but in the end they risked losing their souls to show themselves.

Lying on his back on the seat, he was about to take a nap when he heard Zhang Bing say, "Pingsong called."

"Is something wrong?" Li He was so dizzy that he couldn't open his eyes.

"There is really something wrong with Feng Lei. He registered several companies in the name of his brother-in-law and his wife, and Hexia Leather was almost wiped out by him." Zhang Bing spoke seriously for once, even a little cautiously.

"What?" Li He immediately sat up straight, almost thinking he had misunderstood, "What does he want to do?"

Hexia Leather is affiliated to Hexia Furniture Factory, and Fu Xia has always been checking the accounts. Li He is not very clear. Even if Fu Xia checked the accounts, it was just for coping, because she had no reason not to believe Feng Lei.

Zhang Bing sighed and said, "It's possible for Feng Lei."

He said hesitantly.

"You mean he wants to start his own business and just make a fortune and leave?" Li He guessed.

Zhang Bing nodded, "I heard Ping Song meant this."

"Does Fu Xia know?" After all, she is Fu Xia's person, and Li He still hopes that Fu Xia will handle it by herself.

But from a true emotional point of view, he was unwilling to believe that Feng Lei would do such a thing without a clear investigation!

It can be said that Feng Sui Liu, a half-grown child, grew up under his watch!

He knew this child's character!

No matter how you look at it, you don’t look like someone who can betray him!

The most important thing is that Feng Lei knew what he was capable of, how could he take such a risk!

Is it because you know him so well that you are betting on his kindness?

Easy to talk to?

Expect him to let it go gently?

"Ping Song didn't say that." Zhang Bing shook his head.


"Yes." Zhang Bing parked the car on the side of the road.

Li He looked at Zhang Bing and said word by word, "If Feng Lei is not trustworthy, Ping Song is also worthy of doubt. You go and investigate."

"Okay." When Zhang Bing saw the fierce look in Li He's eyes, he felt horrified.

"Start the investigation from Guo Fuxing." Li He's fist was clenched. If Ping Song framed Feng Lei, then Ping Song had a problem. If Feng Lei really rebelled, then Ping Song would definitely not be able to escape!

A child who was once so honest has become a traitor. He doesn't believe that a smart person like Pinsong can be free from tricks.

He can accept these people secretly taking advantage of him, but he will never accept them cheating him openly!

The one who really thinks that Li Laoer is easy to talk to is the real fool!

ps: Say 10,000 more sorry words! I'm really, really sorry! I hate myself so much! !

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