My 1979

Chapter 1014 Whose thing is it?

The originally dark house finally got some light, but the figure blocking the door and the drizzle outside made the house feel more gloomy.

She hoped that this door would not be opened.

Under that face, sparks of light flickered. After a few steps, he arrived in front of her. She smelled the strong smell of cigar smoke, and then the smoke came directly to her face. She wanted to cough, but she still tried her best. Hold it in.

Li He sat on the chair that Fu Biao brought over, crossed his legs, and said, "What you are doing is illegal. You are illegally detained. Why don't you untie Miss Liang quickly? It's terrible to be uneducated!"

The speakers were all skillfully unlocked.

"Ah" Liang Wenying couldn't believe that he was let go so easily. Looking at the expressionless Li He, even if he could move, he didn't dare to move. He only dared to gently shake the already long The numb wrists.

"Miss Liang isn't leaving yet? Do you want me to keep you here for dinner?" Li He sneered, "It's easier to feed dogs than to feed people these days. If you don't raise them well, you'll become a white-eyed wolf and suffer the consequences. I It’s better to leave a bowl of rice for yourself. Get out of the way and don’t block Miss Liang’s path. They are taking Yangguan Avenue.”

Fu Biao, Xiao Xiaoquan and others stepped aside to get out of the way, stood behind Li He, and just looked at Liang Wenying jokingly.

Liang Wenying still didn't move. She was not a fool. The other party had worked hard to tie her up, so he couldn't let her go so easily.

Her mind was spinning rapidly. There was obviously something in Li He's words, but she couldn't figure it out for a while.

After a long while, she bravely stood up, took out a cigarette from the table, lit it, and after exhaling the smoke ring for a long time, she took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Li, do we have anything?" Misunderstanding? You make it clear that I really don’t know where I offended you."

Li He said nothing.

Speaker Quan said, "Is there a misunderstanding or not? I think you know better, right?"

"Mr. Li, our cooperation over the years has been very pleasant. With your full support, Liyou Group has grown larger and larger, and you have also received generous investment reports. If I have not done anything well, Please correct me. Even though I am a prostitute, I still dare to take responsibility." Liang Wenying now dared to meet Li He's eyes.

"Dare you dare to do something? That's easy to say." Li He winked at Lan Shifang, and a stack of photos fell on the table.

"This is..." Liang Wenying picked up the photos on the table and said doubtfully after a long while, "Mr. Li, these things are all mine and were sent to the auction house."

"Yours?" Li He said with a smile, "When did it become yours? You don't know these things are mine!"

"Mr. Li, I bought these things from others." Liang Wenying explained hurriedly.

"Someone else?" Li He smiled angrily, smoking his cigar even brighter, "Who is this someone else?"

"You also know this person. Just because you know me, I dare to buy it." Liang Wenying seemed to have a premonition of something.

"Who?" Li He then asked.

Chen Lihua said bravely, "But Mr. Li, there are rules in the industry. I promised the other party to keep it confidential, so I can't spit it out casually. I don't think you want to find an insincere person as a partner, right?"

"Then you can go." Li He didn't force him, he was so forceful, "I don't think I need a partner who betrays me."

"Mr. Li!" The more Li He said this, the more Liang Wenying dared not leave.

If she really left, it would mean that her relationship with Li He was completely broken, and she couldn't afford the losses after the break, and she didn't dare to bear it.

Suddenly she realized that if Li He withdrew the funds instantly, the debtor would cross the threshold and she would have nothing, so she did not dare to gamble and could not afford to gamble.

Speaker Quan said, "Liang, what do you really think you are? You should understand that there is no secret about what Mr. Li wants to check in Hong Kong. She asked you to say that she just wanted to confirm it, so you said or not Say, it really doesn’t matter, it’s not important.”

At this moment, Liang Wenying was stared at by everyone, and she felt uncomfortable all over. As a powerful businessman, she was forced to do this. Needless to say, she felt pain in her heart.

After weighing it again and again, she gritted her teeth and said, "It was Li Shubai, it was Li Shubai who sold it to me. Mr. Li, I really didn't know those things were yours! If I knew those things were yours, I would tell you immediately That’s right! Such a misunderstanding will never happen!”

"Sold to you?" Li He shook his head, "He is such a shrewd person. He could just send it to the auction house himself, so why should he let you go through the process of getting his hands dirty? How rare does he become dementia when he gets older? "

Liang Wenying said, "Li Shubai said that he was in a hurry for money and wanted to sell them all to me at once. Things are rare and valuable. If his hundreds of items were sent directly to the auction house, it would have an impact on the market. No matter how valuable the items are, If you can’t get a price, you might as well sell it to me at once and I’ll give him a reasonable price.”

She didn't see surprise on Li He's face. It seemed like what Xiao Xiaoquan said was true. Li He knew everything and just came to her for confirmation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"How did you meet? There are so many rich people in Hong Kong, why did they sell to you?" Li He didn't believe her one-sided words.

"We met at Yu Dehua's mother's birthday party. When Yu Dehua's mother introduced him, she said that he and you have been friends for many years, and you respect him very much, so everyone naturally treats him with admiration." Liang Wenying watched. Li He said with a look on his face, "There are a lot of people collecting antiques in Hong Kong, but not many people like me know about antiques. You also know some things. This is how I made my first pot of gold, so it's not just him. They will come to me, and others will come to me, because my prices are fair and I am honest.”

"How did he tell you the source of these things?" This is what Li He is most concerned about.

"Li Shubai said that he picked up these things from the mainland."

"Are you a fool? That's okay!" Li He sneered, "Why is he capable of picking up so many leaks!"

Everything he recovered later was all bought at a huge price!

"Yes." Liang Wenying did not refute.

Li He asked, "How many pieces did he give you?"

"One hundred and zero." Liang Wenying thought for a while before confirming, "One hundred and seven!"

"Are you sure?" Li He frowned and said, "There are only 107 pieces?"

This is still 14 pieces different from the 121 pieces he lost. So the remaining 14 pieces are still in Li Shubai's hands?

He still couldn't figure it out.

What the hell is Li Shubai trying to do?

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