My 1979

Chapter 1005 Jealousy and Envy

Zhang Shulin said apologetically, "Why are you so embarrassed? Mr. Li, you really don't have to be so polite."

Li He's enthusiasm surprised him. Is he really a potential stock worthy of being friends with him like this?

His wife also echoed, "Yes, Mr. Li, I can't let you spend so much money. You also have children at home, so you should take it back. I appreciate your kindness."

As he spoke, he held the child with one hand and was about to take it out of the trunk with the other. Li He hurriedly stopped him, touched his daughter's little face, and said with a smile, "This little girl looks cute, what's wrong with more toys? Mr. Zhang , if you care about this hundred and ten yuan thing with me, we will be separated from each other in the future, and there will be no need to be friends."

"Hey, Mr. Li, you're welcome." When Zhang Shulin heard what Li He said, he really couldn't refuse anymore. It seemed too pretentious, so he just said to his wife, "You can take the children to the car first. It’s windy outside.”

"Thank you, Mr. Li." His wife smiled at Li He and nodded, then she got into the car with the little girl in her arms.

"You're welcome, what's this worth?" Li He also waved to the little girl.

Zhang Shulin said, "Mr. Li, if not, I will send them back first, and how about we meet for a drink later?"

"Thank you very much, but I have an appointment with someone today, so it's really inconvenient. I'll treat you when I have time, and we'll have a good drink. Let's forget about it today." If the little girl was here, Li He might be able to have some drinks with Zhang Shulin. The wine jar is not there, so why not drink as much as you want?

But he did make an appointment with Qi Hua, so he couldn't delay it any longer. No matter who he was dealing with, he was always punctual.

"Okay, see you next time." Zhang Shulin felt regretful.

Li He said, "Tomorrow morning, I will arrange for someone to go to Mr. Zhang's company, and you can discuss the specific cooperation matters yourself."

"I'm sure you'll be waiting, then I'll be waiting?" Although Li Hewen didn't ask Zhang Shulin if he had time tomorrow, but for Zhang Shulin, no matter if he had time or not, he had to make a priority arrangement, no matter what happened tomorrow morning They all have to push it, and they must receive the people sent by Li He.

"Definitely." The two exchanged a few words casually, and Li He said goodbye to him.

Qi Hua was waiting in Xiao Wei's office at Jingmei Group. He was probably waiting because he was anxious and bored. He drank pot after pot of tea. The result of drinking too much was to go to the toilet again and again.

Serena teased, "Are you not married yet? Are you vain?"

"There's nothing wrong with me! It's very normal!" Qi Hua blushed, clearly teasing him about going to the men's department! He said unconvinced, "Who said you can't go to the toilet if you drink too much water!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, my fault." Xiao Wei originally wanted him to find some common topics for men, but when he saw that the other man was annoyed, it was obvious that he was someone who didn't take teasing, so he stopped asking for trouble and just said, "How about Can I make you another pot of tea? I see you like drinking water quite a lot."

Since he belongs to the people Li He is willing to meet, he won't do too badly in the future, and Xiao Wei doesn't want to offend anyone casually.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang." Qi Hua found himself a little emotional and hurriedly apologized. In terms of status, Jiang Wei was infinitely higher than him! "Thank you, I won't drink anymore."

Huang Guoyu opened the door and came in, saying, "Mr. Li is here."

Xiao Wei was about to go out to pick her up when Li He was already in the corridor.

He said to Qi Hua, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was temporarily delayed by something."

"I just arrived too." How dare Qi Hua ask Li He to apologize to him.

"Come in." Li He smiled and didn't take it seriously.

After sitting down, Qi Hua said, "I have handed over the Unilever Education Foundation to Zhao Kangning. He is a Thai Chinese and graduated from Harvard Business School. He has worked for major international companies and funds such as Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance and ned. Yes, he has outstanding abilities and is a rare talent.”

"Thank you for your hard work." Li He turned to ask, "You graduated from Wharton School of Business, right?"

Qi Hua nodded, "Yes."

Li He continued to ask, "My parents are in China?"

Qi Hua said, "Yes, my father is a grassroots government worker in eastern Guangdong, and my mother is a teacher."

Li He said, "Oh, it's not easy to train you. I hope to pay you a visit when I have time. I have trained such an outstanding person like you."

"Don't take it seriously, Mr. Li, you are over-praising me." Qi Hua was surprised and happy by Li He's few words of praise, but he was still a little confused. What did this mean?

Li He asked, "I still need a secretary here. Are you interested?"

"Ah!" Not only Qi Hua was stunned, but Xiao Wei, Huang Guoyu and others next to him were also stunned!

What an international joke!

Such a hairless person!

He can actually be Li He’s secretary!

And Li He also asked for his opinion!

You know, over the years, everyone has recommended many people, but Li He was so picky that no one caught his eye!

Therefore, until today, the position of Li He's secretary has always been vacant, and it belongs to Ding Shiping, Zhang Bing, Dong Hao and others who take turns to work part-time.

Maybe Qi Hua in front of him didn't even realize the importance of this position!

Even though Jiang Wei is already in the position of a winner in life, he can't say he should be jealous! Or continue to be jealous!

People are more likely to die than others!

"Mr. Li, I will definitely work hard!"

Qi Hua was a little incoherent.

modesty? Humility?

Or wait like Zhuge Liang to visit the thatched cottage three times!

Give me a break!

Don't lose everything by stealing the chicken, it's better to be more relaxed!

"That's good." Li He said with a smile on his face, "When can I start working? First find a house here and make arrangements for accommodation and luggage."

Qi Hua said, "Mr. Li, there are many houses. I can find one to stay in later. I always bring all my luggage with me when I go out. If you need anything, you can always give me instructions."

He also worked hard for his future!

"Well, then you should hurry up. But there is something you have to keep in mind." Li He said, "Wanbei Renewable Resources Co., Ltd. is wholly owned by me. Help me apply for a branch here, and you will be the branch manager. , the salary will be collected from the branch. Also, tomorrow morning you go to Xiabitong Real Estate and find the manager of Xiazhang to discuss the matter of becoming a shareholder. After the negotiation is completed, the contract will be signed in the name of the branch. "

This is all done for her daughter, and it can be regarded as a private matter. Since it is a private matter, he can naturally separate it now. He only uses his own money to do it, so let Ping Song, Chen Lihua, Fu Biao and others participate. It takes a lot of words to explain the fabricated meaning of investing in Beitong real estate.

On the other hand, he will not let Pinsong and others get involved until the things he suspects are investigated clearly.

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